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Five $1,150 CCG Excellence Student Travel Award Stipends Available for the Fall 2008 Philadelphia ACS National Meeting

The CCG Excellence Awards have been created to stimulate graduate student participation in ACS COMP Division activities (symposia and poster sessions) at ACS National Meetings. Those eligible for a CCG Excellence Award are American graduate students in good standing who present work within the COMP program, either in oral or poster format. Winners receive $1,150, as well as a copy of CCG's MOE (Molecular Operating Environment) software with a one-year license. They are also honored during a ceremony at the COMP Division Poster Session.
The application consists of an extended abstract (no more than 2 pages) of the poster or presentation along with a letter of support from the research advisor, a two page CV, and a personal statement (no more than 1 page). The awardees are chosen on the basis of the quality and significance of the research to be presented, as well as the strength of the supporting letter and other materials. All graduate students of the Americas are encouraged to submit applications. Awards will be given only to those individuals making presentations, not co-authors.
Closing date for entries (including all required supporting info.) is Friday, March 7, 2008 at 5PM Eastern time. Note that the award application deadline is BEFORE the normal deadline for submission of abstracts for the meeting.
Applicants will receive email confirmation of receipt of materials. If you do not receive confirmation by March 10, 2008, please contact the organizer immediately by telephone (see below).
In addition, you must submit your normal abstract to the " Chemical Computing Group Excellence Award" symposium on the OASYS system (the COMP OASYS deadline is March 17, 2008 for the Philadelphia ACS Meeting)
More information on awards offered by the ACS COMP division can be found on the web site at

Carlos Simmerling
Professor, Department of Chemistry
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11794-3400
Carlos Simmerling
Professor, Department of Chemistry
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11794-3400
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