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Message 58
From  Wed Jan 15 10:16:32 1997
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 1997 10:15:03 -0500 (EST)
From: Stephanie Dobler <>
Subject: 97.03.24 Supercomputing Techniques Workshop

Message-ID: <>

The following is a workshop announcement that we hope you can include. 
Please feel free to edit if it's too long.  Thanks very much.

Stephanie Dobler
Education Assistant
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center

                     Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
                   Supercomputing Techniques:  CRAY J90/C90 
                               March 24-27, 1997

                 REGISTRATION DEADLINE:  March 3, 1997


        The purpose of this three and a half day workshop is to introduce 
        participants to computing on the CRAY J90/C90. Participants will gain 
        experience in running jobs on the J90/C90, optimizing code, parallel 
        processing, and on the use of graphics software libraries and packages.


        The first day of this workshop is designed to introduce participants 
        to the J90/C90 platform.  During this time, participants will become 
        familiar with PSC's supercomputing environment, the UNICOS operating 
        system, CRAY compiling, job submission, troubleshooting, and debugging.

        The last three days of this workshop are designed for users who are 
        already familiar with running jobs on the CRAY J90/C90 and who are 
        interested in more advanced topics:

        * The Code Optimization portion will cover performance monitoring 
          techniques and strategies to improve the performance of one's code. 

        * The Parallel Processing portion concentrates on the mechanics of 
          parallel computing on the J90/C90 systems.  

        * The final day will explore graphics and visualization topics ranging 
          from a general overview of graphics packages available at PSC to a 
          more advanced discussion of animation and 3-D graphics.  

        To ensure that participants receive quality training, our workshops
        incorporate both lectures and extensive hands-on lab sessions. 
        Programming exercises are carefully designed to reinforce concepts and 
        techniques taught in class. Our instructors have strong scientific and
        technical backgrounds and are available for individual consultation 
        during lab sessions.

        In addition to the lab exercises, lab time will also be available for 
        participants to optimize their own code with the help and
        supervision of our instructors.  Participants are encouraged to bring
        their code, but not required. 

        ==> A working knowledge of FORTRAN or C and UNIX are required.


        Admission to this training workshop is free to the United States
        academic community. 

        Interested corporate and government applicants, as well as applicants
        from academic institutions outside the United States should contact 
        Kathi Burgard at (412) 268-5131 for information on attendance fees. 


        Housing and travel are the responsibility of participants, but we will 
        provide information on local hotels at your request. Group rates for 
        local hotels are available on a first-come, first-served basis.


        To register for Supercomputing Techniques: CRAY J90/C90, please 
        complete and return the application form below by March 3, to: 

                Workshop Application Committee
                ATTN: Kathi Burgard
                Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
                4400 Fifth Avenue,
                Pittsburgh, PA  15213. 

        You may also apply for this workshop by sending requested information 
        via electronic mail to or via fax to (412/268-5832).

        All applicants will be notified of acceptance during the week of 
        March 3, 1997.

For additional online information, including a preliminary agenda, please visit
the workshop's homepage:


Please circle one:      Ms.     Mr.     Dr.     Prof.


Univ/Ind/Gov Affiliation:


Telephone:  W (   )               H(   )                        

Electronic Mail Address:

Social Security Number:                                 


Are you a PSC user (yes/no)?
If yes, please give your PSC username:

Academic Standing (please check one):
  F - Faculty          UG - Undergraduate                   I - Industrial
 PD - Postdoctorate    UR - University Research Staff      GV - Government
 GS - Graduate Student UN - University Non-Research Staff   O - Other 

Please explain why you are interested in attending this workshop and what
you hope to gain from it.
Briefly describe your computing background (scalar, vector, and parallel 
programming experience; platforms; languages) and research interests.

Please indicate the workshop for which you are applying:

The following information is OPTIONAL and is for statistical reporting only.

Ethnic origin:
        ___African American                     ___Hispanic
        ___Asian or Pacific Islander            ___Caucasian
        ___American Indian or Alaskan Native    ___Other (please specify)

        ___Male         ___Female

All applicants will be notified of acceptance during the week of March 3.


Modified: Sat Apr 19 04:52:11 1997 GMT
Page accessed 10145 times since Sat Apr 17 21:19:00 1999 GMT