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Up Directory CCL 23.06.13 Torx 2.0: Accelerate your drug discovery with holistic, connected workflows and communication capabilities across the DMTA cycle
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Fri May 19 10:52:14 2023
Subject: 23.06.13 Torx 2.0: Accelerate your drug discovery with holistic, connected workflows and communication capabilities across the DMTA cycle

Date: Tuesday June 13th, 2023
Time: 4pm BST / 11am EDT / 8pm PDT
Duration: 45 minutes
Format: Webinar

Accelerate your drug discovery with holistic, connected workflows 
and communication capabilities across the DMTA cycle.

The cloud-native Torx® platform is the only complete DMTA (design-make-test-analyze) 
solution on the market. It provides chemistry teams with a centralized location to 
create, share and manage compounds, synthesis and biological testing. By coordinating 
activities across internal and external teams it streamlines the drug discovery process, 
for optimum use of time and budgets whilst ensuring that only mission critical 
information is shared. Torx enables efficient CRO partner collaboration in the Design, 
Make and Test stages of the DMTA cycle, offering secure communication vital to project 

Torx® V2.0 introduces a range of new features which extend the scientific reach and 
improve the usability of the platform- offering a unique capability for the entire 
DMTA workflow. Extended molecular docking of newly designed compounds to include 
covalent ligands, enables medicinal chemists to create 3D pose alongside property 
predictions to assess their suitability for progression. Furthermore, the new 
integration with CAS SciFinder enables easy interrogation of synthetic feasibility, 
reagent availability, and patentability issues.

Join us on June 13 for an informative webinar where Dr. Tim Cheeseright, CEO, 
Torx Software will discuss the key enhancements, features and benefits offered by 
the latest release.

If you’re unable to attend, request a demo to see how you can inspire your research 
teams to work together and deliver faster.

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Modified: Fri May 19 14:52:14 2023 GMT
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