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Up Directory CCL 24.09.02 2nd Global Meet on Power and Energy Engineering
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Sat Nov 4 02:29:42 2023
Subject: 24.09.02 2nd Global Meet on Power and Energy Engineering
Prepare to be amazed! Prime Meetings is all set to organize the second series of the 2nd Global Meet on Power and Energy Engineering in the mesmerizing city of Dubai, UAE from September 02-04, 2024. This extraordinary event promises to be a remarkable platform for scientists and research professors from across the globe.

Scientists and research professors from around the globe will be flocking to this magnificent event, eager to present their latest findings and share their expertise. This meeting is not just a mere gathering; it is a platform where minds come together to revolutionize the world of power and energy engineering.

Be prepared for an awe-inspiring experience as you delve into discussions on renewable energy sources, smart grids, energy efficiency, and so much more. Each session will leave you captivated by the wealth of knowledge being shared by pioneers in the field.

Get ready for an extraordinary journey into the realm of power and energy engineering at the 2nd Global Meet. This meeting is not only beneficial but essential for those seeking to stay at the forefront of this rapidly evolving industry. Expand your knowledge, network with like-minded professionals, and embrace a future powered by innovations.
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Modified: Sat Nov 4 06:29:43 2023 GMT
Page accessed 1495 times since Sat Nov 4 06:24:53 2023 GMT

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