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From Sun Feb 23 03:02:00 EST 1997
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Date: Sun, 23 Feb 1997 07:45:38 +0100
From: DROSSART Claude <>
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Subject: 97.07.24 ESOR VI - European Symposium on Organic Reactivity

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Avec les meilleurs sentiments de Claude Drossart,
          Universite catholique de Louvain
          CICO-Chop-Laboratoire de Photochimie
   1, place Pasteur, 1348-Louvain la Neuve (Wallonie-Belgique)
           tel: 32-(0)10-472714/  fax: 32-(0)10-473009

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Notes:- This message is being sent to multiple lists; pardon me if you receive it more than once.
      - We attach the greatest value to Exhibit and Sponsorship opportunities.
      - Please help us to publicize ESOR VI by forwarding and/or posting this announcement on bulletin boards, list-servs, www sites, newsletters, society publication calendars and your own distribution lists.
Thank you for your interest, help and cooperation !

6th European Symposium on Organic Reactivity
All details on
 (!case sensitive)

Louvain-la-Neuve      24 - 29 July 1997

The Catholic University of Louvain, located in the Belgian city of Louvain la Neuve, will host the next conference entitled "European 
Symposium on Organic Reactivity". This will be the sixth edition of a series of successful meetings held in Paris (1987), Padova (1989), 
Göteborg (1991), Newcastle-upon-Tyne (1993) and  Santiago de Compostela  (1995).

Louvain-la-Neuve is located about 30 km south of Brussels in the french-speaking part of Belgium. 
The Conference site will be part of the academic facilities of the Catholic University of Louvain (U.C.L.). 

Scientific Programme
The meeting will be devoted to all aspects of physical organic chemistry.
The conference programme will focus on three main topics :
1. 	Mechanisms and reactivity in organic, bioorganic and organometallic chemistry, including theoretical approaches
2.	Photochemical and electron transfer activation processes
3. 	Molecular recognition and enzyme mechanism.

The programme will include 12 plenary lectures, two parallel sessions with their own invited lectures. A limited number of oral 
presentations will be selected among the submitted contributions. 
Two separate poster sessions are planned on Friday afternoon and Monday afternoon with comfortable discussion times.
The Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry will devote an issue to the publication of proceedings of the Symposium. Active participants are invited to submit their communications as short papers (4 pages in the Journal) to be included in this issue. Manuscripts (~10 pages) should be typed double-spaced; an original and three copies, each one accompanied by artwork should be supplied. They will be collected during the symposium and will be evaluated by reviewers.

Plenary lectures
Twelve well-known scientists hace agreed to give Plenary Lectures on the following topics :

V. Balzani,University of Bologna, Italy,
	Supramolecular photochemistry.

S.J. Benkovic,The Pennsylvania State University, USA,
	Perspective on biocatalysis.

F. Diederich,Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich,
	From supramolecular chemistry to medicinal chemistry.

J.B. Engberts,University of Groningen, The Netherlands,
	Vesicles formed from synthetic amphiphiles. 
	Fusogenic behavior and applications as drug carrier systems.

J. Fréchet,California University - Berkeley, USA,
	Designing for novel macromolecular architectures:from concept to applications.

B.Giese,University of Basel, Switzerland,
	Reactivity of DNA radicals.

Y. Kishi,Harvard University, USA,
	Synthetic studies in the field of natural product chemistry.

H. Mayr,Technische Hochschule Darmstadt, Germany,
	Linear free enthalpy relationship : a powerful tool for	the design of organic or organometallic syntheses.

R. Noyori,Nagoya University, Japan,
	Asymmetric hydrogenation : mechanistic aspects.

M. Poliakoff,University of Nottingham, U.K.,
	Intermediates in organometallic chemistry.

P. von Rague Schleyer,University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany,
	Organic reactivity and computational chemistry.

I. Willner,The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel,
	Electroenzymes, photoenzymes and command surfaces - Tailored assemblies for optobioelectronic 

Invited Lectures: two parallel sessions A & B

Session A
C. Amatore (Ecole Normale Supérieure, France), Homogeneous catalysis by Palladium complexes and electrochemistry.
P. Chen (E.T.H. Zurich, Switzerland), A physical organic journey from carbenes and biradicals to drug design and catalysis. 
J.P. Guthrie (Western Ontario University, Canada), Predicting the rates of organic reactions: a simple model using multidimensional Marcus theory.
P.M. Maitlis (Sheffield University, UK), New explorations in metal catalysed reactions.
A.-F. Noels (Université de Ličge, Belgium), From olefin cyclopropanation to olefin metathesis through catalyst engineering. Applications to fine organic synthesis and to polymer chemistry.
H.-U. Siehl (Ulm Universität, Germany), New results on quantum chemical and experimental NMR investigations of carbocations. 
S. Steenken (Max Planck Institut Mülheim, Germany), Generation of carbenium ions by protonation of photochemically produced carbenes and ylides - their reactivities with nucleophiles.
O. Wennerström (Chalmers Univ.Gothenburg, Sweden), Can one photon rearrange many cis double bonds ?.
M. Yanez (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain), Some anomalous reactivities in the gas phase. An MO theory rationalization.

