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 generalized constants for angle   1   2   4  22   (type  54 31 35 20) are used
  0.000  0.000  0.000
 atom #   1 mmtype 54 charge: -0.156
 atom #   2 mmtype 31 charge:  0.661
 atom #   3 mmtype  2 charge: -0.101
 atom #   4 mmtype 35 charge: -0.050
 atom #   5 mmtype 35 charge: -0.050
 atom #   6 mmtype 54 charge: -0.156
 atom #   7 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #   8 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #   9 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  10 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  11 mmtype  1 charge:  0.107
 atom #  12 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  13 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  14 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  15 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  16 mmtype  1 charge:  0.107
 atom #  17 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  18 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  19 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  20 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  21 mmtype  5 charge:  0.038
 atom #  22 mmtype 20 charge: -0.100
 atom #  23 mmtype 20 charge: -0.100
 atom #  24 mmtype 20 charge: -0.100
 atom #  25 mmtype 20 charge: -0.100
 atom #  26 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  27 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  28 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  29 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  30 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  31 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  32 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  33 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  34 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  35 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  36 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  37 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  38 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  39 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  40 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  41 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  42 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  43 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  44 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  45 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  46 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  47 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  48 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  49 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  50 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  51 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  52 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  53 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  54 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  55 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  56 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000

 MMX Energy   26.26
 STR   2.28 BND   7.76
 S-B  -0.80  TOR  10.61
 VDW  -0.37  DIP/CHRG   6.78
 Dipole Moment    1.35
 Heat of Formation      0.000 kcal/mole;
 Strain Energy      0.000

 start Catalyst                                                  
0     * * * * * Energy is minimized within 0.0084 kcal * * * * *

         * * * * * MM2 energy is   26.2581 kcal/mol * * * * *

               Accumulated movement is 0.0007 ang/atom

       Heat of Formation, Strain Energies and Entropies at 300 k
        (units are kcal or eu.)
       Bond Enthalpy (be) and Entropy:
         #   Bond or Structure          Each    Total     Tot S contrib.
 * * * * * error - bond  2-  1 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
 * * * * * error - bond  3-  2 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
 * * * * * error - bond  4-  2 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
 * * * * * error - bond  5-  2 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
 * * * * * error - bond  6-  2 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
 * * * * * error - bond 11-  4 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
 * * * * * error - bond 16-  5 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
        11   C-C SP3-SP3                -0.004   -0.044        -180.400
        31   C-H ALIPHATIC              -3.205  -99.355         399.900
         1   C-C SP2-SP3                 0.170    0.170         -14.300
         1   C-H OLEFINIC               -3.205   -3.205          13.800
         3   NEO (ALKANE)               -0.707   -2.121
         9   C(SP3)-METHYL              -1.510  -13.590
                                    ----------------   ---------------
                                         be =  -118.145   s =   219.000
 3 & 4 Ring corrections to entropy are included w/o symmetry corrections.
 for each 5-ring add 26 eu.; for each 6 &7-ring add 16 eu.;
 for each 8-ring add 14 eu.; for higher rings add 12 eu. each.
 there are no symmetry corrections to the entropy.

 Heat of Formation calculation:
       Partition Function Contribution (PFC)
          Conformational Population Increment (POP)  0.000
          Torsional Contribution (TOR)               0.000
          Translation/Rotation Term (T/R)            2.400
                                              PFC =  2.400

       Heat of Formation (hf0) = energy + be + pfc         -89.487
       Strain Energy (energy+environment corrs.)=           18.278

 CAUTION, delta hf is not correct because of missing parameters.

  Use total energy or strain energy to compare the stabilities of conformers
  and diastereomers.  Caution, energy parameters for metal systems are
  generalized and may not represent a particular metal or oxidation state.
  Use heats of formation to compare stabilities of structural isomers like
  acetaldehyde and enol or allyl chloride and cyclopropyl chloride.  Many
  bond contributions to the heat of formation are unknown-these contribute
  0.0 to the value given.

