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Determines the filter used during Maximum Entropy processing, Filter can take values: 0, 1, or 2. Default value is 1. 0: is no filtering at all 1: is filtering done only if one of the following is non 0 : LB GB or JCONS The filter is constructed automatically from the value of those parameters 2: is filtering always, the filter used is the one currently loaded (can be checked with SHOW FILTER , and changed with PUT FILTER)


Switch from a itype=1 2D data-set to a itype=2 by exchanging the imaginary parts. Useful only for processing phase modulated 2D data- sets : Gifa> FT F2 FLIP FT F1 REAL F1 will process a phase modulated data-set.
see also : FLOP FT ft_phase_modu ITYPE MODULUS


Performs the inverse of FLIP. See FLIP.
see also : FLIP FT ft_phase_modu ITYPE MODULUS


Flushes the modified blocks of the cache memory system associated to the currently connected file onto the disk.


Flushes all the modified of the cache memory system onto the associated files.
see also : FLUSH JOIN


FOR var = n TO p { STEP k } ... GIFA commands ENDFOR Control structure permitting to loop over a set of commands. The variable var will be created if does not yet exist. By default of STEP is 1, but any value can be used (including negative values in which case n should be larger than p). n, p and k should always be integer numbers. FOR and ENDFOR should appear alone on one line, eventually followed by a comment.


FORGET plot_file_name Permits to remove a plot file from the internal list of opened plots without issuing the PAGE command which also sends the plot to the plotter. However the plotter code for the ejection of the paper sheet is not inserted at the end of the plot_file.
see also : PAGE PLOT


FORMBOX form_name gifa_command ... ... [field_name field_type [field_list [enum_list] field_var default_value] | separator ] (n times) * Permits to construct a form ( dialog box with editable fields). The box will appear in a window called form_name . The program continues after having created the form, whitch will stay on screen as long as the user dos not close it exolicitely. It will have three buttons at the button : Apply executes the command gifa_command and the form will remain on screen Ok executes the command gifa_command and closes the form Cancel does not execute any command and closes the form The command will be executed exactly as if the user had typed it as the prompt level, thus the command can be a simple command, several commands on a line, of a macro name. However the WHILE, FOR, IF .. THEN, GOTO commands are not available; the IF .. any_command syntaxe is available. If a parameter is missing for the command, the user will be prompted in the text window. The form is also composed en fields which appear one on each line in the window. A form can hold as many field as needed. Each field has : * a name field_name that will show on the left side of the field * a type field_type which is chosen in the following list : ( message, string, int, real, file, enum) message type of field have no other field, this kind of entries serves to put plain text in the form * All other type have a field_var entry which determines the name of the Gifa vairable in which the user input will be stored, and the default_value entry which determines the value of that variable when creating the form. string int real and file types of field have no other entry. They appear in the window as editable string. When the user hits return there, the content of the string is copied to the Gifa variable field_var. file entries will have a small arrow which permits to open a standard file dialog window. enum have an additional entry : enum_list.. This kind of field will appear as a pop up menu permitting to choose between the entries defined in the list : enum_list. This list is a single blank separated word, each item being separated with commas. The special entry separator is not associated to a variable, but permits to enter a separator in the form. The variables used by the editable entries can be global variables, in which case they should have been created as global before calling the FORMBOX command. If this is not the case, they are created in a special context, available only to the command gifa_command when executed with the Apply or Ok buttons. This special context is completely local to the form. This permits to have several forms, using the same variables syntax, without interaction. The list is terminated with a star.


FPRINT file_name string Outputs the string to the file. file must have previously be OPENed (see OPEN).
see also : CLOSE fprintf OPEN PRINT


fprintf file format_string arg1 arg2 ... * realises the equivalent of a C `fprintf' all the remaining of the line up to the star is taken as arguments and output the result to "file" (which should have been OPENed before) (known bug : a \n is inserted at the end of the format)
see also : FPRINT OPEN PRINT printf sprintf


freeze { p } FREEZE will freeze the specified graphic window in its current state, and will open a new window which will become the active window. There is no way to kill the frozen window, but to exit GIFA. Useful for comparing many graphics. Depending on which display mode are active, no parameters may be needed, or the user may have to choose which window to freeze : D (density) C (contour) 3 (3D)


FREQ freq_H1 freq1 { freq2 { freq3 } } The context FREQ holds the basic frequency of the spectrometer (in MHz). freq_H1 is meant to be the basic frequency of the spectrometer (1H freq) and is not used in the program. freq2 (and freq1 in 2D) are the freq associated to each dimension (different if in heteronuclear mode). Values are in MHz.
see also : calib OFFSET SPECW


FREQLIST center excursion n Will list the index in the peak table which hold entries with frequency values in a given range of frequencies (centered on center with radius excursion ). The thus selected entries will be then selected with the RTSELECT command.


