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Examples of using blobs to generate fonts.

blet1.gif	320x320  blue letters "blobs" about a 250 metaball blob.
blet2.gif	320x320  blue bar of soap. raised letters "blobs"

blet3.gif	240x240  test case. similar to above bar is white and
		         each letter has a different color.
			 (made use of George McGregor's CBlob code)

blet4.gif	320x320  another test case with letters slightly rotated into
			 bar.  blob spacing in bar reduced to speed up trace
			 and hence the dimpled look.(also using George's code).

Mark Podlipec

Modified: Wed Dec 11 17:00:00 1996 GMT
Page accessed 4609 times since Sat Apr 17 21:59:19 1999 GMT