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  \let\TEX = \TeX               
  \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{3.9cm}     %real measurement 1.5in
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  \begin {document}    
 \centerline{APPENDIX C}

 Table C.1 lists the first quadrant slopes of lines that can be
 typeset with LaTeX, together with the corresponding degrees of
 angle. The integers ${\rm x_s}$ and ${\rm y_s}$ represent the 
 slope in LaTeX's line-drawing statement \\ 
 \centerline{$\backslash $put(x,y) \{$\backslash $line(${\rm x_s}$,${\rm y_s}$)
\{length\}\}. } Corresponding angles in the other quadrants can be
 generated by preceding ${\rm x_s}$ and/or ${\rm y_s}$ with 
 a minus sign.

 \centerline{Table C.1: Slopes of lines possible with LaTeX}
  ${\rm x_s}$, ${\rm y_s}$ & tan$\theta $(${\rm y_s}$/${\rm x_s}$) &
  $\theta $(degrees) \\
  \ 1,0 & \ \ 0.00 & \ \ 0.0 \\[-3mm]
  \ 6,1 & \ \ 0.17 & \ \ 9.5 \\[-3mm]
  \ 5,1 & \ \ 0.20 & \ 11.3  \\[-3mm]
  \ 4,1 & \ \ 0.25 & \ 14.0  \\[-3mm]
  \ 3,1 & \ \ 0.33 & \ 18.5  \\[-3mm]
  \ 5,2 & \ \ 0.40 & \ 21.8  \\[-3mm]
  \ 2,1 & \ \ 0.50 & \ 26.5  \\[-3mm]
  \ 5,3 & \ \ 0.60 & \ 31.0  \\[-3mm]
  \ 3,2 & \ \ 0.67 & \ 33.7  \\[-3mm]
  \ 4,3 & \ \ 0.75 & \ 36.8  \\[-3mm]
  \ 5,4 & \ \ 0.80 & \ 38.7  \\[-3mm]
  \ 6,5 & \ \ 0.83 & \ 39.8  \\[-3mm]
  \ 1,1 & \ \ 1.00 & \ 45.0  \\[-3mm]
  \ 5,6 & \ \ 1.20 & \ 50.2  \\[-3mm]
  \ 4,5 & \ \ 1.25 & \ 51.3  \\[-3mm]
  \ 3,4 & \ \ 1.33 & \ 53.2  \\[-3mm]
  \ 2,3 & \ \ 1.50 & \ 56.3  \\[-3mm]
  \ 3,5 & \ \ 1.67 & \ 59.0  \\[-3mm]
  \ 1,2 & \ \ 2.00 & \ 63.5  \\[-3mm]
  \ 2,5 & \ \ 2.50 & \ 68.2  \\[-3mm]
  \ 1,3 & \ \ 3.00 & \ 71.5  \\[-3mm]
  \ 1,4 & \ \ 4.00 & \ 76.0  \\[-3mm]
  \ 1,5 & \ \ 5.00 & \ 78.7  \\[-3mm]
  \ 1,6 & \ \ 6.00 & \ 80.5  \\[-3mm]
  \ 0,1 & \ \ $\infty $& \ 90.0 \\


Modified: Sun Apr 14 16:00:00 1991 GMT
Page accessed 8644 times since Sun Apr 16 11:32:32 2000 GMT