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You -- Our Diverse Audience, Our Strength -- Under Construction

Today's scientific environment -- problems, solutions, tools, funding -- is becoming increasingly more complex. CCL recognizes this and believes that the most productive discussion is generated by a diversity of perspectives.

Consequently, from its inception, CCL has always kept its discussion open to the general public.

This academic perspective has allowed it to fulfill needs left otherwise unmet, e.g. a place for daily cross-fertilization of ideas between academic and industrial researchers around the world.

At the beginning of summer 2000, 40% of CCL's subscribers are in the U.S. with the remaining 60% in over 50 other countries on all continents. CCL's subscribers are from a diversity of workplaces: educational(50%), commercial(36%), government(5.5%), military (2%), non-profit(1.5%) with the remainder being ISP providers.

The only restriction is that discussion be legitimately focused on the topic of computational chemistry; however, any level of discussion is allowed, from beginning through advanced. Consequently, CCL is also serving an important edicational role. Moreover, the CCL is maintained, and developed by students. Many students worked for CCL and gained invaluable experience of system and network administration, hardware maintainance, computer security (we are behind our own firewall), WEB development, programming, content acquisition, public relations, etc. Some "graduates" of CCL earn now more money than CCL founder, since their hands-on experience is very sought after.

And, unique to CCL, anyone -- not just subscribers -- may post a message. This is similiar to the policy used by Usenet news groups; however, unlike most news groups, CCL is practically spam-free due to many innovative approaches which were developed from the scratch for CCL.

As such, CCL -- with a minimal noise-level and cost-free to the subscriber -- taps into the vast experience and collective knowledge of the entire world of computational chemists.

Modified: Mon Oct 31 07:53:57 2005 GMT
Page accessed 28869 times since Fri Dec 1 22:07:56 2000 GMT