FT { axis } Performs in-place complex Fourier Transform on the current data-set; Data-set must be Complex. All FT commands work in 1D, 2D or 3D. Here is a complete overview of FT routines : C stands for Complex, R stands for Real FIDs Spectra C ---FT---> C C <--IFT--- C R --RFT--> C R <--IRFT-- C C -FTBIS-> R C <-IFTBIS- R R Does not exist R
see also : easy2d easy3d FLIP FLOP ft_phase_modu ft_seq ft_sh ft_sh_tppi ft_sim ft_tppi MODULUS proc2d proc3d REAL


FTBIS { axis } Performs complex-to-real Fourier Transform on data
see also : FT


ft_n+p performs the fourier transform of a 2d data-set acquired in "n+p" mode i.e. PFG enhanced acquisition, with positive and negative gradients alternated Processing is performed only along the F1 axis
see also : FT ft_phase_modu ft_seq ft_sh ft_sh_tppi ft_sim ft_tppi


ft_Phase_modu performs the F1 fourier transform of a 2d data-set acquired in phase modulation modea (Bruker magnitude mode MC2=M)
see also : FT ft_seq ft_sh ft_sh_tppi ft_sim ft_tppi


ft_seq performs the fourier transform of a data-set acquired on a Bruker in sequential mode Processing is performed only along the F2 (F3) axis if in 2D (3D) (Bruker QSEQ mode)
see also : FT ft_phase_modu ft_sh ft_sh_tppi ft_sim ft_tppi


ft_sh { axis } performs the fourier transform of a 2d data-set acquired in States-Haberkorn mode Processing is performed only along the F1 axis in 3D, axis may be either f1 or f2 (Bruker sh mode)
see also : FT ft_phase_modu ft_seq ft_sh_tppi ft_sim ft_tppi


ft_sh_tppi { axis } performs the fourier transform of a 2d data-set acquired in States-Haberkorn tppi mode Processing is performed only along the F1 axis in 3D, axis may be either f1 or f2 (Bruker sh_tppi mode)
see also : FT ft_phase_modu ft_seq ft_sh ft_sim ft_tppi


ft_sim performs the fourier transform of a data-set acquired on a Bruker in simultaneous mode Processing is performed only along the F2 (F3) axis if in 2D (3D) (Bruker QSIM mode)
see also : FT ft_phase_modu ft_seq ft_sh ft_sh_tppi ft_tppi


ft_tppi { axis } performs the fourier transform of a 2d data-set acquired in tppi mode Processing is performed only along the F1 axis in 3D, axis may be either f1 or f2 (Bruker tppi mode)
see also : FT ft_phase_modu ft_seq ft_sh ft_sh_tppi ft_sim


the following functions and operators are available within evaluated expression : Operators : o the regular 4 operations, modulo and power + - / * % ^ o arithmetic comparison == != < > <= >= o string comparison s= s! o logical operators | (or) & (and) ! (not) o string concatenation // (direct concatenation) ; (concatenation with a blank) functions : o the mathematical functions sqrt(x) cos(x) sin(x) atan(x) log(x) exp(x) abs(x) int(x) power2(n) max(x,y) min(x,y) o the alphanumeric functions : toupper(st) tolower(st) (transformations) sp(i) (makes blank strings) len(st) (length of the string) index(st1,st2) (locates st2 in st1) subst(st,i,j) (extracts (i:j) from st) head(st) (extract the 1st word) tail(st) (everything but the 1st word) headx(st,char) tailx(st,char) (same as head & tail but char is the separator) o file access eof(file) (true if End of File file is reached) o GIFA internal parameters va1d(i) val2d(i,j) val3d(i,j,k) (values in the 1D, 2D and 3D buffers) itoh(index,dim,axis) htoi(hertz,dim,axis)itop(index,dim,axis) ptoi(ppm,dim,axis) htop(hertz,dim,axis) ptoh(ppm,dim,axis) (unit conversions) nextlm(array,index) (next entry in associative or dbm array) exist(var_name) (true if var_name exists) dbm(var_name) (true if var_name is a dbm array)
Modified: Wed Apr 3 17:00:00 1996 GMT
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