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/**************************   "steric"   **********************************/
/*************     Program to calculate ligand cone    ********************/
/*************     angles as a measure of steric size  ********************/

/******************      Graphics Functions      **************************/
/******************        This module is        **************************/
/******************      system independant      **************************/

#define X_RAN  80
#define Y_RAN  80         /* x and y range parameters for special view    */
#define CONT_SCRIPT "contplot"    /* script to plot molecule contour      */
#define PROF_SCRIPT "profplot"    /* script to plot 3D profile contour    */
#define PROJ_RAN  100     /* number of points around each atom is proj.   */

int Draw_Steric_Profile(char *args, Mol *molecule, Set *set, char mode);
int Draw_Steric_Parameter(char *args, Mol *molecule, Set *set);
int Draw_Molecule_Contour(Mol *molecule, Set *set,char *script);
int Draw_Special_View(Mol *M, Set *set);
int Draw_Projected_View(Mol *M, Set *set);

/*************************  The End ... ***********************************/
Modified: Fri Dec 8 17:00:00 1995 GMT
Page accessed 4916 times since Sat Apr 17 21:59:56 1999 GMT