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From Mon Sep 23 08:49:00 EDT 1996
Date:     Mon, 23 Sep 96 7:52:14 EDT
From: George R Famini   <>
Subject: 98.08.23 ACS Boston

American Chemical Society
Computers in Chemistry Division
Boston Meeting, 23-27 August, 1998

Program Chair:  George R. Famini, U.S. Army Edgewood Research, 
Development and Engineering Center, SCBRD-ASI, Aberdeen Proving 
Ground, MD 21010; Voice:  (410)671-2552; Fax:  (410)671-5373; email:

Four (4) copies of 150-word abstract (Original on ACS Abstract Form) are due 
by April 19, 1998 to respective session or symposium chairpersons.

  De Novo Drug Design - Dr. Mark A. Murcko, Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc., 40 
Alston St., Cambridge, MA 02139; voice:  617-576-3111; fax:  617-576-2109; 
  Computational Chemistry and Transition Metals - Dr. Michelle Francl, 
Department of Chemistry, Bryn Mawr University.
  Computational Chemistry and the Classroom -  Dr. Jeffry D. Madura, 
Department of Chemistry, University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL 36688;        
Phone:   (334) 460-7430;  FAX:   (334) 460-7359;  e-mail:
  Molecular Mechanics Parameters and Parameterization - Dr. Thomas 
Halgren, Merck and Co. 
  Molecular Simulations with Extended Lagrangians - Dr. Joel S. 
Bader,CuraGen Corp., 322 E. Main St.,Branford, CT 06405,voice:  (203)481-
104x236; fax:  (203)481-1106;email:; Dr. Steven Rick, 
National Cancer Institute, Bldg 430, Frederick, MD. 21702-1201, voice:  (301) 
846-5549; fax:  (301) 846-5762; email:
  Combinatorial Chemistry - Dr. David Spellmeyer, Chiron Corporation, Emeryville, 
CA 94608; voice:  (510)601-3313; fax:  (510)601-3360; email:	
  Building the Bridge Between Computational Chemistry and Process 
Modeling - Dr. Rick Ross, PPG Industries, P.O. Box 9, Allison Park, PA 15101; Voice 
(412)492-5359; email:
  General Computational Chemistry - Poster and/or Oral Sessions - Dr. 
George R. Famini, US Army Edgewood Research, Development and Engineering 
Center, SCBRD-ASI, APG, MD 21010; voice: (410)671-2552; Fax:  (410)671-5373; 


Call for Organizers - Boston ACS Meeting, August 23 - 27, 1998

The Program Committee of the Division of Chemical Information (CINF) of the American Chemical
Society is soliciting organizers for symposia to be presented at the 216th American Chemical
Society Meeting in Boston. We are interested in anyone who thinks they can arrange for four or
more colleagues to give presentations in any area of chemical information.  Symposia currently
planned are:

- Chemical Technicians and Chemical Information
- Untangling the Web of Chemical Information (Tri-Society Meeting, Bruce Slutsky)
- Skolnik Award Symposium #Electronic Publications# (Gary Wiggins)
- Interfacing Lab Automation and Data Management (Wendy Warr)
- Chemical Information on Intranets (Andrew Berks)

Official areas of concentrated programming for this meeting are listed below, but this list is
not intended to limit the programming that CINF may present:

- Computational Chemistry And Molecular Modeling
- Biocatalysis, Bioactive Agents, Biomimetics, And Pharmaceuticals
- Environmental Issues (Including Chemistry And The Oceans)
- Materials, (Including Electronics, Surface Science)
- Robotics And Lab Automation

Interested people should contact:
Charles Gragg, Program Chairperson
tel. 919-755-0919  fax 919-755-0581

Andy Berks, Assistant Program Chairperson
tel. 914-732-3908    fax 914-732-3744


> From owner-chminf-l@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU  Mon Feb  2 08:30:19 1998
Date:         Mon, 2 Feb 1998 08:30:02 -0500
From: Andy Berks 
Subject:      Call For Papers - Chemical Information on Intranets
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Call For Papers - Chemical Information on Intranets


For a symposium to be hosted by the Division of Chemical
Information of the American Chemical Society at the ACS
National Meeting in Boston, August 23-27, 1998. 

*Chemical Information on Intranets*

Intranets have become a significant medium for all sorts
of data manipulation in corporate environments.
The delivery of chemical information over intranets is
therefore an area of increasing importance. The issues
include data handling, data management, chemistry specific
application development, end user interfaces, among others.
We would like speakers to discuss the challenges and
solutions for the use of chemical information on intranets. 

Submissions should be made on an ACS Abstract form,
available from
Please contact the organizer for further information.
The deadline for submission is April 15, 1998.


Andrew H. Berks, Ph.D.         Principal Chemical Information Research Scientist
Wyeth-Ayerst Research          Information Sciences and Services
Bldg 160/101                   tel: 914-732-3908  fax: 914-732-3744
Pearl River NY 10965 USA


ACS meeting Boston August 23-27

I note that the full technical session schedule for the Division of
Chemical Information is available at

There are sessions on Interfacing Robotics and Laboratory Automation,
Competitive Intelligence Sources and Applications, Materials Science
Informatics, Chemical Information on Intranets, and Recent Applications
of 3D databases, as well as the Tri-Society Symposium which concentrates
on a variety of Web resources and the Herman Skolnik Award Symposium
(honoring Gary Wiggins) which covers all sorts of electronic journal

Modified: Mon Jun 15 04:14:01 1998 GMT
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