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Up Directory CCL 12.07.16 In-Residence Training at the Theoretical & Computational Biophysics Group, July 16 - 27, 2012, Urbana, IL
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Thu Mar 8 12:16:44 2012
Subject: 12.07.16 In-Residence Training at the Theoretical & Computational Biophysics Group, July 16 - 27, 2012, Urbana, IL
In-Residence Training at the Theoretical & Computational Biophysics Group.
July 16-27, 2012, at the Beckman Institute in Urbana, Illinois:

The Theoretical and Computational Biophysics Group (TCBG) announces an 
'in-residence' workshop that invites 5-7 scientists to the home of the TCBG 
for advanced training and consultation with an ongoing molecular dynamics 
study carried out by the participants. The in-residence training program 
provides an opportunity for experimentalists and theorists who are not 
experts in modeling, to initiate a project that requires advanced modeling. 
During their two-week stay, participants will be provided with office space, 
use of computing facilities at the TCBG, and access to the expertise of TCBG 
group members. The goal of the in-residence workshop is to facilitate launch 
and refinement of participant modeling projects.

The in-residence training program is designed for academic (graduate students,
postdocs, faculty), corporate, government, or other researchers who seek to 
extend their research area to include computational and theoretical expertise
in molecular modeling. Applicants should provide a concise description of 
the modeling project they envision for study during the in-residence program.
To allow for advanced work, applicants should be proficient in use of the 
VMD and NAMD software programs, and to have completed basic tutorials for 
those programs as can be found here. Furthermore, applicants are required to
bring a laptop to facilitate after-hours work, and must stay for the entire 
period of the program. 

The in-residence program provides free housing at a campus dormitory
housing unit for the duration of the workshop. Participants must arrange 
and pay for their own transportation. Application deadline is June 24, 2012
for full consideration. Selection and notification of participants ongoing
through June 28, 2012. A non-refundable $50 registration fee is due from 
those selected to attend by July 13, 2012. In-residence training starts 
July 16, 2012, and continues through July 27, 2012.

For application and further information, go to:

We look forward to receiving your application!

TCBG Workshop Team
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