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Initial Growth of Number of Subscibers of CCL

In the early years of CCL, initial growth in both the number of subscribers had been very rapid, proving that the services provided by CCL have filled a great, otherwise unmet need. When Web gained popularity, the numbers eventually reached a plateau because many participants decided to browse messages via convenient Web interface rather than receive a copy of each message via e-mail. This is also encouraged by the fact that one does not need to be subscribed to be able to post to CCL. Anyone can send and distribute message to CCL provided that the message is related to the mission of the list. The WEB traffic is now a primary way to read messages posted to CCL. Moreover, many larger organizations distribute CCL internally. They receive a single copy of the message and distribute it to many local subscribers withing the company.

Growth in subscribers
Modified: Tue Dec 13 15:24:44 2005 GMT
Page accessed 27305 times since Tue Sep 12 19:29:38 2000 GMT