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[05/05/95]      render.c
		Corrected 16bit precision problem with cartoons on PCs and
                Macintoshes.  These caused rounding errors in `ribbons'.

[02/05/95]      INSTALL
		Added additional build info for RasMac on the PowerPC using
                Metrowerk C++ v1.2. This requires additional files to v1.1.
                Special thanks to Graham Palmer.

[03/04/95]      pixutils.c pixutils.h render.c command.c
                Added the ability to display dashed "strands" ribbons.

[03/04/95]      render.c
                Modified the handling of the first and last residue in
                a chain to only extend to the alpha carbon except when
                the last residue is an arrow head.

[27/03/95]      render.c
                Fixed bug in cartoon representation when final residue in a
                chain is a beta-sheet.  Improved "CalculateInten" performance.

[27/03/95]      rasmol.c
                Made several changes to rasmol.c to allow RasMol to compile
                with DEC C (on AXP and VAX) without /standard=vaxc. Special
                thanks to Martin Zinser.

[26/03/95]      render.c render.h pixutils.c pixutils.h command.c tokens.h
                Added the new representation "cartoon" which represents a
                protein as a Richardson-style cartoon. The width of the
                cartoon is given as a parameter, the depth of the ribbon 
                and use of arrow heads may be changed using "set cartoon".

[25/03/95]      render.c command.c transfor.c molecule.h
                Changed the semantics of the "trace" command and added a
                new representation, "trace" which displays a cylindrical
                spline representation of "backbone".

[22/03/95]      render.c render.h command.c tokens.h transfor.c script.c
                Added the "Monitor" representation to RasMol as an dashed 
                line between two atoms, optionally labelled by the distance
                between the atoms (the default).

[16/03/95]	Makefile
		Added comments about use of +O4 optimisation using HPUX 9.05
                on the native PA-RISC compiler. Thanks to Richard Mathar.

[13/03/95]      outfile.c
                Implemented dashed lines in RasMol's vector PostScript output.
                This now includes the ability output of hbonds and ssbonds.

[13/03/95]      script.c
                Fixed bug when generating RasMol scripts caused by overlapping
                datum type masks. This caused errors with dashed vectors.

[12/03/95]      x11win.c
                Fixed a problem using scroll bar arrows to spin a molecule
                with three-button emulation on XFree (Linux and NetBSD).

[07/03/95]      render.c
                Improved performance of "isqrt" routine, the most frequently
                called function when rendering ribbons.

[06/03/95]      render.c
                Implemented the routine "InitialiseTables" to avoid using
                "isqrt". This drastically reduces the start-up time.

[06/03/95]      render.c
                Improved rendering of double & triple bonds.

[03/03/95]      command.c render.c render.h pixutils.c
                Added the ability to display double and triple bonds as
                two and three lines using the "set bonds true" command.

[03/03/95]      command.c tokens.h render.c transfor.c script.c rasmol.c 
                Added the ability to display bonds and backbones as dashed 
                lines using either the "dashes" command or the "dashes"
                parameter to the "wireframe" and "backbone" commands.

[03/03/95]      command.c
                Modified 'FetchFile' to display explicitly specified 
                hydrogen bonds by default.

[03/03/95]      pixutils.c
                Improved quality of dashed lines.

[02/03/95]      render.c molecule.c transfor.c transfor.h
                Ported RasMol to compile under Borland's Turbo C/C++. This
                required rewrite of ClearBuffers to avoid "_fmemset" bug.

[02/03/95]      outfile.c outfile.h command.c tokens.h x11win.c rasmol.c
                Added support for Silicon Graphics' IRIS RGB format image
                files for both 8 and 32bit versions, "write iris ".

[01/03/95]      outfile.c
                Tidied up many of the image file output routines.

[28/02/95]      molecule.h abstree.c abstree.h
                Improved handling of RNA bases and conversion of non-standard
                nucleotide atom names. Thanks to Hans Hoppe.

[17/02/95]      molecule.c
                Finally implemented internal to cartesian co-ordinate
                conversion for MOPAC internal input files. Very special
                thanks to Klaus-Peter Gulden.

[16/02/95]      molecule.c
                Added detection of MOPAC file types, and added support
                for MOPAC cartesian co-ordinate input files.

[15/02/95]	molecule.c
                Added support for reading MOPAC output files including 
                charge information (provided the job doesn't use the
                "NOXYZ" keyword as an option).

[14/02/95]      render.c
                Added "X", "Y" and "Z" axes labels to the "set axes on"

[13/02/95]      render.c render.h command.c
                Implemented the "set picking centre" command to allow the
                centre of rotation to be selected by clicking on an atom.

[10/02/95]      render.c render.h pixutils.c pixutils.h command.c tokens.h
                Started adding more support for RasMol stereo viewing.
                Stereo is enabled by either "stereo on" or "set stereo on".

[10/02/95]      pixutils.c
                Improved performance of function DisplayString avoiding
                clipping and reduced intensity of atom labels.

[09/02/95]      abstree.c
                Implemented function 'CalcTorsion' for "set picking torsion".

[06/02/95]      render.c
                Increased the maximum sphere rendering radius within RasMol.
                This is the first step to producing high-resolution output.

[02/02/95]      abstree.c abstree.h command.c tokens.h
                Added support for selecting individual models in "nmrpdb" 
                files, either use "model=25" property or expression "::25".
                RasMol also now allows chains to be specified ":a" and ":1".

[01/02/95]      outfile.c
                Modified the vector Postscript output routines to saturate 
                sphere colouring following "set ambient 100".

[23/01/95]      abstree.c
                Added the "%m" label format specifier for amino acid codes.

[20/01/95]      render.c render.h rasmol.c x11win.c
                Added the menu option "Labels" to RasMol for easy labelling.
                Improved internal label handling.

