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Here is the FAQ list for gnuplot

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	get info-gnuplot FAQ

Archive-name: graphics/gnuplot-faq
Version: Fri Oct 27 04:23:01 CET 1995
Posting-frequency: every 14 days


   This is the FAQ (Frequently Answered Questions) list of the newsgroup, which discusses the gnuplot
   program for plotting 2D - and 3D - graphs.

   Most of the information in this document came from public discussion
   on; quotations are believed to be in the
   public domain.

   If you are reading this via WWW, and you can't access the individual
   pages, please select here, then try again.

   Here's a list of the questions. If you are looking for the answer for
   a specific question, look for the string Qx.x: at the beginning of a
   line, with x.x being the question number. Sections in this FAQ are
     * 0. Meta-Questions
     * 1. General Information
     * 2. Setting it up
     * 3. Working with it
     * 4. Wanted features
     * 5. Miscellaneous
     * 6. Making life easier
     * 7. Known problems
     * 8. Credits


  Section 0: Meta - Questions
     * Q0.1: Where do I get this document?
     * Q0.2: Where do I send comments about this document?

  Section 1: General Information
     * Q1.1: What is gnuplot?
     * Q1.2: How did it come about and why is it called gnuplot?
     * Q1.3: Does gnuplot have anything to do with the FSF and the GNU
     * Q1.4: What does gnuplot offer?
     * Q1.5: Is gnuplot suitable for batch processing?
     * Q1.6: Can I run gnuplot on my computer?

  Section 2: Setting it up
     * Q2.1: What is the current version of gnuplot?
     * Q2.2: Where can I get gnuplot?
     * Q2.3: How do I get gnuplot to compile on my system?
     * Q2.4: What documentation is there, and how do I get it?

  Section 3: Working with it
     * Q3.1: How do I get help?
     * Q3.2: How do I print out my graphs?
     * Q3.3: How do I include my graphs in ?
     * Q3.4: How do I post-process a gnuplot graph?
     * Q3.5: How do I change symbol size, line thickness and the like?

  Section 4: Wanted features
     * Q4.0: What's new in gnuplot 3.6?
     * Q4.1: Does gnuplot have hidden line removal?
     * Q4.2: Does gnuplot support bar-charts/histograms/boxes?
     * Q4.3: Does gnuplot support multiple y-axes on a single plot?
     * Q4.4: Can I put multiple plots on a single page?
     * Q4.5: Can I put both data files and commands into a single file?
     * Q4.6: Can I put Greek letters and super/subscripts into my labels?
     * Q4.7 Can I do 1:1 scaling of axes?
     * Q4.8: Can I put tic marks for x and y axes into 3d plots?
     * Q4.9: Does gnuplot support a driver for ?
     * Q4.10: Can I put different text sizes into my plots?
     * Q4.11: How do I modify gnuplot?
     * Q4.12: How do I skip data points?

  Section 5: Miscellaneous
     * Q5.1: I've found a bug, what do I do?
     * Q5.2: Can I use gnuplot routines for my own programs?
     * Q5.3: What extensions have people made to gnuplot? Where can I get
     * Q5.4: Can I do heavy-duty data processing with gnuplot?
     * Q5.5: I have ported gnuplot to another system, or patched it. What
       do I do?
     * Q5.6: I want to help in developing gnuplot 3.6. What can I do?

  Section 6: Making life easier
     * Q6.1: How do I plot two functions in non-overlapping regions?
     * Q6.2: How do I run my data through a filter before plotting?
     * Q6.3: How do I make it easier to use gnuplot with LaTeX?
     * Q6.4: How do I save and restore my settings?
     * Q6.5: How do I plot lines (not grids) using splot?
     * Q6.6: How do I plot a function f(x,y) which is bounded by other
       functions in the x-y plain?
     * Q6.7: How do I get rid of ?
     * Q6.8: How do I call gnuplot from my own programs ?

  Section 7: Known Problems
     * Q7.1: Gnuplot is not plotting any points under X11! How come?
     * Q7.2: My isoline data generated by a Fortran program is not
       handled correctly. What can I do?
     * Q7.3: Why does gnuplot ignore my very small numbers?
     * Q7.4: Gnuplot is plotting nothing when run via gnuplot !
       What can I do?
     * Q7.5: My formulas are giving me nonsense results! What's going on?
     * Q7.6: My Linux gnuplot complains about a missing gnuplot_x11. What
       is wrong?

  Section 8: Credits

  Section 0: Meta-Questions.

    Q0.1: Where do I get this document?
          This document is posted about once every two weeks to the
          newsgroups, comp.answers and
          news.answers. Like many other FAQ's, its newest (plaintext)
          version is available via anonymous ftp from


          If you have access to the WWW, you can get the newest version
          of this document from

   Q0.2: Where do I send comments about this document?
          Send comments, suggestions etc. via e-mail to Thomas Koenig,
 or ig25@dkauni2.bitnet.

  Section 1: General Information

    Q1.1: What is gnuplot?
          Gnuplot is a command-driven interactive function plotting
          program. It can be used to plot functions and data points in
          both two- and three- dimensional plots in many different
          formats, and will accommodate many of the needs of today's
          scientists for graphic data representation. Gnuplot is
          copyrighted, but freely distributable; you don't have to pay
          for it.

   Q1.2: How did it come about and why is it called gnuplot?
          The authors of gnuplot are:

          Thomas Williams, Colin Kelley, Russell Lang, Dave Kotz, John
          Campbell, Gershon Elber, Alexander Woo and many others.

