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Up Directory CCL 21.06.22 Webinar - New Approaches in GPCR Drug Design - June 22 (4PM - CET/10AM - EDT)
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Tue Jun 8 09:50:29 2021
Subject: 21.06.22 Webinar - New Approaches in GPCR Drug Design - June 22 (4PM - CET/10AM - EDT)
With around 35% of approved drugs targeting 108 members of GPCRs, 
this protein family is probably one of the most interesting and 
challenging targets when designing new drugs that modulate the 
downstream processes regulated by these proteins.

This new session of PharmWebinars intends to show which are the
current challenges and state-of-the-art computational approaches
in this area. We have invited three excellent speakers to share how
they face the design of new drugs against these complex systems
and the challenges they encounter. As usual, the webinar will have
a Q&A session to ask and share experiences.


Contact Email: mel(dot)berg(at)pharmacelera(dot)com
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Modified: Tue Jun 8 13:50:29 2021 GMT
Page accessed 2194 times since Tue Jun 8 13:46:21 2021 GMT

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