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CCL -- Contribute to Archives

Contributing material to CCL archives

Please contribute to CCL archives. We will gladly accept any pertinent software, information, documents, data, examples, educational material, demos, etc., etc., related in any way to the use of computers in chemistry. For shorter files, you can just send e-mail to Jan K. Labanowski For longer files, please use ftp:
   Name: anonymous
   Password: your-e-mail-address (you may prepend it with - if
                                 it does not work)
   cd incoming
   mkdir mystuff        (just an example -- use our own name)
   cd mystuff
   put myfile1
   put myfile2 on
Please attach some information about items which you contribute e.g., as a "readme.txt" file. Once you are done, and you checked that the transfer was successful, please send a short note to Jan K. Labanowski and your contribution will be placed in CCL CCL archives in some logical location. We will let you know where it resides so you can announce to the Computational Chemistry List and other lists/newsgroups that your contribution is available. Even if you do not have your own material, you can still greatly enhance the contents of CCL archives. Please, give us pointers to public domain or shareware materials related to computational chemistry which would be useful addition to our archives. Facing the changes happening so quickly in the Cyber space, we would like to preserve valuable materials at our stable CCL site. We want to provide a sense of permanency to the many useful tools, documents, and data. This material scattered on the publicly accessible, but often less know sites all around the world may disappear when the site is closed or the author moves to another institution. We will obviously give full credit for the authors of these contributions, if this information is known to us, and hope that sharing their work with the large and diverse audience of CCL may in part reward their effort with beneficial publicity. There are numerours examples in the peer reviewed research publications where the materials and discussions of the CCL resource are being quoted and referenced. Of course, we have to reserve the right not to accept some materials for distribution without stating the reasons, but we hope to never have to do use this disclaimer

Please contribute good stuff!!! People need it...

Jan Labanowski
CCL Administrator
Modified: Tue Jan 27 17:25:54 2004 GMT
Page accessed 8300 times since Sat Apr 17 21:17:16 1999 GMT