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$! DCL script to run the FORTICON8 program.
$! Usage: huckel filename (no extension)
$! It assumes the input file is named filename.dat
$ if p1.eqs."" then goto noargs
$ assign 'p1'.dat FOR005
$ assign 'p1'.log FOR006
$ assign/nolog psitmp:'p1'.tmp FOR013
$ assign/nolog psitmp:'p1'.exp FOR018
$ assign/nolog sys$command sys$input
$ run DUA0:[FORTICON8]forticon8
$ deass sys$input
$ deass for005
$ deass for006
$ deass for013
$ deass for018
$ noargs:
$ write sys$output "Usage: huckel filename (no extension)."
$ exit:
$ exit
Modified: Wed Oct 13 16:00:00 1993 GMT
Page accessed 8013 times since Sat Apr 17 21:33:58 1999 GMT