          The following quote comes from Thomas Williams:

     I was taking a differential equation class and Colin was taking
     Electromagnetics, we both thought it'd be helpful to visualize the
     mathematics behind them. We were both working as sys admin for an EE
     VLSI lab, so we had the graphics terminals and the time to do some
     coding. The posting was better received than we expected, and
     prompted us to add some, albeit lame, support for file data.

     Any reference to GNUplot is incorrect. The real name of the program
     is "gnuplot". You see people use "Gnuplot" quite a bit because many
     of us have an aversion to starting a sentence with a lower case
     letter, even in the case of proper nouns and titles. Gnuplot is not
     related to the GNU project or the FSF in any but the most peripheral
     sense. Our software was designed completely independently and the
     name "gnuplot" was actually a compromise. I wanted to call it
     "llamaplot" and Colin wanted to call it "nplot." We agreed that
     "newplot" was acceptable but, we then discovered that there was an
     absolutely ghastly pascal program of that name that the Computer
     Science Dept. occasionally used. I decided that "gnuplot" would make
     a nice pun and after a fashion Colin agreed.

   Q1.3: Does gnuplot have anything to do with the FSF and the GNU
          Gnuplot is neither written nor maintained by the FSF. It is not
          covered by the General Public License, either.

          However, the FSF has decided to distribute gnuplot as part of
          the GNU system, because it is useful, redistributable software.

   Q1.4: What does gnuplot offer?

          + Plotting of two-dimensional functions and data points in many
            different styles (points, lines, error bars)
          + plotting of three-dimensional data points and surfaces in
            many different styles (contour plot, mesh).
          + support for complex arithmetic
          + self - defined functions
          + support for a large number of operating systems, graphics
            file formats and devices
          + extensive on-line help
          + labels for title, axes, data points
          + command line editing and history on most platforms

   Q1.5: Is gnuplot suitable for batch processing?
          Yes. You can read in files from the command line, or you can
          redirect your standard input to read from a file. Both data and
          command files can be generated automatically, from data
          acquisition programs or whatever else you use.

   Q1.6: Can I run gnuplot on my computer?
          Gnuplot is available for a number of platforms. These are: Unix
          (X11 and NeXTSTEP), VAX/VMS, OS/2, MS-DOS, Amiga, MS-Windows,
          OS-9/68k, Atari ST and the Macintosh. Modifications for NEC
          PC-9801 are said to exist (where?).

  Section 2: Setting it up

    Q2.1: What is the current version of gnuplot?
          The current version of gnuplot is 3.5, which is a bugfix
          release over 3.4.

          Version 3.6 is in beta status. Please note that this is still
          unstable, and may not compile correctly on your system.

   Q2.2: Where can I get gnuplot?
          All of the later addresses refer to ftp sites. Please note that
          it is preferable for you to use the symbolic name, rather than
          the IP address given in brackets, because that address is much
          more subject to change.

          The official distribution site for the gnuplot source is
 [, soon to be], the
          file is called /pub/gnuplot/gnuplot3.5.tar.Z. Official mirrors
          of that distribution are (for Australia)
          [] and (for Europe)
          []. You can also get it from your friendly
          neighbourhood comp.sources.misc archive.

          MS-DOS and MS-Windows binaries are available from

          + (North America) [] as
          + (Europe) [] as /pc/plot/gpt35*.zip
          + (Australia) [] as

   The files are:,, and

          There is a special MS-DOS version for 386 or better processors;
          it is available from the official gnuplot sites as

          OS/2 2.x binaries are at [], in

          Amiga sources and binaries are available from
          [] as /pub/aminet/util/gnu/gnuplot-3.5.lha; there
          are numerous mirrors of this distribution, for example
, or

          The NeXTSTEP front end can be found at and

          A version for OS-9/68K can be found at
          [] as /pub/OSK/GRAPHICS/gnuplot32x.tar.Z; it
          includes both X-Windows and non - X-windows versions.

          There is a version for the Macintosh at
 which includes
          binaries for 68000-based Macs with and without FPU and native
          support for PowerMacs.

          Versions for the Atari ST and TT, which include some GEM
          windowing support, are available from
, as and
 They work best under MiNT.

          Executable files, plus documentation in Japanese, exist for the
          X680x0 on

          People without ftp access can use an ftp-mail server; send a
          message saying 'help' to bitftp@pucc.bitnet (for BITNET only)
          or to

          For a uuencoded copy of the the gnuplot sources (compressed tar
          file), send this as the body of a message to

        cd pub/gnuplot
        mode binary
        get gnuplot3.5.tar.Z

   If you have some problem, you might need to stick


   before all the above.

          It is a good idea to look for a nearby ftp site when
          downloading things. You can use archie for this. See if an
          archie client is installed at your system (by simply typing
          archie at the command prompt), or send mail to
          with the word 'help' in both the subject line and the body of
          the mail. However, be aware that the version you find at a near
          ftp site may well be out of date; check the last modification
          date and the number of bytes against the newest release at one
          of the official servers.

          You can obtain a beta release of gnuplot 3.6 from

   Q2.3: How do I get gnuplot to compile on my system?
          As you would any other installation. Read the files README and
          README.Install, edit the Makefile according to taste, and run
          make or whatever is suitable for your operating system.

          If you get a complaint about a missing file libplot.a or
          something similar when building gnuplot for X11, remove
          -DUNIXPLOT from the TERMFLAGS= line, remove -lplot from the
          DTBS= line and run again. If you are making X11 on a sun, type
          'make x11_sun'.