[20/01/95]      abstree.c
                Made functions CalcAngle and CalcDistance more robust.

[18/01/95]      transfor.c transfor.h command.c command.h
                Modified the RasMol "restrict" command to disable the display
                of backbone, ribbons and strand representations. Labels??

[18/01/95]      script.c
                Corrected bug in Kinemage format output that occurred when
                bonds were displayed in some chains but not in others. Also
                fixed potential problems with backbone DNA hydrogen bonds 
                in Kinemage files. Thanks to Piotr Zimniak.

[18/01/95]      command.c render.c x11win.c rasmac.c raswin.c abstree.
                Added the options "distance", "angle" and "torsion" to
                the RasMol "set picking" command to inspect geometry.

[17/01/95]      command.c tokens.h render.c render.h
                Added the RasMol command "set picking" with options "none",
                "ident" (default) and "label". The final option toggles the
                display of atom labels on the picked atom.

[13/01/95]      command.c
                Added the "set write" command to allow "write" and "save"
                commands to work from the command line.

[13/01/95]      command.c tokens.h x11win.c
                Added "refresh" command to update screen from script file.

[12/01/95]      render.c
                Modified DrawRibbon to use divisons rather than right shifts.
                This corrects problems on Convex. Thanks to Andy Quick.

[06/01/95]      molecule.h molecule.c abstree.c render.c transfor.c
                Modified the "Atom" structure definition to contain atomic
                number, this allowed correct determination of Brookhaven
                NAD and CoenzymeA elements by changing GetElemNumber().

[16/12/94]      raswin.c raswin.rc raswin.idm rasmac.c
                Modified the menu ogranisation of RasWin to include an Edit
                menu containing "Select All" and a "Print SetUp..." option.

[16/12/94]      molecule.c
                Corrected bug reading CHARMm format files that sometimes
                placed different residues in separate chains. Thanks to
                Stefan Fischer.

[15/12/94]      script.c
                Fixed bug in WriteMolScriptFile that occasionally resulted
                in all residues additionally being displayed as coil.

[13/12/94]      molecule.c molecule.h command.c rasmol.c raswin.c
                Added the "nmrpdb" file format to allow all NMR conformations
                to be loaded into RasMol into different `models'.

[08/12/94]      command.c
		Corrected a bug in command.c that resulted in an error if
                a label string wasn't placed between string terminators.

[08/12/94]      rasmol.c
		Corrected bug in RasMol performance profiling routines.

[08/12/94]	x11win.c
		Improved support for monochrome X. The improved performance
		algorithm now performs bidirectional error diffusion and
                correctly handles Black/White bit variations (e.g NEC & SUN).

[30/11/94]      molecule.c
                Modified LoadAlchemyMolecule and ConnectAtoms to enable
                hydrogen bonding to be specified in Alchemy format files.
                Fixed bug with bond types. Thanks to Chris Wilson.

[30/11/94]      outfile.c
                Changed the creator and file type of PostScript files on
                the Mac to 'vgrd' and 'TEXT' respectively. This enables 
                printing by Apple's PostScript utility. Thanks to Tom Jovin.

[29/11/94]      x11win.c
                Added support for Monochrome only X Windows displays by
                dithering 8bit images before calling XPutImage. The current
                error term diffusion algorithm may have to be improved for 
                wireframes and dot surfaces. Thanks to Cheuk-san Edward Wang.

[28/11/94]      molecule.c
                Made several changes to RasMol to account for unconventional
                atom naming in PDB files, such as strange hydrogens 'HD', 
                'HG' and 'HH' and cysteine sulphurs ' SB1'. Thanks to Bruce

[28/11/94]      rasmol.doc
		Added "primitives" to the keyword list in the on-line help
                documentation to solve xref `bug'. Thanks to Steve Brenner.

[21/11/94]      molecule.c
                Changed the handling of PDB residue synonyms to make name
                comparison more efficient. Added synonyms for standard
                nucleic acids. Thanks to Hans Hoppe.

[21/11/94]      rasmol.c
                Corrected problem with the static forward declaration
                of HandleEvents that caused problems on IRIX 4.0 compilers.
                Thanks to Noham Weinberg.

[16/11/94]      rasmol.c command.c
                Implemented the "Save As..." option on the File Menu in
                the UNIX version of RasMol. Thanks to Henry Rzepa.

[11/11/94]      molecule.c
                Added the ability to read in connectivity records from
                columns 32 and 37 of PDB's CONECT records. These are used
                by some programs for heavy elements instead of hbonds!

[10/11/94]      abstree.h
                Corrected errors in the covalent radii of several of the
                heavy elements in the periodic table.

[08/11/94]      molecule.c
                Corrected a bug in FindSybylResNo that resulted in the wrong
                atom types being found in Mol2 files. Thanks to Jim Bentley.

[08/11/94]      rasmol.h outfile.c
                Corrected problem with undefined _fstricmp in raswin.c and
                funtion WriteIRISFile under Windows NT. Thanks to Pedro Mendes.

[08/11/94]      descrip.mms
                Corrected several typos. Thanks to Ulrich Schmitt.

[08/11/94]      render.c script.c
                Fixed bug in RasMol that resulted in a division by zero
                when "set unitcell on", but the PDB file contains no
                crystal unit cell information. Thanks to Arne Eofsson.

[28/10/94]      !Announced the public release of RasMol, RasMac and RasWin 
                version 2.5, available by anonymous FTP from
		[] in the directory /pub/rasmol. The announcement
		was made in, bionet.announce,,
		sci.chem,, bionet.xtallography
		and sci.techniques.xtallography newsgroups.
Modified: Fri Oct 20 16:00:00 1995 GMT
Page accessed 3393 times since Sat Apr 17 22:32:49 1999 GMT