Distances and weighted distances between fitted atoms
Ref.At. Fit.At. Distance Dist*sqrt(weight) weight
1 1 0.008936 0.008936 1.000000
2 2 0.012216 0.012216 1.000000
3 3 0.006826 0.006826 1.000000
4 4 0.009994 0.009994 1.000000
5 5 0.027208 0.027208 1.000000
6 6 0.012966 0.012966 1.000000
7 7 0.014279 0.014279 1.000000
8 8 0.017606 0.017606 1.000000
9 9 0.012208 0.012208 1.000000
Weighted root mean square= 0.014708
Center of reference molecule fitted atoms
Xc = -0.059431 Yc = -0.233356 Zc = 0.888992
Center of fitted molecule fitted atoms
Xc = 0.234606 Yc = -0.271754 Zc = 0.890395
Left rotation matrix
0.455058 -0.310958 0.834403
0.360812 0.921064 0.146478
-0.814087 0.234407 0.531335
Dot product of normal modes on fitted atom pairs = -0.596609