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Easy C Base, Version 1.01
Copyright 1994 by Dr. Samer F. Naser. 

Easy C Base is a 2-D chemical database and structure 
drawing  program. It features an easy to use graphic 
interface for structure entry that continuously displays 
molecular formula and weight. A separate window pane 
allows entry of text information associated with the 
structure using an editor similar to the Windows Notepad. 
You may search for a chemical using exact structure, 
substructure, or a text string. Easy C Base stores each 
structure and associated text in an individual file making 
it an ideal tool for information exchange, or as an 
educational tool for electronically asking and grading
questions. Requires Windows 3.1. Shareware, if you 
use it, its $34 for an individual license.

Files in this release:
ECB.EXE        ---> Easy C Base Windows executable file.
ECB.HLP        ---> Easy C Base Windows help file.
README.TXT     ---> This text file.
*.ECB          ---> Several sample Chemical Record Files.

Copy the three files in this release to the directory 
where you want Easy C Base installed. For example, to 
install Easy C Base on drive C: in a directory called ECB, 
do the following:

*In the File Manager, select drive C: then choose Create 
Directory from the File menu.
*In the dialog box enter ECB, then click OK.
*Using the mouse, drag the three files in this release to 
the directory you just created.

To add the Easy C Base icon to the Windows Program Manager 
*Choose New from the File menu in the Program manager.
*In the dialog box click on the New Group button, then 
click OK.
*In the following dialog box, in the Description box, 
enter: Easy-C-Base, then click OK.
*A Program Group is created.
*Choose New from the File menu in the Program Manager.
*In the dialog box click on the New Item button, then 
click OK.
*In the dialog box that follows: 
in the Description box, enter: Easy-C-Base, 
in the Command Line box, enter: C:\ECB\ECB.EXE,
in the Working Directory box, enter: C:\ECB, then Click 
*An Easy C Base icon is created.

You may use different path names for the command line and 
working directories.
If you wish to add Easy C Base to an existing Program 
Group, skip steps listed under First.

Problems? Comments? Suggestions?
Dr. Samer F. Naser 
Novel Advanced Systems Corporation
P. O. Box 130304
Ann Arbor, MI 48113-0304

CompuServe 73543,3541
Modified: Sun Nov 20 17:00:00 1994 GMT
Page accessed 7669 times since Sat Apr 17 21:22:24 1999 GMT