          For compiling gnuplot under Irix 5.2 and Irix 5.3, there is a
          patch in the file in the contrib directory at

   Q2.4: What documentation is there, and how do I get it?
          The documentation is included in the source distribution. Look
          at the docs subdirectory, where you'll find

          + a Unix man page, which says how to start gnuplot
          + a help file, which also can be printed as a manual
          + a tutorial on using gnuplot with LaTeX
          + a quick reference summary sheet for TeX only

   PostScript copies of the documentation can be ftp'd from
, in pub/gnuplot, as and

          Andy Liaw and Dick Crawford have written a 16-page user's
          guide. It is available from
          as gptug.tex (also get example.tex from the same directory),
          gptug.dvi or

          At the same site, there's a two- page instruction sheet for the
          enhpost PostScript driver (see Q4.6 ) as and a
          short guide to gnuplot PostScript files, as gp-ps.doc.

          A Chinese translation of the gnuplot manual can be found on


          There is a WWW hompepage for gnuplot at
, which includes
          the reference manual and a demo.

          There are two more Chinese documents about gnuplot: a 72 - page
          User's guide
 and a 28
          - page Touring Guide
          documents are in PostScript format and gzipped.

  Section 3: Working with it

    Q3.1: How do I get help?
          Give the 'help' command at the initial prompt. After that, keep
          looking through the keywords. Good starting points are 'plot'
          and 'set'.

          Read the manual, if you have it.

          Look through the demo subdirectory; it should give you some

          Ask your colleagues, the system administrator or the person who
          set up gnuplot.

          Post a question to or send mail to
          the gatewayed mailing list If you
          want to subscribe to the mailing list, send a mail to
 with the body of the message being
          'subscribe info-gnuplot'. Please don't do this if you can get
 directly. If you pose a question
          there, it is considered good form to solicit e-mail replies and
          post a summary.

   Q3.2: How do I print out my graphs?
          The kind of output produced is determined by the 'set terminal'
          command; for example, 'set terminal postscript' will produce
          the graph in PostScript format. Output can be redirected using
          the 'set output' command.

          As an example, the following prints out a graph of sin(x) on a
          Unix machine running the X Window system.

        gnuplot> plot [-6:6] sin(x)
        gnuplot> set terminal postscript
        Terminal type set to 'postscript'
        Options are 'landscape monochrome "Courier" 14'
        gnuplot> set output ""
        gnuplot> replot
        gnuplot> set output              # set output back to default
        gnuplot> set terminal x11        # ditto for terminal type
        gnuplot> ! lp -ops        # print PS File (site dependent)
        request id is lprint-3433 (standard input)
        lp: printed file on (5068 Byte)

   Q3.3: How do I include my graphs in ?
          Basically, you save your plot to a file in a format your word
          processor can understand (using "set term" and "set output",
          see above), and then you read in the plot from your word

          Details depend on the kind of word processor you use; use "set
          term" to get a list of available file formats.

          Many word processors can use Encapsulated PostScript for
          graphs. This can be generated by the "set terminal postscript
          eps" command. Most MS-DOS word processors understand HPGL
          (terminal type hpgl).

          With TeX, it depends on what you use to print your dvi files.
          If you use dvips or dvi2ps, you can use Encapsulated
          PostScript. For emTeX (popular for MS-DOS), you can use emTeX,
          otherwise use the LaTeX terminal type, which generates a
          picture environment.

          If nothing else helps, try using the pgm or ppm format and
          converting it to a bitmap format your favourite word processor
          can understand. An invaluable tool for this is Jef Poskanzer's
          PBMPLUS package.

          The PBMPLUS package is available in the contrib distribution
          for the X Window System. The original site for this is
 There are many mirrors, e.g.
 or .

          The most recent release of pbm by the author is dated December
          91 and is called pbmplus10dec91.tar.Z

          There is new version including lots of patches from the net
          that is not maintained by the author called netpbm, with the
          newest version called netpbm-7dec1993.tar.gz.

          Check archie (see Q2.2 ) for an archive site near you.

   Q3.4: How do I post-process a gnuplot graph?
          This depends on the terminal type you use.

          You can use the terminal type fig (you may need to recompile
          gnuplot to enable this terminal type, by putting #define FIG
          into ), and use the xfig drawing program to edit the
          plot afterwards.

          For PostScript output, you may be able to use the pstotgif
          script (which calls GhostScript) to convert PostScript into the
          format of the tgif drawing program. Tgif is also able to save
          in PostScript format.

          Both tgif and xfig can be obtained from the X Window contrib
          distribution (see Q3.3).

          Another possibility for modifying PostScript output appears to
          be IslandDraw, a commercial drawing program for UNIX

          For Windows, there is another alternative, PageDraw. It can
          post-process AI (Adobe Illustrator) files, and has a converter
          from PostScript to AI. It can be downloaded from

   Q3.5: How do I change symbol size, line thickness and the like?
          Again, this depends on the terminal type. For PostScript, you
          can edit the generated PostScript file. An overview of what
          means what in the PostScript files gnuplot generates can be
          found at as gs-ps.doc. A
          general introduction to PostScript can be found at


  Section 4: Wanted features

    Q4.0: What's new in gnuplot 3.6?
          Here's the WhatsNew file of the current beta release,
          patchlevel 213.

What's new in 3.6 ?

