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This site contains a lot of great educational material for organic

Torganal simulates the laboratory process of identifying unknown organic
compounds (at early university level). By using this program before starting
laboratory work, students can rehearse the strategy of identifying an unknown
in a situation free from the additional uncertainties of performing unfamiliar
laboratory tasks and then having to rely on the results. Interpretation of
spectra may also be practised. 

Torganal has been reviewed very favourably in England and Australia and is
now being used by hundreds of students each year in universities in countries
throughout the world (mainly Australia, England, and USA). Version 4 of the
program was released in early 1996. 

AJ Blackman, 'A Pedagogical Approach to Qualitative Organic
Analysis-Simulating the Integration of Wet Tests, Spectroscopy and Common
Sense', J. Chem. Ed., 1996, 73, 434. Read the abstract. 

DOS-based program, Windows 3.1, 95, or NT, EGA display or better.

More information or comment? Send E-mail to 
Modified: Thu Nov 21 17:00:00 1996 GMT
Page accessed 8109 times since Sat Apr 17 21:22:05 1999 GMT