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#  steric error message file
1  No atomic parameter file found
1  This file should be called steric.par and is searched for firstly in the
1  current directory and then in the directory defined by the environmental
1  variable STERICHOME.
1  It should contains lines with the following fields:
1      atom type name containing no spaces (eg. C for carbon)
1      van der Waals radius in Angstroms
1      covalent radius in Angstroms
1  separated by spaces only
1  All atoms will be assigned the default radius (1.0 Angstroms).
1  If you have an appropriate file you can still load it with the "file
1  load" command.
2  Forced exit from steric !
3  not enough memory in heap for allocation
4  Unknown filetype.
4  Steric reads the first line of the input data file in order to
4  determine what it's type is.  Currently only three files can
4  be read:
4      command (normally with .inp extension) - first 7 characters
4           are #steric
4           This file contains normal commands as would otherwise
4           be input from the keyboard
4      steric (normally with .stc extension) - first 6 characters
4	    are STERIC
4           This file is created by steric with the save command
4      biograph (normally with .bgf extension) - first 6 characters
4	    are BIOGRF
4           This file is created by cerius2
4      alchemy (normally with .mol extension) - fields 2 4 and 6
4	    are ATOMS, BONDS, and CHARGES, (commas included).
4           This file is created by alchemy
5  Error loading atomic data file
6  No atoms found in file
7  No bonds found in file
8  No title found in file
9  Bad atom line(s) found
10 Impossible bond attempted
11 Atomic count mismatch
12 Unable to open file
12 Either because the file is missing or because of incorrect
12 formatting in the file.
13 No help file found
13 This file should be called steric.hlp and is searched for firstly in the
13 current directory, and then in the directory specified by the STERICHOME
13 environment variable.
13 If it is elsewhere on the computer, copy it to the current directory.
#  E_?
14 ?
14 ?
15 Warning: Bad basis vectors found
15 This means that steric was unable to find good basis vectors for
15 the atoms loaded.  Some calculations are likely to be suspect.
16 Warning: Bad projection found
16 This means that steric was unable to find a good projection for
16 the atoms loaded.  Some calculations are likely to be suspect.
17 No commands set up
17 This means that steric has been unable to properly set up the
17 branched command structure.  The only likely reason for this is
17 a serious error in the compile/link setup.  Make sure all modules
17 required are included, and all include files are available.
18 Bad command structure
18 The branched command structure is corrupt.  this is likely to
18 result in unpredictable events.  Rather exit and restart.
19 Option not yet available
19 If this is an urgently required option, simply contact the
19 programmer, Craig Taverner.
20 HGQ values greater than PI
20 are to be frowned upon (quoted from code my Michael).
21 Calculated solid angle was > 4*PI
21 It was therefore reduced to 4*PI.
22 Calculated solid angle was < 0.0
22 It was therefore increased to 0.0.
23 Maximum profile value was > total steric value
23 This should not be the case.  I recommend further investigation.
24 Maximum profile value was < 0.0
24 This should not be the case.  I recommend further investigation.
25 This is a known error in the
25 old leach algorithm when it does not have the secondary correction
25 condition in use.  Change the settings to use this condition.
26 Conformer file cannot be opened as a
26 molecule data file simply because it contains no atom type information.
26 You must load a normal molecule data file and then use the calculate
26 conformer option to access this file.
27 File opened is not a conformer file
27 If you wish to do the conformer average calculation, you must have an
27 ASCII conformer file with the same name as your molecule input file
27 but with a different extension.  The default extension is .trj
27 Currently only ASCII Biograph trajectory files and Biosym .car files
27 are understood.
28 Unable to open the conformer file
28 Make sure that either the conformer file has the same name as the
28 molecule data file but with the extension .trj, or enter the correct
28 filename next time.
29 Wrong number of atoms found in conformation file
29 Make sure that the right file for the right molecule is being loaded.
30 Unrecognized name or number.
31 Semi vertex angle calculated greater
31 than or equal to PI.
