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Computer Circle
KSU Stark   Clarke Earley

Computer Circle Faculty Computer Circle

Computer Circle is an informal group that normally meets the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month during the Fall and Spring Academic terms. Listed below is the schedule for the Fall 1997 term and pages from some of the topics presented during the Spring 1997 term. The Fall 1997 schedule is tentative, and changes will be made to this periodically.

Fall 1997 Schedule:

  • August 29, 1997: Electronic Gradebook An introduction to using Microsoft Excel to create a gradebook for a course.

Spring 1997 Topics:

Fall 1997ResearchServiceComputer Circle
OrganicOrganic LaboratoryPhysiological Chemistry

This page was last modified on August 27, 1997
and was written and is maintained by
Clarke Earley
Kent State University Stark Campus
Department of Chemistry
© 1997 by Clarke Earley, Kent State University.

Modified: Wed Nov 11 15:35:14 1998 GMT
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