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Abstract for ACS COMP Las Vegas symposium on Internet

Abstract Form and Questionnaire

                        CALL FOR ABSTRACTS
                    American Chemical Society
               Computers in Chemistry Division (COMP)
               "Internet for the Practicing Chemist"
          214th National American Chemical Society Meeting
                Las Vegas, NV, September 7-11, 1997
The original announcement provides information on the scope of the symposium

ABSTRACT. Please be BRIEF -- 150 words maximim if possible. Start from TITLE (in CAPS), then author(s) (listed by first name, middle initial, last name), indicate address with zip code, then type abstract. All in single space.

Are you a member of the American Chemical Society? Yes No

Are you a member of the ACS COMP Division? Yes No


Please indicate preference Oral Poster


Principal Author:

Surname, First Name MI

Principal Author's Business Address Including Zip Code:

Principal Author's Telephone:
Principal Author's FAX number:
Principal Author's E-mail:

Presenting Author (if different):

Surname, First Name MI


Surname, First Name MI

For contributed papers, do authors meet criteria outlined in
ACS Bylaw VI, Section 6(3)? Yes    No

Now, please for verification. After reviewing, you will be asked to Submit it again, and only then it will be saved in the file and sent to Jan Labanowski.
Modified: Fri Apr 4 17:00:00 1997 GMT
Page accessed 6857 times since Sat Apr 17 21:26:43 1999 GMT