Still to do
  Many terminals to be converted to new layout
  someone has contributed a new hidden-line-removal
  '-' as load filename / command-line param
  key for splot with contour is ugly
  timeseries stuff has got broken (well, non-portable code)
  terminals are no longer allowed to do their own scaling

Plus quite a few contributed patches that I haven't yet installed (sorry)

in 194
  multiplot for splot

in 188
  os9 port
  set xrange [] reverse writeback
  allow mix of co-ordinate systems within an arrow/label posn
  initial multiplot support
  - doesn't yet check that terminal is capable, but there is a
    flags field added to the terminal entry to tell gnuplot about this.
    also, suspend() / resume() entry points which are to be called
    between plots of a multiplot.

in 178
   arbitrary length/number of columns in datafile
   accept double/quad-precision fortran numbers (1.23{dDqQ}4)
   - but not in scanf format string
   undefined fit parameters start at 1 rather than 1e-30
   - more chance of convergence / less change of unitary matrix
   WIN32 / Win-NT support
   table output can be read back in for data splot
   - hence gnuplot can be used to dgrid a datafile and write it out
   set missing 'string'
   - nominate a token as standing for missing values in datafile
   - not yet added to documentation
   updates to time-series stuff (so it doesn't break at 2000)
   - except it has become horribly non-portable :-(
   split graph3d.c into util3d.c and hidden3d.c

in 166
   set bar 
   - a number rather than just small or large
   allow different linetypes for grid at major and minor tics
   a few more set no* commands for consistency.
   initial go at implementing tic mirrors and axes for splot
   - no ztic axis yet (or no zzeroaxis)
   - tics on axes are not hidden by surface
   attempt to make sin(x) behave as expected when set angle degrees
   - gives answers if x is complex, but I dont know if they are correct
     - acos(cos(x)) seems to give x, so at least its consistent
   - fix a bug which made acos(cos({0,1})) undefined
   new grass.trm

in release 162/164
   set size [{no}square] x,y  - tries to plot with aspect ratio 1
   - seems to work great for postscript
   - please check with your favourite driver
   - uses relative sizes of tics to determine required size.
   posn for key, labels and arrows can be in one of 4 co-ordinate systems
   - first_axes (default)
   - second_axes (for plot..second)
   - graph  (0,0 -> 1,1 = plotting area)
   - screen (0,0 -> 1,1 = whole screen)
   - arrows needn't have endpoints in same co-ords. see help set label
   via is now a required keyword for fit
   - fit f(x) 'file' ... via { 'file' | a,b,... }
   - this is to avoid confusing 'file' with 'using-format-string'
   win32 and 16-bit dos fixes
   - I can compile with tc++, but get an overlay error at runtime.
   new set of documentation programs (I haven't tried them)
   various tweaks to makefile
   changes to pslatex
   - substitute .ps at _last_ . in filename
   - accept font size of enclosing document as an option.
   - dont forget to close aux file

in release 151

  linux security patch
  can specify font for labels, etc (postscript only ? - I haven't tried this)
  can specify linetype to draw grid / zeroaxes / arrows
  emx terminal driver
  first attempt at pipes for VMS and vector style - needs more work
  l/b/r/t-margin  in place of xmargin - more control over size of margins
  incompatible changes to polar mode:
  - t is now the dummy variable, so x is width of plot as expected
  - tics are not automatically on axes -   set {xy}tics axis nomirror
  - grid is not automatically polar - set grid x [mx] polar [angle]
  - no numbers on grid - they were always in degrees
  second axes
  - x2 and y2 are an independent pair of axes, but they inherit
    ranges from x and y if no second data
    - there can be problems with this, actually - if x2tics are not
      shown, x2range is not autoextended to whole number of tics, so
      same data might not have same range.
  - set x2tics/y2tics/x2label/y2label
  - set [no]log x2 / y2
  - plot [first,] f(x), 'file', ..., second, g(x), ...
  - get specify grid at any/all of x,y,x2,y2
  - see electron.dem
  set border  - 12 bit binary number selects 12 sides of cube around splo
  can specify grid z, to get a grid on back wall of splot
  set mxtics [|default] | set nomxtics
  - set mxtics  gives auto for logscale, fixed for linear
  binary, index and every keywords to datafiles.
  - every also works with binary files
  can use '-' as datafile for inline data (ends at line with e)
  can use '' to mean reuse previous file
  splot and fit now use datafile module
  - FIT_SKIP no longer supported - use fit f(x) 'file' every n
  can limit fit range using   fit [variable=min:max] f(variable) ...
  set ticscale  []
  surface is clipped with no hidden line removal
  - still to do contour and hidden-line surface
  set {x|y|x2|y2} [axis|border] [no]mirror
  - can put tics on border or axes
  - mirror controls mirroring of tics on opposite axis
    - no longer coupled to  set tics out  setiing.
  No longer need to specify parametric mode for 3-column data files.
  ranges automatically extended to whole number of tic intervals
  - doesn't always manage to drop vertical from surface to corner of base
    - workaround is either specify range or use  set border

patchlevel 140
I've probably missed a lot of features since I'm so used to them.
Plus I never bothered with 3.5 so some of these may have been there.
some of these may have made it into the documentation
Here goes:

  fit f(x) 'file' via ...
  read and plot time data  (timedat.dem)
  set key [top|bottom|under] [left|right|out] [reverse] [box []]
  set key title 'text'
  Processing of escape sequences in "strings" but not 'strings'
  - TeX users in particular advised to use ''
  Multiline labels, etc, using "first\nsecond"
  enhpost driver
  call command (load with parameters)
  x error bars. splines. boxes. [some may have been in 3.5]
  pipes for amiga
  the using patch   plot 'file' using spec:spec:...
  - spec is either column number or (expression in $1, $2, ...)
  new pslatex driver with postscript to aux file.
  set pointsize  on some terminals
  doubles in  plot...using  format string - %lf
  unlimited input line length and expression (action) table
  minor tic-marks (like logscale but also for linear)
  - also set grid [mx|my]

that's all I can think of for the moment...

   Q4.1: Does gnuplot have hidden line removal?
          Version 3.5 supports hidden line removal on all platforms
          except MS-DOS; use the command

        set hidden3d

   If someone can solve the 64K DGROUP memory problem, gnuplot would
          support hidden line removal on MS-DOS as well. Version 3.2
          supports limited hidden line removal.