 MMX Energy   26.26
 STR   2.28 BND   7.76
 S-B  -0.80  TOR  10.61
 VDW  -0.37  DIP/CHRG   6.78
 Dipole Moment    1.35
 Incomplete heat of formation    -89.487 kcal/mole
 end Catalyst                                                  
 generalized constants for angle   1   2   4  29   (type  54 31 35 20) are used
  0.000  0.000  0.000
 atom #   1 mmtype 54 charge: -0.156
 atom #   2 mmtype 31 charge:  0.661
 atom #   3 mmtype  2 charge: -0.101
 atom #   4 mmtype 35 charge: -0.050
 atom #   5 mmtype 35 charge: -0.050
 atom #   6 mmtype 54 charge: -0.156
 atom #   7 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #   8 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #   9 mmtype  1 charge:  0.107
 atom #  10 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  11 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  12 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  13 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  14 mmtype  1 charge:  0.107
 atom #  15 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  16 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  17 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  18 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  19 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  20 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  21 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  22 mmtype  2 charge: -0.038
 atom #  23 mmtype  2 charge: -0.038
 atom #  24 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  25 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  26 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  27 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  28 mmtype  5 charge:  0.038
 atom #  29 mmtype 20 charge: -0.100
 atom #  30 mmtype 20 charge: -0.100
 atom #  31 mmtype 20 charge: -0.100
 atom #  32 mmtype 20 charge: -0.100
 atom #  33 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  34 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  35 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  36 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  37 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  38 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  39 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  40 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  41 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  42 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  43 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  44 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  45 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  46 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  47 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  48 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  49 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  50 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  51 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  52 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  53 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  54 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  55 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  56 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  57 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  58 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  59 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  60 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  61 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  62 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  63 mmtype  5 charge:  0.038
 atom #  64 mmtype  5 charge:  0.038
 atom #  65 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  66 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  67 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  68 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  69 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  70 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  71 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  72 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  73 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000

 MMX Energy   45.46
 STR   3.03 BND  15.04
 S-B  -0.77  TOR  17.44
 VDW   3.79  DIP/CHRG   6.93
 Dipole Moment    1.58
 Heat of Formation    -89.487 kcal/mole;
 Strain Energy     18.278

 start P1C                                                       
0     * * * * * Energy is minimized within 0.0110 kcal * * * * *

         * * * * * MM2 energy is   45.4554 kcal/mol * * * * *

               Accumulated movement is 0.0014 ang/atom

       Heat of Formation, Strain Energies and Entropies at 300 k
        (units are kcal or eu.)
       Bond Enthalpy (be) and Entropy:
         #   Bond or Structure          Each    Total     Tot S contrib.
 * * * * * error - bond  2-  1 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
 * * * * * error - bond  3-  2 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
 * * * * * error - bond  4-  2 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
 * * * * * error - bond  5-  2 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
 * * * * * error - bond  6-  2 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
 * * * * * error - bond  9-  4 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
 * * * * * error - bond 14-  5 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
        16   C-C SP3-SP3                -0.004   -0.064        -262.400
        39   C-H ALIPHATIC              -3.205 -124.995         503.100
         3   C-C SP2-SP3                 0.170    0.510         -42.900
         1   C=C SP2-SP2                22.840   22.840           0.000
         3   C-H OLEFINIC               -3.205   -9.615          41.400
         2   ISO (ALKANE)                0.078    0.156
         3   NEO (ALKANE)               -0.707   -2.121
         9   C(SP3)-METHYL              -1.510  -13.590
                                    ----------------   ---------------
                                         be =  -126.879   s =   239.200
 3 & 4 Ring corrections to entropy are included w/o symmetry corrections.
 for each 5-ring add 26 eu.; for each 6 &7-ring add 16 eu.;
 for each 8-ring add 14 eu.; for higher rings add 12 eu. each.
 there are no symmetry corrections to the entropy.

 Heat of Formation calculation:
       Partition Function Contribution (PFC)
          Conformational Population Increment (POP)  0.000
          Torsional Contribution (TOR)               0.000
          Translation/Rotation Term (T/R)            2.400
                                              PFC =  2.400

       Heat of Formation (hf0) = energy + be + pfc         -79.024
       Strain Energy (energy+environment corrs.)=           34.335

 CAUTION, delta hf is not correct because of missing parameters.

  Use total energy or strain energy to compare the stabilities of conformers
  and diastereomers.  Caution, energy parameters for metal systems are
  generalized and may not represent a particular metal or oxidation state.
  Use heats of formation to compare stabilities of structural isomers like
  acetaldehyde and enol or allyl chloride and cyclopropyl chloride.  Many
  bond contributions to the heat of formation are unknown-these contribute
  0.0 to the value given.

