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Message 0109+1
From Fri May 30 13:30 EDT 1997
From: 3rd Canadian Computational Chemistry Conference <>
Subject: 97.07.19 3rd Can Comp Chem Conf (3rd Announcement)
Content-Type: text

         3rd Canadian Computational Chemistry Conference 1997
                       Third Announcement
Updated information about the 3rd Canadian Computational Chemistry Conference
(July 19 - 23 in Edmonton, Alberta) is available
from the web site of the conference:
Invited Lecturers
 Christopher Bayly, Merck Frosst, Canada
 Axel D. Becke, Queen's University, Canada
 Russell J. Boyd, Dalhousie University, Canada
 David A. Case, Scripps Research Institute, U.S.A.
 Anne M. Chaka, The Lubrizol Corporation, U.S.A.
 Delano P. Chong, University of British Columbia, Canada
 Thomas R. Cundari, The University of Memphis, U.S.A.
 Ernest R. Davidson, Indiana University, U.S.A.
 Michel Dupuis, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, U.S.A.
 David F. Feller, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, U.S.A.
 Martin Head-Gordon, University of California (Berkeley), U.S.A.
 Kimihiko Hirao, University of Tokyo, Japan
 Ray Kapral, University of Toronto, Canada
 Jacek Karwowski, N. Copernicus University, Poland
 Peter Margl, University of Calgary, Canada
 Gren N. Patey, University of British Columbia, Canada
 Andrzej J. Sadlej, University of Lund, Sweden
 Dennis Salahub, Universite de Montreal, Canada
 H.F. Schaefer III, University of Georgia, U.S.A.
 Peter Taylor, San Diego Supercomputer Center, U.S.A.
 Thanh N. Truong, University of Utah, U.S.A.
 John S. Tse, Steacie Institute for Molecular Science, Canada
 Donald F. Weaver, Queen's University, Canada
 Michael Anthony Whitehead, McGill University, Canada
 Michael C. Zerner, University of Florida, U.S.A.
1. Conference Registration (regular conference fee)  June 30, 1997
2. Submission of Abstracts                           June 30, 1997
!                                                                             !
! The final title and abstract must be received by the organizers in Edmonton !
!     before June 30 in order to be included in the Conference Program.       !
!                                                                             !
Conference Fees
 Regular Participants          $220
 Graduate Students             $170
Conference fee covers the costs of the Opening Social, seven refreshment
breaks, munchies and beverage tickets during Poster Sessions, as well
as the costs of running the Conference (rental of the Timms Centre,
printing of Conference materials, etc). Please note that the Conference
fee includes 7% GST.
All costs are in Canadian dollars. Please make your cheques or money
orders payable to:
      3rd CCCC
and mail them to
      3rd Canadian Computational Chemistry Conference
      c/o Dr. M. Klobukowski
      Department of Chemistry
      University of Alberta
      Edmonton, AB, Canada
      T6G 2G2
All hotel reservations must be done by participants. There are several
hotels with easy access to the Conference site:
(A) Lister Hall
Cost is $26.88 per day for single room, $35.84 for twin room (all taxes
included). Contact:
            The University of Alberta Guest Services
            44 Lister Hall Edmonton, AB
            T6G 2H6
            Phone: 403-492-4281
            Fax: 403-492-7032
(B) Campus Tower Suite Hotel
Cost is $65 per day (plus tax). The number of suites is limited. Contact:
            Campus Tower Suite Hotel
            11145 - 87 Avenue
            Edmonton, AB
            T6G 0Y1
            Phone: 403-439-6060
            Fax: 403-433-4410
You may register by WWW at the web site
Alternatively, you may send us (or fax) the text version of the
Registration Form, available from the Web site of the Conference
Correspondence regarding the Conference should be sent to:
      3rd Canadian Computational Chemistry Conference
      c/o Dr. M. Klobukowski
      Department of Chemistry
      University of Alberta
      Edmonton, AB, Canada
      T6G 2G2
      FAX: 403-492-8231
You may also reach us at
We are looking forward to seeing you at the 3rd CCCC.
                               For the Organizing Committee of the 3rd CCCC,
                                   Mariusz Klobukowski and Ken Edgecombe

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