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Up Directory CCL 21.11.22 Virtual Winter Workshop on Multiscale Modelling in Materials Science, Chemistry and Biology
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Sun Jul 18 10:47:07 2021
Subject: 21.11.22 Virtual Winter Workshop on Multiscale Modelling in Materials Science, Chemistry and Biology
Are you working on the development of new multiscale modelling techniques?
Do you want to share your experience, learn new techniques and network with 
experts and young researches working in this field?

We invite you to join the Virtual Winter Workshop on:
"Multiscale modelling in materials science, chemistry, and biology:
How to meet, greet, and beat scale-bridging challenges" on November 22-23, 2021.

For more information, please visit:

Conference description:
Many interesting research problems cover a broad range of time- and length scales, which are
a severe challenge for the multiscale methods developed to date. One of them is that these
problems are recursive, i.e., events on longer time-scales influence structure and function on
shorter time-scales. The aim of this workshop is to address challenges not covered by
standard multi-scale simulation methods, highlighting examples from different fields such as
friction, organic semiconductors, heterogeneous catalysis and biological function. Leading
scientists cover both state-of-the-art and novel simulation concepts and theoretical
approaches to address such scale-bridging problems via tailored combinations of quantum-
chemical, molecular dynamics, coarse-grained and continuum models.

Contributed talks and poster session
Deadline for abstract submission: End of September 2021

M. Elstner, K. Fink, P. Gumbsch, F. Graeter, M. Hochbruck, S. Hoefener, W. Klopper,
M. Kozlowska, T. Kubar, L. Pastewka, A. Schug, A. Streit, F. Studt, W. Wenzel

Invited speakers
David Beljonne, Universite de Mons, Belgium
Peter Bobbert, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Qiang Cui, Boston University, US
James Ewen, Imperial College London, UK
Ding Feng, IBS Center for Multidimensional Carbon Materials, Korea
Geoffroy Hautier, Dartmouth College, US
Ville Kaila, Stockholm University, Sweden
Roland Netz, FU Berlin, Germany
Andela Saric, UCL, UK
Christoph Schuette, FU-Berlin, Germany
Cristiana Di Valentin, University of Milano Bicocca, Italy
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Modified: Sun Jul 18 14:47:07 2021 GMT
Page accessed 2361 times since Sun Jul 18 14:17:40 2021 GMT

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