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Up Directory CCL profplot
if [ -r $1.rad ]; then
  mapprof $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 <$1.rad >$1.rad.cart
  echo "set parametric" >$1.rad.plt
  echo "set contour" >>$1.rad.plt
  echo "set title \"Steric Radial Profile 3D Contour Plot of $1\"" >>$1.rad.plt
  echo "set terminal postscript portrait solid" >>$1.rad.plt
  echo "set size .8, 1.3" >>$1.rad.plt
  echo "set output \"$\"" >>$1.rad.plt
  echo "set nokey" >>$1.rad.plt
  echo "splot \"$1.rad.cart\" with lines" >>$1.rad.plt
  echo "exit" >>$1.rad.plt
  gnuplot $1.rad.plt >gnuplot.log
  ghostview $
  #latex $1.tex
  #dvilj $1.dvi
  #lpr -Plaser $1.lj
  echo "Error $1.rad file not found"
  echo "Did you output the relevant profile using \"plot cartesian #\""
Modified: Fri Dec 8 17:00:00 1995 GMT
Page accessed 5049 times since Sat Apr 17 21:59:47 1999 GMT