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Up Directory CCL 20.11.23 New Horizons in Scientific Software: from Legacy Codes to Modular Environments
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Mon Oct 19 08:08:25 2020
Subject: 20.11.23 New Horizons in Scientific Software: from Legacy Codes to Modular Environments
“New Horizons in Scientific Software: from Legacy Codes to Modular Environments”

It is our great pleasure to invite you to participate in the web conference taking place 
from Nov 23 to Nov 26, 2020. This is the first conference in a series dedicated to the 
development and application of modular computational platform for the general science 
and technology community. As the old-fashioned approach to developing and 
maintaining computational programs becomes obsolete, an emerging concept of 
software modularity offers an elegant and timely solution of the looming problems 
by providing an open development ecosystem where new computational approaches 
can be rapidly created from modules uploaded at the web repository by the interested 
users and developers. 

We have more than 20 world renowned speakers such as Prof. Mark Gordon (ISU), 
T. Daniel Crawford (Virginia Tech.), Massimo Olivucci (University of Siena), 
Garnet Chan (Caltech) and others, who are actively developing the most popular 
quantum mechanical softwares, such as GAMESS, Psi4, pySCF, Molcas, Columbus, 
Newton-X, DCDFTBMD, Gellan, Libint, etc. 

A free registration is now open as a first-come-first-serve basis with the limit of 500 participants

With the best regards,

Cheol Ho Choi 
Department of Chemistry, Kyungpook National University, South Korea, Email: 

With the organizing committee of
Dr. Jeong Hyeon Seo at the Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI)  Email:

Prof. Michael Filatov at the Department of Chemistry, Kyungpook National University, South Korea Email:
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Modified: Mon Oct 19 12:08:25 2020 GMT
Page accessed 2553 times since Mon Oct 19 12:07:13 2020 GMT

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