31 This means that the origin is at the surface of, or with an atom.
31 Obviously any steric results on this data will not be very meaningful.
31 I strongly advise you either move the origin, or get rid of the
31 offending atom.  View the molecule data to see which atom is too close
31 to the origin.
32 Atomic parameter table missing.
32 It should have been found in the file steric.par
33 Bad bond found in bonding table.
33 Attempt was made to define a bond between two atoms that already have
33 a bond of a different type defined.
34 Unable to open output file.
35 Attempt to take the square root
35 of a negative number.
35 This is usually indicative of a more serious problem
35 in the code or the data.
36 Negative solid angle from integration
36 The integration calculation yielded a negative solid angle.  This was
36 therefore returned as 0.0
36 This is indicative of excessively large ellipse integrations.
36 If no phi range over 2Pi warning was given, then I haven't the foggiest.
37 Total phi range for integration != 2Pi
37 This is most likely due to unexpected multiple overlap combination.
37 The best solution is see if the programmer can come up with a
37 miraculous solution to somehow take the new combination into account.
37 Although the phi ranges have now been changed,
37 do not rely on the validity of the next result.
#  E_BAD_G
38 Error in calculation of G
38 Despite all indications that the expected level of multiple overlap
38 occurs, the calculated G does not lie within all specified cones.
38 This combination is therefore rejected.
39 Unexpected single atom solid angle
39 Single atom solid angles should not occur in overlap calculations 
39 because they all involve total overlap, and therefore should have
39 been discarded automatically before even the summing of single
39 atom solid angles.  Clearly something is seriously wrong.
40 Recursive function level too hi
40 This must be a programming error
41 Wrong order of overlap passed to recursive function
41 This must be a programming error
42 Unable to fork steric
42 Probably not enough memory available
43 No groups defined for this molecule
43 You can only work with defined groups
44 No group definition file found
44 The file steric.grp should be in the current directory, and should
44 contain the definitions of recognized groups.
45 Unrecognized group
45 Check that the group is properly defined in the steric.grp file.
46 No unit cell line in fractional coordinate file
46 Will default to 1.0 1.0 1.0 90.0 90.0 90.0
47 Error reading unit cell information
47 Hopefully your coordinates are actually Cartesian
48 No molecule data loaded
49 Error loading group definition from group file
50 More than one group definition matches
50 The file steric.grp contains more than one group definition that matches
50 the group name requested.  Clean up steric.grp!
50 The last matching definition will be used.
51 Error finding specific group
51 Required group may not be in the molecule
52 Warning Current molecules fractional coordinates invalid
52 The current operation has invalidated the fractional coordinates used in
52 the current molecule.  All future operations can only be performed as if
52 the molecule had only Cartesian coordinates.  All symmetry operators are
52 being removed, and the fractional coordinate memory is being replaced by
52 the Cartesian coordinate memory for all atoms.
53 No overlap found
53 The subroutine running expected to be sent data regarding a case of
53 atomic overlap.  This was not so.  Check the code.
54 Negative area
54 An area < 0.0 was calculated for this region.  Check the code.
55 Total gamma range for area calculation != 2pi
55 This is most likely due to unexpected multiple overlap combination.
55 The best solution is see if the programmer can come up with a
55 miraculous solution to somehow take the new combination into account.
55 This result may be somewhat dubious.
56 Calculated projected area was < 0.0
56 It was therefore increased to 0.0.
57 Value entered is out of range
57 Try more conservative values.
58 Exceeded array size
58 Program tried to write out of profile array.  Code is dubious.
59 Circle badly defined
59 This is a generic error for any situation in which a circle memory
59 parameters do not match expectations.
60 Intersept vector badly defined
60 This is a generic error for any situation in which intersept memory
60 parameters do not match expectations.
#  end of steric error messages
Modified: Fri Dec 8 17:00:00 1995 GMT
Page accessed 5485 times since Sat Apr 17 21:59:58 1999 GMT