   Q4.2: Does gnuplot support bar-charts/histograms/boxes?
          As of version 3.4, it does; use the style "with boxes" for bar
          charts. To get filled boxes, you can try a modification by
          Steve Cumming, available via ftp from
 as box.tar.

   Q4.3: Does gnuplot support multiple y-axes on a single plot?
          Yes, with two unofficial mods, multiplot.shar and borders.shar.
          They can be obtained from

          Also, 3.6 supports this capability.

   Q4.4: Can I put multiple plots on a single page?
          Yes, with the multiplot.shar mod, or if you are running gnuplot
          3.6. If you are using PostScript output, check out mpage, which
          can be ftp'd from

   Q4.5: Can I put both data files and commands into a single file?
          This feature is in gnuplot 3.6.

   Q4.6: Can I put Greek letters and super/subscripts into my labels?
          You might try using the LaTeX terminal type and putting text
          like \alpha_{3} into it.

          David Denholm has written a PostScript terminal which allows
          for super/and subscripts, such as a^x or {/Symbol a }. Ftp to
 [] and get enhpost.trm,
          written by David Denholm and Matt Heffron. To install it,
          follow the instructions at the top of the file, then recompile.
          enhpost is also included in gnuplot 3.6.

   Q4.7: Can I do 1:1 scaling of axes?
          Not easily in 3.5; in 3.6, you can use "set size square".

   Q4.8: Can I put tic marks for x and y axes into 3d plots?
          In version 3.5, you can; use the "with boxes" option.

   Q4.9: Does gnuplot support a driver for ?
          To see a list of the available graphic drivers for your
          installation of gnuplot, type "set term".

          Some graphics drivers are included in the normal distribution,
          but are uncommented by default. If you want to use them, you'll
          have to change ~gnuplot/term.h, and recompile.

   Q4.10: Can I put different text sizes into my plots?
          If you use PostScript output, you can use Dave Denholm's and
          Matt Heffron's updated PostScript driver,
          / (see also Q4.6 ). Else,
          use 3.6.

   Q4.11 How do I modify gnuplot, and apply 'patches'?
          For this, you will need to recompile gnuplot.

          Modifications people make are either done by replacing files,
          such as terminal drivers, or by 'patching'. If a file is a
          replacement, it will probably tell you in its README or in the
          lines at the beginning.

          To patch a file, you need Larry Wall's patch utility. On many
          UNIX systems, it is already installed; do a man patch to check.
          If it isn't, you'll have to get it; it can be found wherever
          GNU software is archived.

   Q4.12 How do I skip data points?
          By specifying ? as a data value, as in

        1 2
        2 3
        3 ?
        4 5

   Q4.13 How do I plot every nth point?
          You can apply the patch point_skip from the contrib section
          (see Q5.3 or, assuming you have awk installed on your system,
          you can use the following line:

        gnuplot> plot "< awk '{if(NR%5==0)print}' file.dat"

   plots every 5th line, and

        gnuplot> plot "< awk '$0 !~ /^#/ {if(NR%40==0)print $1, $4}' file.dat"

   plots every 40th line while skipping commented lines.

  Section 5: Miscellaneous

    Q5.1: I've found a bug, what do I do?
          First, try to see whether it actually is a bug, or whether it
          is a feature which may be turned off by some obscure set -

          Next, see wether you have an old version of gnuplot; if you do,
          chances are the bug has been fixed in a newer release.

          If, after checking these things, you still are convinced that
          there is a bug, proceed as follows. If you have a fairly
          general sort of bug report, posting to
 is probably the way to go. If you
          have investigated a problem in detail, especially if you have a
          context diff that fixes the problem, please e-email a report to
 The bug-gnuplot list is for
          reporting and collecting bug fixes, the
 newsgroup will be more help for
          finding work arounds or actually solving gnuplot related
          problems. If you do send in a bug report, be sure and include
          the version of gnuplot (including patchlevel), terminal driver,
          operating system, an exact description of the bug and input
          which can reproduce the bug. Also, any context diffs should be
          referenced against the latest official version of gnuplot if at
          all possible.

   Q5.2: Can I use gnuplot routines for my own programs?
          Yes. John Campbell  has written
          gplotlib, a version of gnuplot as C subroutines callable from a
          C program. This is available as gplotlib.tar.Z on the machine
 in the directory /pub/gplotlib.tar.Z. This library
          has been updated to be compatible with version 3.5.

   Q5.3: What extensions have people made to gnuplot? Where can I get

          Extensions are available from
 . It contains the
          following files:

    Point Skips
          + Data Filtering Instead of just having two params following
            the style param, there are now 4:
               o 1: line_type
               o 2: point_type
               o 3: point_skip - gives the number of data samples per
                 plotted point
               o 4: point_offs - gives the sample number on which to plot
                 the first point
        Thus points are plotted only for the samples n satisfying n =
            point_skip*i + point_offs for some non-negative integer i.
            (Michael Clark)

          + Point Skip with Awk With UNIX,

gnuplot> plot "< awk '{if(NR%5==0)print$0}' file.dat"
        From: James Darrell McCauley,

          + New Xlib mods. From: gregg hanna (

    Vectors and Arrows
          + Program to convert lines to vectors This program turns line
            segments into line segments with a half-arrow at the head: by
            uncommenting two lines below, the arrowhead will be a
            triangle. optional arguments: size angle where size is a
            fraction of each vector's magnitude and angle is in degrees
            all data taken from standard input, and output to standard
            output. typical invocation:

arrow 0.2 15 vector.heads
        From: (Andrew M. Ross)

