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void fdate (char *utime, long int k)
/* Loads *utime with the Unix format time/date string */
/* padded on the right with spaces. The argument list */
/* is suitable for calling from fortran and uses the  */
/* hidden argument for the fortran string length. The */
/* calling sequence is                                */
/*  CHARACTER*24 STR                                  */
/*  CALL FDATE(STR)                                   */
/*                                                    */
/* If the string length of utime is too short for the */
/* date string, the latter will be truncated.         */
/* JWD 11-Apr-91 */
    char tbfr[26];
    char *tp;
    long int i;
    time_t timeval;
    for(i=1;i<=k;i++){*utime=' ';utime++;}
    timeval = time((time_t*)NULL);
    while( ((int)(*tp) != 10) && (i < k) ){*utime=*tp;tp++;utime++;i++;}
Modified: Wed Mar 8 17:00:00 1995 GMT
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