Security of CCL server
Security of this site is very important for
Computational Chemistry List, Ltd, and we pay attention to details.
Here is the list of measures that make this site secure
- We do not store sensitive information on this server (e.g.,
credit card numbers). Beside credit card information
we do not collect sensitive information, like social
security numbers, dates of birth, bank account numbers, etc.,
since we do not need it. At this time we do not offer payments
via electronic checks (e-check).
- When we collect payment by credit card over the Internet,
the credit card number, expiration date and CVV code are
not stored on the server, but directly relayed to the
payment gateway via encrypted connection. We use services of
Authorize.Net -- an established, secure and reliable
provider of such services since 1996 with more than 130,000 merchant
accounts as of 2005. Our scripts for collecting credit card
numbers were designed by a person who has over 30 years of
computer experience and are based on recommended examples
and solutions offered by the Authorize.Net for software
- To ensure secure communication during credit card processing
we use the 128-bit or 256-bit Secure Socket Layer technology
guarded with our GoDaddy Turbo SSL Certificate issued by one of
the most popular Internet Registrars: and signed
by Starfield Secure Certification Authority.
between our server and the customer, as well as communication
between server and the payment gateway, is handled only via
encrypted SSL connection when sensitive credit card information
is relayed. Before you enter your credit card information,
make sure that your browser displays the
in the Location: field on the top, and that the locked padlock
is displayed
at the bottom of your browser. When you doubleclick on the padlock
you should see the Digital Certificate information.
Use only latest Web browsers and
make sure that your computer is free of virus, spyware and
keystroke sniffers. Do not enter any sensitive information from
publicly accessible computers that are not well maintained.
CCL Servers run Linux operating system and use
Apache server. Our servers are protected with a firewall. We
carefully monitor our logs and constantly update system software
with the latest security fixes.
The static portion of the site is backed up weekly, while the
most active server areas are backed-up daily.
