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Context which holds the number of channels for multi-channel Maximum Entropy If NCHANNEL is equal to n>1, then the filter buffer is supposed to hold n different versions of the filter function (thus filter_size = n*size_of_data). n versions of the spectrum are reconstructed from the data, corresponding to the n different filters. To be active, FILTER should be set to 2, and the filter buffer loaded "by hand" with the PUT FILTER command. You can then manipulate the MaxEnt spectrum in 2D mode with the following sequence : Gifa> DIM 2 CHSIZE 1 n*size_of_one_spectrum PUT ROW 1 MODIFYSIZE n %


NDISP n During a MaxEnt process, the display will refreshed every n iteration. n=0 means never.
see also : MAXENT


NEWFILEC file-name dim ( parameters )(xdim) spec_freq itype dim is 1D 2D or 3D (parameters) is (size, offset, specw, freq) parameters are entered in the order : F1 {F2 {F3 } } Creates an empty data file, as described by the parameters. The file can then be filled with PUTC or with macros. e.g. newfilec data_set 2D 128 0 6000 100.13 256 0 4000 400.13 400 1 for a 1H-13C experiment on a 400MHz machine. A file connected with NEWFILEC can be JOINed and DISJOINed. However a GETC is not possible (it is a Write only acces mode).


This is the version 4.0alpha of the GIFA program. >From 4.0alpha to 4.0beta See "History" for details -new cache system, faster and more versatile Complete Motif port >From V3.1 to 4.0alpha -complete support of X_windows call-backs; windows now close, resize and refresh -Motif user-interface, user-programmable menus, dialog boxes, button boxes and forms (BUTTONBOX, CLOSEBUTTON, FORMBOX DIALOGBOX) -new zoom interaction.(new ZM) -extension of the line fitter to mixed line-shapes and constrainted minimisation (LINEFITD) -support of dbm files (unix databases) through binding to GIFA associative arrays -Better control structurs in macro (IG..THEN..ELSE; FOR..ENFOR; WHILE ENDWHILE -global and local variables -run time control of the plotter type (HP or postscript) -READM and WRITEM commands to exchange data with the MATLAB program. -extension of the internal variables, and of evaluated functions -larger strings (256 char) -separated display for 1D and 2D, DISP1D, DISP2D -LB and GB now are in Hz -complete test for installation yet to come....(will be in the beta version) new SIMUNOE command, -linefit in 2D -new PH >From V3.0 to 3.1 -peak picker and integrator fully rewritten, PEAK works in 3D now. -extension of the internal variables, and of evaluated functions -1D line fitter -DISP3D and PLOT3D -ZM, ALERT, GRID, ADD, commands -all color related commands - CLEAR command -new path and help for macros >From V2.5 to V3.0 -new macro language with variables and functions -associative arrays for user variables -1D 2D and 3D merged in a single program -complete set of command for macro language -complete set of macros (try more /usr/local/gifa/macro/list for info) -3D display -A new standard file format, with faster access, and cache access capability. -on-file processing (on standard file format only) for huge 2D and 3D. >From V2.1 to V2.5 -CONJG mode for MaxEnt now works (try it !) -new interface for POINT, works with UNIT, Subzoom now Ok. -A completely new Baseline correction module (BCORR 3) -A Complete Linear Prediction Package -A new compilation mechanisms with enhanced portability. -New file formats -Back calculation simulator. -typing (real or complex) with apodization functions -New pen command in postscript -New syntax for dimensions : F1, F2, F12 -changes in SIMU >From V2.02 to V2.1 -New plotter management for multi file and spooling. -TRANSPOSE command -new command PRINT, useful in @ file -path for @files -user defined color table with X_Windows version. -Showpeaks plotpeaks and plotnum commands -New PH mode >From V2.0 to V2.02 : -PUT DATA can now be used in 1D as well as 2D as storage buffer (with GET DATA.) -Added the commands RESIDUE, SHOW RESIDUE, GET RESIDUE, which handle the residue after a MaxEnt run. -iftbis was not normalized (ftbis iftbis was not Identity) -quoting possibilities "...." or '....' are valid words now, can be used with TITLE, etc... bug fixes >From V1.1 to V2.0 *Complete port from VMS to UNIX *improved interaction with the mouse for pointing and phasing *better error messages *FREEZE and multi-window capabilities *Enhance control of plots and graphics *INT1D for simple integration *New lambda controlling for Maximum Entropy Processing


nice_plot y option_f1 option_f2 (label y/n) title do a nice plot in 2D with projections, axes & title


Contains the level of noise in the data-set. When loading data (1 or 2D) the noise level is evaluated automatically from the last 10th of the data. Can also be set with EVALN. Used by INTEG and by Maximum Entropy run.
see also : EVALN SHIFT
Modified: Wed Apr 3 17:00:00 1996 GMT
Page accessed 3872 times since Sat Apr 17 22:32:10 1999 GMT