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/******************  STERIC error call declarations  **********************/

#define E_BLANK  0         /* no error message                            */
#define E_NOPARM 1         /* no parameter file found                     */
#define E_FORCED 2         /* forced exit (like control-break)            */
#define E_NOMEM  3         /* no more memory available from heap          */
#define E_FTYPE  4         /* unknown filetype                            */
#define E_LOAD   5         /* unable to load data file                    */
#define E_NOATOM 6         /* no atoms found in file                      */
#define E_NOBOND 7         /* no bonds found in file                      */
#define E_NOTITL 8         /* no title found in file                      */
#define E_BDATOM 9         /* bad atom line in file                       */
#define E_IMBOND 10        /* impossible bond                             */
#define E_ATMNUM 11        /* atomic count mismatch                       */
#define E_BDFILE 12        /* incorrect formatting in file                */
#define E_NOHELP 13        /* no help file found                          */

#define E_BDBASE 15        /* bad basis vectors                           */
#define E_BDPROJ 16        /* bad z projection                            */
#define E_NOCOMM 17        /* no commands set up                          */
#define E_BDCOMM 18        /* bad structure in commands setup             */
#define E_NOTAVL 19        /* Option not yet available                    */
#define E_BDHGQ  20        /* HGQ was greater than PI                     */
#define E_STOBIG 21        /* Solid angle to big (>4*PI)                  */
#define E_STOSML 22        /* Solid angle to small (<0.0)                 */
#define E_MTOBIG 23        /* maximum profile value > total steric value  */
#define E_MTOSML 24        /* maximum profile value < total steric value  */
#define E_MTBOLD 25        /* E_MTOBIG ellaborated for old leach alg.     */
#define E_OPCONF 26        /* Attempt to open conformer file as molecule  */
#define E_NOTCNF 27        /* File opened was not a conformer file        */
#define E_CONFOP 28        /* Unable to open conformer file               */
#define E_CONFAT 29        /* Wrong number of atoms in conformation file  */
#define E_UNKNOW 30        /* Unrecognised name or number (atom or mol.)  */
#define E_SVTOBG 31        /* SV angle >= PI calculated                   */
#define E_BDPARM 32        /* Parameter table gone missing ???            */
#define E_BDBOND 33        /* Bad bond found in bonding table             */
#define E_OPNOUT 34        /* Unable to open output file                  */
#define E_SQRTNG 35        /* Attempt to take square root of negative     */
#define E_NEGSLD 36        /* Negative solid from integration             */
#define E_PNOTPI 37        /* Total phi range for integration not = PI    */
#define E_BAD_G  38        /* miscalculation of G for multiple overlap    */
#define E_UNSING 39        /* unexpected single solid (total overlap)     */
#define E_LEVHI  40        /* recursive level too hi, should never occur  */
#define E_BADORD 41        /* wrong order of overlap passed to recursive  */
#define E_BADFRK 42        /* fork() was unsucessfull                     */
#define E_NOGRPS 43        /* molecule has no defined groups              */
#define E_NOGRPF 44        /* group definition file steric.grp missing    */
#define E_UNKGRP 45        /* unrecognised group                          */
#define E_NOCELL 46        /* no CELL line in fractional coord file       */
#define E_BADCEL 47        /* error reading in cell line                  */
#define E_NOMOL  48        /* no molecule data                            */
#define E_LDGRP  49        /* error loading group from group file         */
#define E_TOMGRP 50        /* more than one group definition matches      */
#define E_NOFGRP 51        /* error finding required group                */
#define E_ENDFRC 52        /* fractional coordinates ended                */
#define E_NOOVER 53        /* no overlap found in subroutine expecting it */
#define E_NEGARE 54        /* negative area from calculation              */
#define E_GNOTPI 55        /* Total gamma range for area calc not 2PI     */
#define E_ATOSML 56        /* projected area too small (<0.0)             */
#define E_OUTRNG 57        /* value out of range                          */
#define E_EXRANG 58        /* exceeded array size                         */
#define E_BDCIRC 59        /* circle badly defined                        */
#define E_BDMINT 60        /* intersept vector memory badly defined       */

Modified: Fri Dec 8 17:00:00 1995 GMT
Page accessed 4952 times since Sat Apr 17 21:59:53 1999 GMT