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Up Directory CCL 23.03.02 Cresset Webinar: Australian Program for Drug Repurposing for Treatment Resistant Ovarian Cancer
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Wed Feb 22 05:54:35 2023
Subject: 23.03.02 Cresset Webinar: Australian Program for Drug Repurposing for Treatment Resistant Ovarian Cancer
Date: Thursday 2nd March, 2023
Time: 3pm CET / 2pm GMT / 9am EST
Duration: 45 minutes
Format: Webinar


We look forward to welcoming Professor Nikola Bowden, University of Newcastle
to host this upcoming webinar with Dr Martin Slater, Director of Discovery, Cresset.

High grade serous (HGS) ovarian cancer is the most common subtype of ovarian 
cancer and has a poor 5-year survival rate due to disease recurrence and 
resistance to current therapies. Effective new therapies are urgently required. 
Ongoing efforts to find new drug targets are continuing, but traditional drug 
development requires approximately 12-16 years processing time and investment 
of USD$1-2 billion to achieve market approval. This lengthy development pipeline, 
while necessary for identifying innovative treatments, is not the only option for 
providing patients with timely access to efficacious, cost-effective therapy. Drug 
repurposing is a method for identifying new uses for approved or investigational 
drugs that are outside the scope of the original intended or approved medical use. 
The development of repurposed drugs is attractive because therapeutic advances 
and new drug options for ovarian cancer patients has been far slower than expected.

The Australian program for drug repurposing for treatment resistant ovarian cancer 
is working with Cresset Discovery to screen Federal Drug Administration (FDA) and 
European Medicines Agency (EMA) approved drugs for potential interaction with 
well-defined 'druggable' targets specific to ovarian cancer. This is a world first 
large-scale program of drug repurposing for ovarian cancer. Over the 5-years of 
this program we aim to screen 20 drug targets/biological pathways, identified 
as targets for treatment-resistant HGS ovarian cancer.

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