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Abstract Nr 11

Abstract Nr 11


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ELECTRONIC JOURNALS: THE CLIC PROJECT. Henry S. Rzepa, Benjamin Whitaker, Jonathan Goodman, Omer Casher, David Riddick, Jonathan Griffiths, David James and Christopher Hildyard Department of Chemistry, Imperial College, London, SW7 2AY.

The CLIC project to produce a new generation of Electronic Chemistry Journal is described. Starting from the RSC flagship Journal ChemComm, we will describe the novel features possible using Internet technologies built up over the last three years, including the using of "hyperactive" 3D molecular models, VRML based models, Java and Javascript, automatic SGML to HTML conversions against a specially developed dtd, structured document servers such as HyperWave, and awareness raising fora such as the ECTOC electronic conferences and Webmasters meetings. A number of novel features will be discussed, including molecular clustering and similarity searching. The future direction of electronic journals will be discussed.


Principal Author:
Rzepa, Henry S.

Principal Author Address:
Dept. Chemistry, Imperial College, London, SW7 2AY

Principal Author Telephone:
+44 171 594 5774

Principal Author FAX Number:
+44 171 594 5804

Principal Author E-mail:

Presenting Author:

Benjamin Whitaker, Jonathan Goodman, Omer Casher, David Riddick, Jonathan Griffiths, David James and Christopher Hildyard
Modified: Mon Sep 29 16:00:00 1997 GMT
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