 MMX Energy   45.46
 STR   3.03 BND  15.03
 S-B  -0.77  TOR  17.45
 VDW   3.80  DIP/CHRG   6.93
 Dipole Moment    1.58
 Incomplete heat of formation    -79.024 kcal/mole
 end P1C                                                       
 generalized constants for angle   1   2   4  29   (type  54 31 35 20) are used
  0.000  0.000  0.000
 atom #   1 mmtype 54 charge: -0.156
 atom #   2 mmtype 31 charge:  0.661
 atom #   3 mmtype  2 charge: -0.101
 atom #   4 mmtype 35 charge: -0.050
 atom #   5 mmtype 35 charge: -0.050
 atom #   6 mmtype 54 charge: -0.156
 atom #   7 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #   8 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #   9 mmtype  1 charge:  0.107
 atom #  10 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  11 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  12 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  13 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  14 mmtype  1 charge:  0.107
 atom #  15 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  16 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  17 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  18 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  19 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  20 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  21 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  22 mmtype  2 charge: -0.038
 atom #  23 mmtype  2 charge: -0.038
 atom #  24 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  25 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  26 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  27 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  28 mmtype  5 charge:  0.038
 atom #  29 mmtype 20 charge: -0.100
 atom #  30 mmtype 20 charge: -0.100
 atom #  31 mmtype 20 charge: -0.100
 atom #  32 mmtype 20 charge: -0.100
 atom #  33 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  34 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  35 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  36 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  37 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  38 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  39 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  40 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  41 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  42 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  43 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  44 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  45 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  46 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  47 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  48 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  49 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  50 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  51 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  52 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  53 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  54 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  55 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  56 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  57 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  58 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  59 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  60 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  61 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  62 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  63 mmtype  5 charge:  0.038
 atom #  64 mmtype  5 charge:  0.038
 atom #  65 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  66 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  67 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  68 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  69 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  70 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  71 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  72 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  73 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000

 MMX Energy   40.60
 STR   2.74 BND  11.40
 S-B  -0.76  TOR  17.10
 VDW   3.23  DIP/CHRG   6.89
 Dipole Moment    1.31
 Heat of Formation    -79.024 kcal/mole;
 Strain Energy     34.335

 start P1T                                                       
0     * * * * * Energy is minimized within 0.0110 kcal * * * * *

         * * * * * MM2 energy is   40.5939 kcal/mol * * * * *

               Accumulated movement is 0.0011 ang/atom

       Heat of Formation, Strain Energies and Entropies at 300 k
        (units are kcal or eu.)
       Bond Enthalpy (be) and Entropy:
         #   Bond or Structure          Each    Total     Tot S contrib.
 * * * * * error - bond  2-  1 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
 * * * * * error - bond  3-  2 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
 * * * * * error - bond  4-  2 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
 * * * * * error - bond  5-  2 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
 * * * * * error - bond  6-  2 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
 * * * * * error - bond  9-  4 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
 * * * * * error - bond 14-  5 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
        16   C-C SP3-SP3                -0.004   -0.064        -262.400
        39   C-H ALIPHATIC              -3.205 -124.995         503.100
         3   C-C SP2-SP3                 0.170    0.510         -42.900
         1   C=C SP2-SP2                22.840   22.840           0.000
         3   C-H OLEFINIC               -3.205   -9.615          41.400
         2   ISO (ALKANE)                0.078    0.156
         3   NEO (ALKANE)               -0.707   -2.121
         9   C(SP3)-METHYL              -1.510  -13.590
                                    ----------------   ---------------
                                         be =  -126.879   s =   239.200
 3 & 4 Ring corrections to entropy are included w/o symmetry corrections.
 for each 5-ring add 26 eu.; for each 6 &7-ring add 16 eu.;
 for each 8-ring add 14 eu.; for higher rings add 12 eu. each.
 there are no symmetry corrections to the entropy.

 Heat of Formation calculation:
       Partition Function Contribution (PFC)
          Conformational Population Increment (POP)  0.000
          Torsional Contribution (TOR)               0.000
          Translation/Rotation Term (T/R)            2.400
                                              PFC =  2.400

       Heat of Formation (hf0) = energy + be + pfc         -83.885
       Strain Energy (energy+environment corrs.)=           29.474

 CAUTION, delta hf is not correct because of missing parameters.

