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Torganal = Tasmanian produced qualitative organic analysis program

Torganal simulates the laboratory process of identifying unknown organic compounds (at early university level). By using this program before starting laboratory work, students can rehearse the strategy of identifying an unknown in a situation free from the additional uncertainties of performing unfamiliar laboratory tasks and then having to rely on the results. Interpretation of spectra may also be practised.

Torganal has been reviewed very favourably in England and Australia and is now being used by hundreds of students each year in universities in countries throughout the world (mainly Australia, England, and USA). Version 4 of the program was released in early 1996.

Review of version 4
'The really nice thing about this program is its ability to interact with the user and guide them onto the right path if they go astray... Wow! All of this in less than an hour - no waiting for reactions to take place, no fires and no broken laboratory equipment. This program is ideal for supplementing laboratory work by allowing students to 'drill' unknown compounds until they understand the theory behind identification. I am sure that it could also have a place in distance based learning.' E. Blake, SACI Newsletter, kwaZulu Natal Section, October 1996. Read the full review.

Reviews of version 3
'I would strongly recommend this program as a very useful precursor to an organic unknown exercise in either 2nd or 3rd year' DG Hewitt, Chemistry in Australia, page 226, May, 1993.
'Torganal would be a useful resource for anyone who wishes for software to support courses on organic analysis. It is user friendly, well structured and clearly presented. represents excellent value for money...' M Atlay, Software Reviews, pages 20-21, vol 7, 1993 (CTI Centre for Chemistry, University of Liverpool. Read the full review.

A recent user comment
'We evaluated Torganal last academic year and found it incredibly useful for bringing together the various strands of organic chemistry. The students found it quite challenging BUT enjoyable. To get students to find exercises like this enjoyable says something indeed about your programme.' UK, Nov. 96.

AJ Blackman, 'A Pedagogical Approach to Qualitative Organic Analysis-Simulating the Integration of Wet Tests, Spectroscopy and Common Sense', J. Chem. Ed., 1996, 73, 434. Read the abstract.

DOS-based program, Windows 3.1, 95, or NT, EGA display or better.

The program Torganal and support files and programs may be downloaded as a zipped file (173K) from the SimTel software repositories (and mirror sites) or from here. Download

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