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README file for DOS 386 version of GNUPLOT 3.4

This is to accompany a file called DOS34.ZIP

This file contains two files, GNUPLOT.EXE and GNUPLOT.GIH.
The gnuplot is compiled with Zortech C Version 3.0 in 386 flat mode
(-mx) and will run on any 386 or 486 PC.  It is gnuplot version 3.4
plus some patches which were distributed just after the release of
version 3.4.  The example files can be obtained from the standard

This fills a gap in providing a DOS version which has more memory
available, but doesn't need SVGA installed to run.  It uses FG.TRM
which is a terminal driver for the Flash Graphics library which
Zortech used to distribute with their compiler, which gives much
nicer graphics on a PC, supporting VGA and SVGA.

I plan to distribute a similar version of gnuplot 3.5.

John Fletcher  (  11th Jan 1994
Modified: Mon Nov 13 17:00:00 1995 GMT
Page accessed 7446 times since Sat Apr 17 21:32:37 1999 GMT