  Use total energy or strain energy to compare the stabilities of conformers
  and diastereomers.  Caution, energy parameters for metal systems are
  generalized and may not represent a particular metal or oxidation state.
  Use heats of formation to compare stabilities of structural isomers like
  acetaldehyde and enol or allyl chloride and cyclopropyl chloride.  Many
  bond contributions to the heat of formation are unknown-these contribute
  0.0 to the value given.

 MMX Energy   40.59
 STR   2.74 BND  11.39
 S-B  -0.76  TOR  17.10
 VDW   3.22  DIP/CHRG   6.89
 Dipole Moment    1.31
 Incomplete heat of formation    -83.885 kcal/mole
 end P1T                                                       
 generalized constants for angle   1   2   4  36   (type  54 31 35 20) are used
  0.000  0.000  0.000
 atom #   1 mmtype 54 charge: -0.156
 atom #   2 mmtype 31 charge:  0.661
 atom #   3 mmtype  2 charge: -0.101
 atom #   4 mmtype 35 charge: -0.050
 atom #   5 mmtype 35 charge: -0.050
 atom #   6 mmtype 54 charge: -0.156
 atom #   7 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #   8 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #   9 mmtype  1 charge:  0.107
 atom #  10 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  11 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  12 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  13 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  14 mmtype  1 charge:  0.107
 atom #  15 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  16 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  17 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  18 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  19 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  20 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  21 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  22 mmtype  2 charge: -0.038
 atom #  23 mmtype  2 charge: -0.038
 atom #  24 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  25 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  26 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  27 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  28 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  29 mmtype  2 charge: -0.038
 atom #  30 mmtype  2 charge: -0.038
 atom #  31 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  32 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  33 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  34 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  35 mmtype  5 charge:  0.038
 atom #  36 mmtype 20 charge: -0.100
 atom #  37 mmtype 20 charge: -0.100
 atom #  38 mmtype 20 charge: -0.100
 atom #  39 mmtype 20 charge: -0.100
 atom #  40 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  41 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  42 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  43 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  44 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  45 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  46 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  47 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  48 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  49 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  50 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  51 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  52 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  53 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  54 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  55 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  56 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  57 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  58 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  59 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  60 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  61 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  62 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  63 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  64 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  65 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  66 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  67 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  68 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  69 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  70 mmtype  5 charge:  0.038
 atom #  71 mmtype  5 charge:  0.038
 atom #  72 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  73 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  74 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  75 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  76 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  77 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  78 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  79 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  80 mmtype  5 charge:  0.038
 atom #  81 mmtype  5 charge:  0.038
 atom #  82 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  83 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  84 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  85 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  86 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  87 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  88 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  89 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  90 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000

 MMX Energy   56.72
 STR   3.37 BND  15.82
 S-B  -0.70  TOR  25.71
 VDW   5.51  DIP/CHRG   7.02
 Dipole Moment    1.33
 Heat of Formation    -83.885 kcal/mole;
 Strain Energy     29.474

 start P2CC                                                      
0     * * * * * Energy is minimized within 0.0135 kcal * * * * *

         * * * * * MM2 energy is   56.7068 kcal/mol * * * * *

               Accumulated movement is 0.0013 ang/atom

       Heat of Formation, Strain Energies and Entropies at 300 k
        (units are kcal or eu.)
       Bond Enthalpy (be) and Entropy:
         #   Bond or Structure          Each    Total     Tot S contrib.
 * * * * * error - bond  2-  1 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
 * * * * * error - bond  3-  2 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
 * * * * * error - bond  4-  2 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
 * * * * * error - bond  5-  2 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
 * * * * * error - bond  6-  2 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
 * * * * * error - bond  9-  4 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
 * * * * * error - bond 14-  5 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
        21   C-C SP3-SP3                -0.004   -0.084        -344.400
        47   C-H ALIPHATIC              -3.205 -150.635         606.300
         5   C-C SP2-SP3                 0.170    0.850         -71.500
         2   C=C SP2-SP2                22.840   45.680           0.000
         5   C-H OLEFINIC               -3.205  -16.025          69.000
         4   ISO (ALKANE)                0.078    0.312
         3   NEO (ALKANE)               -0.707   -2.121
         9   C(SP3)-METHYL              -1.510  -13.590
                                    ----------------   ---------------
                                         be =  -135.613   s =   259.400
 3 & 4 Ring corrections to entropy are included w/o symmetry corrections.
 for each 5-ring add 26 eu.; for each 6 &7-ring add 16 eu.;
 for each 8-ring add 14 eu.; for higher rings add 12 eu. each.
 there are no symmetry corrections to the entropy.

