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Up Directory CCL 24.09.25 CECAM workshop on Peripheral Membrane Protein Interactions
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Tue Apr 23 17:01:28 2024
Subject: 24.09.25 CECAM workshop on Peripheral Membrane Protein Interactions
We want to bring to your attention the CECAM Flagship Workshop 
on "Understanding Peripheral Protein-Membrane Interactions: 
Membrane Recognition, Dynamics, Function and Therapeutic Opportunities" 
on 25-27 September 2024, at the CECAM headquarters in EPFL, Lausanne, 
Switzerland. Most speakers have already accepted (see link) and 
we think it will be an exciting workshop. 

The workshop focuses on understanding the structure and dynamics 
of peripheral membrane proteins to include systems protein-protein 
and protein-ligand interactions at the membrane, their transient 
states, the protein-membrane interface, and therapeutic opportunities 
using equilibrium and non-equilibrium simulation methods, machine 
learning as well as experimental approaches. Moreover, the role of 
protein-lipid interactions and comparison to integral proteins will 
be discussed. The idea is to bring simulation and experiments under 
the same roof to stimulate discussions in this exciting but relatively 
overlooked area of membrane protein research.

please let us know if you have questions or use the above link to register:

With best regards,

Matthias Buck (Case Western Reserve University) 
Zoe Cournia (Biomedical Research Foundation, Academy of Athens)
Alemayehu Gorfe (University of Texas McGovern Medical School, Houston )
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Modified: Tue Apr 23 21:01:28 2024 GMT
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