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	Here's an example of a new texture for rayshade.  The texture produces
a gradient of two surfaces between to boundries.  Currently the boundry shapes
are: planar -- blend surfaces between two planes in space, radial -- blend
surfaces between two cylinders in space, and spherical -- blend surfaces between
two spheres in space.
	The blend can either be a linear blend, a logarithmic blend or a reverse
logarithmic blend.  An example of the three blend types is shown in the three
cylinders on the left of the picture.
The blend can also have "noise" added into it similar to the blotch function.
I am currently cleaning up the code and adding comments but hope to have it
(along with a new primitive) on weedeater soon.
	Any suggestions, or comments will be greatly appreciated.

	---Larry Coffin
Modified: Wed Dec 11 17:00:00 1996 GMT
Page accessed 4470 times since Sat Apr 17 21:59:19 1999 GMT