 Heat of Formation calculation:
       Partition Function Contribution (PFC)
          Conformational Population Increment (POP)  0.000
          Torsional Contribution (TOR)               0.000
          Translation/Rotation Term (T/R)            2.400
                                              PFC =  2.400

       Heat of Formation (hf0) = energy + be + pfc         -76.506
       Strain Energy (energy+environment corrs.)=           42.447

 CAUTION, delta hf is not correct because of missing parameters.

  Use total energy or strain energy to compare the stabilities of conformers
  and diastereomers.  Caution, energy parameters for metal systems are
  generalized and may not represent a particular metal or oxidation state.
  Use heats of formation to compare stabilities of structural isomers like
  acetaldehyde and enol or allyl chloride and cyclopropyl chloride.  Many
  bond contributions to the heat of formation are unknown-these contribute
  0.0 to the value given.

 MMX Energy   56.71
 STR   3.37 BND  15.81
 S-B  -0.71  TOR  25.71
 VDW   5.51  DIP/CHRG   7.02
 Dipole Moment    1.33
 Incomplete heat of formation    -76.506 kcal/mole
 end P2CC                                                      
 generalized constants for angle   1   2   4  36   (type  54 31 35 20) are used
  0.000  0.000  0.000
 atom #   1 mmtype 54 charge: -0.156
 atom #   2 mmtype 31 charge:  0.661
 atom #   3 mmtype  2 charge: -0.101
 atom #   4 mmtype 35 charge: -0.050
 atom #   5 mmtype 35 charge: -0.050
 atom #   6 mmtype 54 charge: -0.156
 atom #   7 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #   8 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #   9 mmtype  1 charge:  0.107
 atom #  10 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  11 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  12 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  13 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  14 mmtype  1 charge:  0.107
 atom #  15 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  16 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  17 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  18 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  19 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  20 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  21 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  22 mmtype  2 charge: -0.038
 atom #  23 mmtype  2 charge: -0.038
 atom #  24 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  25 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  26 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  27 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  28 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  29 mmtype  2 charge: -0.038
 atom #  30 mmtype  2 charge: -0.038
 atom #  31 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  32 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  33 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  34 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  35 mmtype  5 charge:  0.038
 atom #  36 mmtype 20 charge: -0.100
 atom #  37 mmtype 20 charge: -0.100
 atom #  38 mmtype 20 charge: -0.100
 atom #  39 mmtype 20 charge: -0.100
 atom #  40 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  41 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  42 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  43 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  44 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  45 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  46 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  47 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  48 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  49 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  50 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  51 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  52 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  53 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  54 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  55 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  56 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  57 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  58 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  59 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  60 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  61 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  62 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  63 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  64 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  65 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  66 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  67 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  68 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  69 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  70 mmtype  5 charge:  0.038
 atom #  71 mmtype  5 charge:  0.038
 atom #  72 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  73 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  74 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  75 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  76 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  77 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  78 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  79 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  80 mmtype  5 charge:  0.038
 atom #  81 mmtype  5 charge:  0.038
 atom #  82 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  83 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  84 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  85 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  86 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  87 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  88 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  89 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  90 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000

 MMX Energy   52.68
 STR   3.13 BND  13.03
 S-B  -0.71  TOR  25.40
 VDW   4.86  DIP/CHRG   6.98
 Dipole Moment    1.52
 Heat of Formation    -76.506 kcal/mole;
 Strain Energy     42.447

 start P2CT                                                      
0     * * * * * Energy is minimized within 0.0135 kcal * * * * *