          + Vect2gp, an awk script to make gnuplot command script to draw
            a vector field map. From:
            (Yasu-Hiro YAMAZAKI)

          + GNUPLOT to SIPP This is a "far from perfect" converter that
            takes gnuplot table output and splits it in polygons. Then it
            calls sipp to render it. You get sipp from
   or ask archie. From:
   (Carsten Hammer)

    Histograms and Pie Charts
          + Histogram C program The short C program below is a filter
            that calculates a histogram from a sequence of numbers and
            prints the output in such a format that Gnuplot can plot the
            histogram by the command sequence

    !histogram < datain > tmp;
    plot "tmp" with impulses

            From: (Mustafa Kocaturk)

          + HG is an automatic histogram generator. it reads a column of
            data from an input file and emits a [log] histogram ks does
            ks or chi^2 tests on a set of input arrays. you need the
            "numerical recipes in C" library somewhere on your system to
            link this one. I can not undertake to fix bugs or add
            features, but I might do it if asked. From: Steve Cumming
          + Piechart C program The short C program below formats data for
            display as a piechart. From: (James
            Darrell McCauley)

    Interprocess Communications
          + Notes of Windows Hooks From: Maurice

          + Named Pipes Example From:
            (Don Taber)

          + PipeLib What the library does is set up to 20 programs going
            (like gnuplot), then allows you to send to them as if the
            program were typing on the command line. I've included a
            brief set of docs after the source code, in latex format.
            There is no facility to watch the output of a program. From:
   (Simon Clift)

          + Popen example from lsqrfit The following function sends a
            command to gnuplot. Gnuplot will execute the command just as
            if you typed it at the gnuplot command line. This example is
            adapted from my least squares fitting program which is
            located at in pub/os2/2_x/unix/
            Complete source is included. From:
            (Michael Courtney)

    Multiple logical plots on a single page
          + Gawk script for multiple encapsulated postscript on a page
            It's slightly more flexible than mpage, because it changes
            the aspect ratio of the plots; mpage according to the
            documentation only allows 1, 2, 4, or 8 plots on a page. This
            script works for unix with encapsulated postscript (eps)
            output. It should work with gawk or nawk, although I've only
            tested it with gawk. (Gawk is GNU's version of awk and is
            available from You just specify how many
            rows and columns of plots you want and it does the rest. For
            example, gnuplot_eps rows=3 cols=2 *.eps | lpr will print all
            eps files in your current directory with 6 on a page. Also,
            see the comments in the file. From:
   (Gary Holt)

          + Sed script for multiple encapsulated postscript on a page You
            have MULTIPLE postscript files each containing a single plot.
            From: (Choe Won Gyu)

          + Massive patch with add multiplotcapability to all devices and
            a lot more. The reason it is offered in this form is because
            the original multiplot.pat did not patch correctly into
            gnuplot version 3.5. This mod also add borders options,
            financial plots, multiple line titles and other asundry
            items. Use at your own risk. Look at the top of makefile.r
            for a more complete list of changes.

            From: Alex Woo,
        This contains miscellaneous, modifications, which include:
          + Label positioning using either plot or device-relative
          + Portability to Irix-5.2 and Irix-5.3
          + The "thru" keyword has been extended to include "thrux" for
            the X - Coordinate
          + Capability to read a ordinary Fortran-style unformatted file
          + A Perl script for better handling of eps
          + Modifications to docs/doc2info to generate "next", "prev",
            and "up" data for each node.
          + Changes in the documentation to reflect the above.

    Miscellaneous Mods
          + Congp3d3 is a preprocessor to draw contour plots on irregular
            regions. From: (Margaret Rose Byrne)

          + Sockpipe is a socket based pipe needed for the Stardent OS.
            From: Mike Hallesy, Stardent Computer Product Support,

          + Time Series is a patch to add multiline titles and labels,
            time series x and y data and tic marks, and automatic
            resizing of plots and much more. From: Hans Olav Eggestad,

    Other Operationing Systems
          + MacIntosh Port of Version 3.2 From: Noboru Yamamoto,

          + MacIntosh Port of Version 3.5 From:
            (Philippe LAVAL)

          + OS-9 Port of Version 3.2

   Q5.4: Can I do heavy - duty data processing with gnuplot?
          Gnuplot alone is not suited very well for this. One thing you
          might try is fudgit, an interactive multi-purpose fitting
          program written by Martin-D. Lacasse
          ( It can use gnuplot as its
          graphics back end and is available from
          in /pub/Fudgit/fudgit_2.33.tar.Z [], and from the
          main Linux server, [] and its numerous
          mirrors around the world as
          /pub/linux/sources/usr.bin/fudgit-2.33.tar.z. Versions are
          available for AIX, Data General, HP-UX, IRIX 4, Linux, NeXT,
          Sun3, Sun4, Ultrix, OS/2 and MS-DOS. The MS-DOS version is
          available on simtel20 mirrors (simtel20 itself has closed down)
          in the "math" subdirectory as

          Carsten Grammes has written a fitting program which goes
          together with gnuplot; it is called gnufit and is available
          from the official gnuplot sites, as the files,
          gnufit12.tar.gz (source) and (MS-DOS). It has been
          merged into gnuplot 3.6.

          Michael Courtney has written a program called lsqrft, which
          uses the Levenberg - Marquardt - Algorithm for fitting data to
          a function. It is avialiable from as
          /pub/os2/2_x/unix/; sources, which should compile
          on Unix, and executables for MS-DOS and OS/2 2.x are included.
          There is an interface to the OS/2 presentation manager.

