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BABEL is a program designed to interconvert a number of file formats
currently used in molecular moldeling.  The program is available for
Unix (AIX, Ultrix, Sun-OS, Convex, SGI, Cray, Linux), MS-DOS, and on 
Macs running at least System 7.0.

Babel will read the following file types :

Alchemy                  AMBER PREP               Ball and Stick           
Biosym .CAR              Boogie                   Cacao Cartesian          
Cambridge CADPAC*        CHARMm*                  Chem3D Cartesian 1       
Chem3D Cartesian 2       CSD CSSR                 CSD FDAT*                
CSD GSTAT                Free Form Fractional     GAMESS Output*           
Gaussian Z-Matrix        Gaussian Output*         Hyperchem HIN*           
Mac Molecule             Macromodel               Micro World              
MM2 Input                MM2 Ouput                MM3*                     
MMADS*                   MDL MOLfile*             MOLIN*                   
Mopac Cartesian          Mopac Internal           Mopac Output             
PDB                      ShelX                    Sybyl Mol*               
Sybyl Mol2*              XYZ                      

Babel will write the following file types :

Alchemy                  Ball and Stick           Cacao Cartesian          
CAChe MolStruct*         Chem3D Cartesian 1       Chem3D Cartesian 2       
ChemDraw Conn. Table*    CSD CSSR*                Gamess Input*             
Gaussian Cartesian*      Gaussian Z-matrix        Hyperchem HIN*            
IDATM                    Mac Molecule             Macromodel               
Micro World              MM2 Input*               MM2 Ouput                
MM3*                     MMADS*                   MDL Molfile*              
Mopac Cartesian          Mopac Internal           PDB                      
Report                   Sybyl Mol*               Sybyl Mol2*               

Babel is capable of assigning hybridization, bond order, and connectivity 
when these elements are not present in the input file.

NOTE:  The file formats indicated with * are not currently supported in the
Mac version.  We're currently working on a Mac update which will include all
these formats, and few other new goodies.  This update should be ready in a
couple of weeks.

Babel is avialiable via annonymous ftp from in pub/Babel


The Unix version is in the file babel-1.04.tar.Z

1. uncompress babel-1.04.tar.Z
2. tar -xvf babel-1.04.tar 
3. follow the instructions in README.1ST

-------Special note for users with Sun workstations-------------------
Many older Sun C compilers are not ANSI compliant and will not compile 
Babel.  However, there are two options :
1. Use gcc
2. Download the file sun-babel.tar.Z which has a binary compiled with
with gcc on a sun 4 under SunOS release 4.1.3. 

-------Specail note for users with SGI workstations-----------------------
It seems that some people who have SGI workstations don't have a C compiler.
For these people we have put an SGI binary in the file sgi-babel.tar.Z

The Mac version is in the file macbabel.sea.hqx

1. Use you favorite archiving program to unbinhex the archive.
2. Double click on the self extracting archive macbabel.sea
3. Follow the instructions in the file Babel Manual

The DOS version is in the file

1. pkunzip
2. follow the instructions in README.1ST

Any questions regarding BABEL should be directed to

Modified: Thu Apr 3 17:00:00 1997 GMT
Page accessed 13567 times since Sat Apr 17 21:24:35 1999 GMT