         * * * * * MM2 energy is   52.6762 kcal/mol * * * * *

               Accumulated movement is 0.0010 ang/atom

       Heat of Formation, Strain Energies and Entropies at 300 k
        (units are kcal or eu.)
       Bond Enthalpy (be) and Entropy:
         #   Bond or Structure          Each    Total     Tot S contrib.
 * * * * * error - bond  2-  1 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
 * * * * * error - bond  3-  2 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
 * * * * * error - bond  4-  2 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
 * * * * * error - bond  5-  2 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
 * * * * * error - bond  6-  2 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
 * * * * * error - bond  9-  4 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
 * * * * * error - bond 14-  5 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
        21   C-C SP3-SP3                -0.004   -0.084        -344.400
        47   C-H ALIPHATIC              -3.205 -150.635         606.300
         5   C-C SP2-SP3                 0.170    0.850         -71.500
         2   C=C SP2-SP2                22.840   45.680           0.000
         5   C-H OLEFINIC               -3.205  -16.025          69.000
         4   ISO (ALKANE)                0.078    0.312
         3   NEO (ALKANE)               -0.707   -2.121
         9   C(SP3)-METHYL              -1.510  -13.590
                                    ----------------   ---------------
                                         be =  -135.613   s =   259.400
 3 & 4 Ring corrections to entropy are included w/o symmetry corrections.
 for each 5-ring add 26 eu.; for each 6 &7-ring add 16 eu.;
 for each 8-ring add 14 eu.; for higher rings add 12 eu. each.
 there are no symmetry corrections to the entropy.

 Heat of Formation calculation:
       Partition Function Contribution (PFC)
          Conformational Population Increment (POP)  0.000
          Torsional Contribution (TOR)               0.000
          Translation/Rotation Term (T/R)            2.400
                                              PFC =  2.400

       Heat of Formation (hf0) = energy + be + pfc         -80.537
       Strain Energy (energy+environment corrs.)=           38.416

 CAUTION, delta hf is not correct because of missing parameters.

  Use total energy or strain energy to compare the stabilities of conformers
  and diastereomers.  Caution, energy parameters for metal systems are
  generalized and may not represent a particular metal or oxidation state.
  Use heats of formation to compare stabilities of structural isomers like
  acetaldehyde and enol or allyl chloride and cyclopropyl chloride.  Many
  bond contributions to the heat of formation are unknown-these contribute
  0.0 to the value given.

 MMX Energy   52.68
 STR   3.13 BND  13.02
 S-B  -0.71  TOR  25.40
 VDW   4.85  DIP/CHRG   6.98
 Dipole Moment    1.52
 Incomplete heat of formation    -80.537 kcal/mole
 end P2CT                                                      
 generalized constants for angle   1   2   4  36   (type  54 31 35 20) are used
  0.000  0.000  0.000
 atom #   1 mmtype 54 charge: -0.156
 atom #   2 mmtype 31 charge:  0.661
 atom #   3 mmtype  2 charge: -0.101
 atom #   4 mmtype 35 charge: -0.050
 atom #   5 mmtype 35 charge: -0.050
 atom #   6 mmtype 54 charge: -0.156
 atom #   7 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #   8 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #   9 mmtype  1 charge:  0.107
 atom #  10 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  11 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  12 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  13 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  14 mmtype  1 charge:  0.107
 atom #  15 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  16 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  17 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  18 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  19 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  20 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  21 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  22 mmtype  2 charge: -0.038
 atom #  23 mmtype  2 charge: -0.038
 atom #  24 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  25 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  26 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  27 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  28 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  29 mmtype  2 charge: -0.038
 atom #  30 mmtype  2 charge: -0.038
 atom #  31 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  32 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  33 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  34 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  35 mmtype  5 charge:  0.038
 atom #  36 mmtype 20 charge: -0.100
 atom #  37 mmtype 20 charge: -0.100
 atom #  38 mmtype 20 charge: -0.100
 atom #  39 mmtype 20 charge: -0.100
 atom #  40 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  41 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  42 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  43 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  44 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  45 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  46 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  47 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  48 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  49 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  50 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  51 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  52 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  53 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  54 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  55 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  56 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  57 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  58 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  59 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  60 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  61 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  62 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  63 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  64 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  65 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  66 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  67 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  68 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  69 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  70 mmtype  5 charge:  0.038
 atom #  71 mmtype  5 charge:  0.038
 atom #  72 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  73 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  74 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  75 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  76 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  77 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  78 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  79 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  80 mmtype  5 charge:  0.038
 atom #  81 mmtype  5 charge:  0.038
 atom #  82 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  83 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  84 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  85 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  86 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  87 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  88 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  89 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  90 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000