          You might also want to look at the applications developed by
          the Software Tools Group (STG) at the National Center for
          Supercomputing Applications. Ftp to
          [] and get the file README.BROCHURE for more

          You can also try pgperl, an integration of the PGPLOT plotting
          package with Perl 5. Information can be found at
, the source is
          available from or

          Another possibility is Octave. To quote from its README: Octave
          is a high-level language, primarily intended for numerical
          computations. It provides a convenient command line interface
          for solving linear and nonlinear problems numerically.

          The latest released version of Octave is always available via
          anonymous ftp from in the directory

   Q5.5: I have ported gnuplot to another system, or patched it. What do
          I do?
          If your patch is small, mail it to,
          with a thorough description of what the patch is supposed to
          do, which version of gnuplot it is relative to, etc. Also, you
          can send notification of the patch to the FAQ maintainer, if
          you want a mention. Please don't send the patch itself to me

          If your modifications are extensive (such as a port to another
          system), upload your modifications to
 Please drop a note to
, the maintainer of the gnuplot
          subdirectory there, plus a note to

   Q5.6: I want to help in developing gnuplot 3.6. What can I do?
          Join the gnuplot beta test mailing list by sending a mail
          containing the line

subscribe info-gnuplot-beta

   in the body (not the subject) of the mail to Majordomo@Dartmouth.EDU.

  Section 6: Making life easier

    Q6.1: How do I plot two functions in non - overlapping regions?
          Use a parametric plot. An example:

        set parametric
        x1(t) = a+(b-a)*t
        x2(t) = c+(d-c)*t
        f1(x) = sin(x)
        f2(x) = x**2/8
        plot [t=0:1] x1(t),f1(x1(t)) title "f1", x2(t), f2(x2(t)) title "f2"

   Q6.2: How do I run my data through a filter before plotting?
          If your system supports the popen() function, as Unix does, you
          should be able to run the output through another process, for
          example a short awk program, such as

        gnuplot> plot "< awk ' { print $1, $3/$2 } '"

   Unfortunately, in 3.2, there is a rather short limitation on the
          maximum argument length, so your command line may be truncated
          (usually, this will mean that awk cannot find the filename).
          Also, you may need to escape the $ - characters in your awk

          As of version 3.4, gnuplot includes the thru - keyword for the
          plot command for running data files through a gnuplot - defined

          You can also get divhack.patch from
[] via anonymous ftp. It
          allows expressions of the kind

        gnuplot> plot "datafile" using A:B:C

   where A,B,C,... are now either a column number, as usual, or an
          arbitrary expression enclosed in ()'s, and using $1,$2,etc to
          access the data columns.

   Q6.3: How do I make it easier to use gnuplot with LaTeX?
          There is a set of LaTeX macros and shell scripts that are meant
          to make your life easier when using gnuplot with LaTeX. This
          package can be found on [, soon
          to be] in pub/gnuplot/latex.shar, by David Kotz.
          For example, the program "plotskel" can turn a gnuplot-output
          file plot.tex into a skeleton file skel.tex, that has the same
          size as the original plot but contains no graph. With the right
          macros, the skeleton can be used for preliminary LaTeX passes,
          reserving the full graph for later passes, saving tremendous
          amounts of time.

   Q6.4: How do I save and restore my settings?
          Use the "save" and "load" commands for this; see "help save"
          and "help load" for details.

   Q6.5: How do I plot lines (not grids) using splot?
          If the data in a data file for splot is arranged in such a way
          that each one has the same number of data points (using blank
          lines as delimiters, as usual), splot will plot the data with a
          grid. If you want to plot just lines, use a different number of
          data entries (you can do this by doubling the last data point,
          for example). Don't forget to set parametric mode, of course.

   Q6.6: How do I plot a function f(x,y) which is bounded by other
          functions in the x-y plain?
          An example:

        f(x,y) = x**2 + y **2
        x(u) = 3*u
        yu(x) = x**2
        yl(x) = -x**2
        set parametric
        set cont
        splot [0:1] [0:1] u,yl(x(u))+(yu(x(u)) - yl(x(u)))*v,\
        f(x(u), (yu(x(u)) - yl(x(u)))*v)

   Q6.7: How do I get rid of ?
          Usually, there is a set command to do this; do a

        gnuplot> ?set no

   for a short overview.

   Q6.8: How do I call gnuplot from my own programs?
          Here's code which works for a UNIX system, using (efficient)
          named pipes.


#define PANIC(a) do { \
                perror(a); \
                if (temp_name) unlink(temp_name);\
        } while(0)

int main() {
    FILE *command,*data;
    char *temp_name = NULL;
    double a,b;
    int i;

    if ((temp_name = tmpnam((char *) 0)) == 0) PANIC("tmpnam failed");
    if(mkfifo(temp_name, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR) != 0) PANIC("mkfifo failed");
    command = popen("gnuplot","w");
    fprintf(command,"plot \"%s\" with lines\n",temp_name); fflush(command);
    data = fopen(temp_name,"w");
    for (i=0; i<20; i++) {
        a = i/10.0;
        b = sin(a);
        fprintf(data,"%f %f\n",a,b);
    fprintf(stderr,"press enter to continue..."); fflush(stderr);

    fprintf(command,"plot \"%s\" with lines\n",temp_name); fflush(command);
    data = fopen(temp_name,"w");
    for (i=0; i<20; i++) {
        a = i/10.0;
        b = cos(a);
        fprintf(data,"%f %f\n",a,b);
    fprintf(stderr,"press enter to continue..."); fflush(stderr);
    return 0;

   Here's code for OS/2, again using named pipes; I'm unable to check
          this out myself. This code is care of
          (Roger Fearick).