Session B
E. Baciocchi (Univ.Roma la Sapienza, Italy), Mechanistic aspects of oxidation reactions promoted by cytochrome P-450 and peroxydases.
D.R. Boyd (Queens University Belfast, North Ireland), Asymmetric oxidation: the dioxygenase-catalysed route.
N.E. Geacintov (New-York University, USA), Reactivities of mutagenic metabolites of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with DNA: structural, photochemical and biological consequences.
J.F. Kirsch (California University - Berkeley, USA), Genetic engineering approaches to enzyme design and mechanistic analysis. 
A. Marquet (Université Paris 6, France), In vivo formation of C-S bonds: radical chemistry under reducing-conditions.
J. Périé (Université de Toulouse, France), Glycolytic enzymes: mechanistic studies and posible targets for new leads against parasitic diseases. 
D.N. Reinhoudt (Twente Universiteit, The Netherlands), Aspects of supramolecular chemistry.
J.P. Richard (University at Buffalo, USA), Mechanistic imperatives for enzymatic catalysis of aldol condensation and aldose-ketose isomerization reactions.

Social Events
The social programme for Conference participants includes the following events :

Thursday :		Welcome drink and get-together sandwich buffet at lunchtime
Thursday evening :	Concert
Friday evening :	Belgian Cheese and Beer party at the end of the	poster session
Sunday afternoon :	Excursion to Brussels (New Art Horta, exhib.P.Delvaux, brewery)
Monday evening :	Conference Dinner

A Programme for accompanying participant has been arranged for the whole conference period. 
Have a trip into Belgium by:

Registration fees ( BEF Belgian francs) 
-before April 15, Normal 10 000, Industry 15 000, Student 5 000, Accompanying partic. 2 000
-after April 15, Normal 12 500, Industry 18 000, Student 6 000, Accompanying partic. 2 000

Hotel reservation will be handled by LD Organisation (Mrs Lydie Differding)
 route de Blocry 55, 1348-Louvain la Neuve (Belgium), tel & fax: 32-(0)10.454777,
Details are on Esor Webpage.

Organizing Committees
Local Organizing committee
Chairmen :Prof. J. Fastrez and Prof. L. Ghosez (U.C.L., Louvain la Neuve)
Conference Secretary :Prof. M. Devillers (U.C.L., Louvain la Neuve)

Administration :Ing. C. Drossart (U.C.L., Louvain la Neuve)
Members : 
Dr.   O. B Nagy (U.C.L., Louvain la Neuve)
Prof. P. De Clercq (R.U.G., Gent)
Prof. F. De Schryver (K.U.L., Leuven)
Prof. L. Hevesi, (F.U.N.D.P., Namur)
Prof. F. Kirsch-Demesmaeker (U.L.B., Brussels)
Prof. A. Laschewsky (U.C.L., Louvain la Neuve)
Prof. J. Marchand-Brynaert (U.C.L., Louvain la Neuve)
Prof. J.-P. Soumillion (U.C.L., Louvain la Neuve)

International Advisory Committee
Prof. P. Ahlberg (Chairman, Göteborg, Sweden)
Dr.   M. Eckert-Maksic (Zagreb, Croatia)
Prof. J. Engberts (Groningen, Netherlands)
Dr.   R. Leis (Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
Dr.   H. Maskill (Newcastle upon Tyne, England)
Prof. R. More O'Ferrall (Dublin, Ireland)
Prof. P. Müller (Genčve, Switzerland)
Prof. M. Page (Huddersfield, England)
Prof. Z. Rappoport (Jerusalem, Israel)
Prof. M.-F. Ruasse (Paris, France)
Prof. G. Scorrano (Padova, Italy)
Prof. U. Siehl (Ulm, Germany)

Université catholique de Louvain
D.S.M. Research, The Netherlands
EG & G Instruments, Benelux
Eurobug Computers Belgium
Exxon Chemical Europe
FUJI Film Belgium - Cinébel Wavre Belgium
Group Tessenderlo Chemie Belgium
Institut de Recherche P.FABRE, France
Janssen Pharmaceutica Research Foundation, Belgium
Procter & Gamble
Sigma-Aldrich-Fluka, Belgium
Thermo Separation Products Belgium (T.S.P.)
Union Chimique Belge
VEL Belgium

For further information, please refer to the Scientific Secretariat of the Conference :

	Prof. M. Devillers,ESOR-VI Conference Secretary
	Catholic University of Louvain
	Laboratory of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry
	1 place Louis Pasteur, B-1348 Louvain la Neuve , Belgium

	Tel. : 32-10 47 28 27	Fax :  32-10 47 28 36
	e-mail :
or get a moment to see our page maintained by Claude Drossart at:

To receive the Application Form for this Symposium, please print and fill in the following form, send it to 
the Conference Secretary ( or an Email with the same information).
Title :  Prof. -  Dr.  -  Mr.  -  Mrs.  (circle when applicable or cross out useless mention)
Name : 
First Name : 
Institution : 
Address : 
tel:_________________   fax:_____________________

I intend to present a short contribution
	preferably as oral presentation			 
	preferably as a poster				 
I have no preference between oral and poster presentation				 



Avec les meilleurs sentiments de Claude Drossart,
          Universite catholique de Louvain-CICO-Chop
   1, place Pasteur, 1348-Louvain la Neuve (Wallonie-Belgique)
           tel: 32-10-472714/  fax: 32-10-473074


Avec les meilleurs sentiments de Claude Drossart,
          Universite catholique de Louvain-CICO-Chop
   1, place Pasteur, 1348-Louvain la Neuve (Wallonie-Belgique)
           tel: 32-10-472714/  fax: 32-10-473074


Modified: Sat Apr 19 04:51:56 1997 GMT
Page accessed 12213 times since Sat Apr 17 21:19:17 1999 GMT