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Up Directory CCL 24.11.25 School Quantum Chemistry of Excited States, Babes-Bolyai University (UBB), Cluj-Napoca, Romania
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Tue Aug 6 07:39:01 2024
Subject: 24.11.25 School Quantum Chemistry of Excited States, Babes-Bolyai University (UBB), Cluj-Napoca, Romania
The school provides an overview of modern methods used for description of 
the ground and excited states with a focus on multiconfigurational methods. 
The teaching is not limited to the lectures about the methods, 
but it also includes intensive hands-on sessions. 

Main topics to be covered include:
 - The methods for the electronic structure calculations
 - Single reference methods and response theory
 - Multiconfigurational theory: the past, present and future
 - Electronic structure properties and spectroscopy

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Modified: Tue Aug 6 11:39:01 2024 GMT
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