 MMX Energy   54.94
 STR   3.28 BND  14.36
 S-B  -0.71  TOR  25.60
 VDW   5.43  DIP/CHRG   6.98
 Dipole Moment    1.31
 Heat of Formation    -80.537 kcal/mole;
 Strain Energy     38.416

 start P2TC                                                      
0     * * * * * Energy is minimized within 0.0135 kcal * * * * *

         * * * * * MM2 energy is   54.9252 kcal/mol * * * * *

               Accumulated movement is 0.0011 ang/atom

       Heat of Formation, Strain Energies and Entropies at 300 k
        (units are kcal or eu.)
       Bond Enthalpy (be) and Entropy:
         #   Bond or Structure          Each    Total     Tot S contrib.
 * * * * * error - bond  2-  1 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
 * * * * * error - bond  3-  2 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
 * * * * * error - bond  4-  2 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
 * * * * * error - bond  5-  2 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
 * * * * * error - bond  6-  2 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
 * * * * * error - bond  9-  4 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
 * * * * * error - bond 14-  5 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
        21   C-C SP3-SP3                -0.004   -0.084        -344.400
        47   C-H ALIPHATIC              -3.205 -150.635         606.300
         5   C-C SP2-SP3                 0.170    0.850         -71.500
         2   C=C SP2-SP2                22.840   45.680           0.000
         5   C-H OLEFINIC               -3.205  -16.025          69.000
         4   ISO (ALKANE)                0.078    0.312
         3   NEO (ALKANE)               -0.707   -2.121
         9   C(SP3)-METHYL              -1.510  -13.590
                                    ----------------   ---------------
                                         be =  -135.613   s =   259.400
 3 & 4 Ring corrections to entropy are included w/o symmetry corrections.
 for each 5-ring add 26 eu.; for each 6 &7-ring add 16 eu.;
 for each 8-ring add 14 eu.; for higher rings add 12 eu. each.
 there are no symmetry corrections to the entropy.

 Heat of Formation calculation:
       Partition Function Contribution (PFC)
          Conformational Population Increment (POP)  0.000
          Torsional Contribution (TOR)               0.000
          Translation/Rotation Term (T/R)            2.400
                                              PFC =  2.400

       Heat of Formation (hf0) = energy + be + pfc         -78.288
       Strain Energy (energy+environment corrs.)=           40.665

 CAUTION, delta hf is not correct because of missing parameters.

  Use total energy or strain energy to compare the stabilities of conformers
  and diastereomers.  Caution, energy parameters for metal systems are
  generalized and may not represent a particular metal or oxidation state.
  Use heats of formation to compare stabilities of structural isomers like
  acetaldehyde and enol or allyl chloride and cyclopropyl chloride.  Many
  bond contributions to the heat of formation are unknown-these contribute
  0.0 to the value given.

 MMX Energy   54.93
 STR   3.28 BND  14.35
 S-B  -0.71  TOR  25.60
 VDW   5.43  DIP/CHRG   6.98
 Dipole Moment    1.31
 Incomplete heat of formation    -78.288 kcal/mole
 end P2TC                                                      
 generalized constants for angle   1   2   4  36   (type  54 31 35 20) are used
  0.000  0.000  0.000
 atom #   1 mmtype 54 charge: -0.156
 atom #   2 mmtype 31 charge:  0.661
 atom #   3 mmtype  2 charge: -0.101
 atom #   4 mmtype 35 charge: -0.050
 atom #   5 mmtype 35 charge: -0.050
 atom #   6 mmtype 54 charge: -0.156
 atom #   7 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #   8 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #   9 mmtype  1 charge:  0.107
 atom #  10 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  11 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  12 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  13 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  14 mmtype  1 charge:  0.107
 atom #  15 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  16 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  17 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  18 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  19 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  20 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  21 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  22 mmtype  2 charge: -0.038
 atom #  23 mmtype  2 charge: -0.038
 atom #  24 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  25 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  26 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  27 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  28 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  29 mmtype  2 charge: -0.038
 atom #  30 mmtype  2 charge: -0.038
 atom #  31 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  32 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  33 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  34 mmtype  1 charge:  0.000
 atom #  35 mmtype  5 charge:  0.038
 atom #  36 mmtype 20 charge: -0.100
 atom #  37 mmtype 20 charge: -0.100
 atom #  38 mmtype 20 charge: -0.100
 atom #  39 mmtype 20 charge: -0.100
 atom #  40 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  41 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  42 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  43 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  44 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  45 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  46 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  47 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  48 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  49 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  50 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  51 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  52 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  53 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  54 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  55 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  56 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  57 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  58 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  59 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  60 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  61 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  62 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  63 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  64 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  65 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  66 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  67 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  68 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  69 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  70 mmtype  5 charge:  0.038
 atom #  71 mmtype  5 charge:  0.038
 atom #  72 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  73 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  74 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  75 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  76 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  77 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  78 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  79 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  80 mmtype  5 charge:  0.038
 atom #  81 mmtype  5 charge:  0.038
 atom #  82 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  83 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  84 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  85 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  86 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  87 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  88 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  89 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000
 atom #  90 mmtype  5 charge:  0.000