#define INCL_DOS

    HPIPE hpipe ;
    FILE *hfile, *hgnu ;
        /* create a named pipe. Use NP_WAIT so that DosConnect...
           blocks until client (gnuplot) opens, and client reads
           are blocked until data is available */
    DosCreateNPipe( "\\pipe\\gtemp",
                    -1 ) ;
        /* use stream i/o */
    hfile = fdopen( hpipe, "w" ) ;

        /* start gnuplot; use unbuffered writes so we don't need to
           flush buffer after a command */
    hgnu = popen( "gnuplot", "w" ) ;
    setvbuf( hgnu, NULL, _IONBF, 0 ) ;

        /* plot a set of data */

    fprintf( hgnu, "plot '/pipe/gtemp'\n" ) ;  /* issue plot command */
    DosConnectNPipe( hpipe ) ;              /* wait until 'file' opened */
    fprintf( hfile, "1 1\n" ) ;             /* write data to 'file' */
    fprintf( hfile, "2 2\n" ) ;
    fprintf( hfile, "3 3\n" ) ;
    fprintf( hfile, "4 4\n" ) ;
    fflush( hfile ) ;                       /* flush buffer forces read */
    DosSleep( 500 ) ;                       /* allow gnuplot to catch up */
    DosDisConnectNPipe( hpipe ) ;           /* disconnect this session */
    fprintf( hgnu, "pause -1\n" ) ;         /* admire plot */

        /* plot another set of data */

    fprintf( hgnu, "plot '/pipe/gtemp'\n" ) ;
    DosConnectNPipe( hpipe ) ;
    fprintf( hfile, "1 4\n" ) ;
    fprintf( hfile, "2 3\n" ) ;
    fprintf( hfile, "3 2\n" ) ;
    fprintf( hfile, "4 1\n" ) ;
    fflush( hfile ) ;
    DosSleep( 500 ) ;
    DosDisConnectNPipe( hpipe ) ;
    fprintf( hgnu, "pause -1\n" ) ;

    DosClose( hpipe ) ;
    pclose( hgnu ) ;

   ; The above code works for gnuplot 3.5. In gnuplot 3.6, this can be
          greatly simplified, since data can be fed 'inline, as in

plot '-' w l
1 1
2 3
3 4

  Section 7: Known problems

    Q7.1: Gnuplot is not plotting any points under X11! How come?
          Very probably, you still are using an old version of
          gnuplot_x11. Remove that, then do a full installation.

          On VMS, you need to make several symbols:

        $ gnuplot_x11 :== $disk:[directory]gnuplot_x11
        $ gnuplot :== $disk:[directory]gnuplot.exe
        $ def/job GNUPLOT$HELP disk:[directory]gnuplot.hlb

   Then run gnuplot from your command line, and use

        gnuplot> set term x11

   Q7.2: My isoline data generated by a Fortran program is not handled
          correctly. What can I do?
          One known cause for this is the use of list-directed output (as
          in WRITE(10,*) for generating blank lines. Fortran uses ASA
          carriage control characters, and for list - directed output
          this results in a space being output before the newline.
          Gnuplot does not like this. The solution is to generate blank
          lines using formatted output, as in WRITE(10,'()'). If you use
          carriage return files in VMS Fortran, you may have to open the
          file with OPEN(...,CARRIAGECONTROL='DTST') or convert it using
          the DECUS utility ATTRIB.EXE:


   Q7.3: Why does gnuplot ignore my very small numbers?
          Gnuplot treats all numbers less than 1e-08 as zero, by default.
          Thus, if you are trying to plot a collection of very small
          numbers, they may be plotted as zero. Worse, if you're plotting
          on a log scale, they will be off scale. Or, if the whole set of
          numbers is "zero", your range may be considered empty:

        gnuplot> plot 'test1'
        Warning: empty y range [4.047e-19:3e-11], adjusting to [-1:1]
        gnuplot> set yrange [4e-19:3e-11]
        gnuplot> plot 'test1'
         y range is less than `zero`

   The solution is to change gnuplot's idea of "zero":

        gnuplot> set zero 1e-20

   For more information,

        gnuplot> help set zero

   Q7.4: Gnuplot is plotting nothing when run via gnuplot !
          What can I do?
          Put a pause -1 after the plot command in the file.

   Q7.5: My formulas are giving me nonsense results! What's going on?
          Gnuplot does integer, and not floating point, arithmetic on
          integer expressions. For example, the expression 1/3 evaluates
          to zero. If you want floating point expressions, supply
          trailing dots for your floating point numbers. Example:

        gnuplot> print 1/3
        gnuplot> print 1./3.

   This way of evaluating integer expressions is shared by both C and

   Q7.6: My Linux gnuplot complains about a missing gnuplot_x11. What is
          The binary gnuplot distribution from and its
          mirrors in Linux/apps/math/gplotbin.tgz is missing one
          executable that is necessary to access the x11 terminal. Please
          install gnuplot from another Linux distribution, e.g.

  Section 8: Credits

   This list was initially compiled by John Fletcher with contributions
   from Russell Lang, John Campbell, David Kotz, Rob Cunningham, Daniel
   Lewart and Alex Woo. Reworked by Thomas Koenig from a draft by Alex
   Woo, with corrections and additions from Alex Woo, John Campbell,
   Russell Lang, David Kotz and many corrections from Daniel Lewart; Axel
   Eble and Jutta Zimmermann helped with the conversion to HTML.

    Thomas Koenig,, 1994-03-28

Modified: Mon Nov 13 17:00:00 1995 GMT
Page accessed 1962 times since Sat Apr 17 21:32:39 1999 GMT