 MMX Energy   52.28
 STR   3.07 BND  12.07
 S-B  -0.71  TOR  25.63
 VDW   5.27  DIP/CHRG   6.94
 Dipole Moment    1.39
 Heat of Formation    -78.288 kcal/mole;
 Strain Energy     40.665

 start P2TT                                                      
0     * * * * * Energy is minimized within 0.0135 kcal * * * * *

         * * * * * MM2 energy is   52.2659 kcal/mol * * * * *

               Accumulated movement is 0.0010 ang/atom

       Heat of Formation, Strain Energies and Entropies at 300 k
        (units are kcal or eu.)
       Bond Enthalpy (be) and Entropy:
         #   Bond or Structure          Each    Total     Tot S contrib.
 * * * * * error - bond  2-  1 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
 * * * * * error - bond  3-  2 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
 * * * * * error - bond  4-  2 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
 * * * * * error - bond  5-  2 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
 * * * * * error - bond  6-  2 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
 * * * * * error - bond  9-  4 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
 * * * * * error - bond 14-  5 does not have programmed enthalpy increments. 
        21   C-C SP3-SP3                -0.004   -0.084        -344.400
        47   C-H ALIPHATIC              -3.205 -150.635         606.300
         5   C-C SP2-SP3                 0.170    0.850         -71.500
         2   C=C SP2-SP2                22.840   45.680           0.000
         5   C-H OLEFINIC               -3.205  -16.025          69.000
         4   ISO (ALKANE)                0.078    0.312
         3   NEO (ALKANE)               -0.707   -2.121
         9   C(SP3)-METHYL              -1.510  -13.590
                                    ----------------   ---------------
                                         be =  -135.613   s =   259.400
 3 & 4 Ring corrections to entropy are included w/o symmetry corrections.
 for each 5-ring add 26 eu.; for each 6 &7-ring add 16 eu.;
 for each 8-ring add 14 eu.; for higher rings add 12 eu. each.
 there are no symmetry corrections to the entropy.

 Heat of Formation calculation:
       Partition Function Contribution (PFC)
          Conformational Population Increment (POP)  0.000
          Torsional Contribution (TOR)               0.000
          Translation/Rotation Term (T/R)            2.400
                                              PFC =  2.400

       Heat of Formation (hf0) = energy + be + pfc         -80.947
       Strain Energy (energy+environment corrs.)=           38.006

 CAUTION, delta hf is not correct because of missing parameters.

  Use total energy or strain energy to compare the stabilities of conformers
  and diastereomers.  Caution, energy parameters for metal systems are
  generalized and may not represent a particular metal or oxidation state.
  Use heats of formation to compare stabilities of structural isomers like
  acetaldehyde and enol or allyl chloride and cyclopropyl chloride.  Many
  bond contributions to the heat of formation are unknown-these contribute
  0.0 to the value given.

 MMX Energy   52.27
 STR   3.07 BND  12.08
 S-B  -0.71  TOR  25.62
 VDW   5.27  DIP/CHRG   6.94
 Dipole Moment    1.39
 Incomplete heat of formation    -80.947 kcal/mole
 end P2TT                                                      

 MMX Energy   52.27
 STR   3.07 BND  12.08
 S-B  -0.71  TOR  25.62
 VDW   5.27  DIP/CHRG   6.94
 Dipole Moment    1.39
 Incomplete heat of formation    -80.947 kcal/mole
 end P2TT                                                      
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Modified: Tue Sep 22 14:24:35 1998 GMT
Page accessed 1598 times since Sun Jun 6 11:44:35 2010 GMT