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Message 1
From Mon Sep 23 08:49:00 EDT 1996
Date:     Mon, 23 Sep 96 7:52:14 EDT
From: George R Famini   <>
Subject: 98.03.29 ACS Dallas

The Division of Physical Chemistry Full Technical Program for the Spring
National ACS Meeting in Dallas is now available from the PHYS web page:

  Program Chair:  Dr. John McKelvey, B83 Research Labs, Eastman Kodak
  Company, Rochester, NY, 14650-2216; Voice:  (716) 477-3335;
  Fax: (716) 722-2327; email:

  If you are interested in presenting at Dallas, please contact one of the session
  chairs below.  For all concerned four (4) copies of 150-word abstract (Original
  on ACS Abstract Form) are due by October 20, 1997 to respective session or
  symposium chairperson.

  .     Computational Reaction Mechanisms -  Dr. Timothy Clark, Chemie-Centrum
          des Institus fur Organische Chemie, Friedrich-Alesander-Universitaet, Erlhangen-Nuernberg,
          Naegelsbachstrasse 25, D-91052 Erlangen, GERMANY; voice: +49-9131-852948;
          fax:  +49-9131-856565; email:

  .     Compuational Chemisty on Organophosphorus Compounds - Dr. William
          E. White, U.S. Army Edgewood Research, Development and Engineering Center,
          SCBRD-ASI, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010; voice:  (410) 671-3058; fax:
          (410) 671-1912; email:

  .     QSAR and Related Techniques - Dr. Curt Breneman, Department of
          Chemistry, Rensellaer Polytechnic University, Cogswell Lab, 110 8th St, Troy,
          NY; voice:  (518) 276-2678; fax:  (518)276-4045; email:

  .     Activity Prediction and Database Searching: A Synergistic Approach -
          Dr. Ajay Shah, Biosym Corporation, 9685 Scranton Road, San Diego, CA 92121-3752;
          fax: (619) 458-0136;  email:

  .     Computational Methods in Catalysis - Dr. Donald Truhlar, Department of
          Chemistry, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455; voice:  (612) 624-7555;
          fax:  (612) 624-9390; email:

  .     Diverse Perspectives in Chemical Diversity - Dr. Robert Pearlman, College
          of Pharmacy, University of Texas, Austin, Texas 78712; voice: (512) 471-3383; fax:
          (512) 471-7474; email:

  .     Linear Scaling Quantum Mechnical Methods - Dr. Kenneth M. Merz Jr.,
          Associate Professor of Chemistry, 152 Davey Laboratory, Department of
          Chemistry, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania
          16802;  voice: (814) 865-3623;  fax:   (814) 863-8403; email:

  .     General Computational Chemistry - Poster and/or Oral Sessions -
          Dr. John McKelvey,  Research Laboratories, Building 83, Eastman Kodak
          Company, Rochester, NY 14650-2216; voice: (716) 477-3335; fax: (716) 722-2327;

Diverse Perspectives in Chemical Diversity
Dr. Robert Pearlman, College of Pharmacy, University of 
Texas, Austin, Texas 78712, voice: 512-471-3383, FAX:   
512-471-7474, email:

Dates have now been finalized for the various Symposia being organized for
the COMP Division of the ACS at the National Meeting in Dallas next Spring.

I will be organizing a 1.5-day symposium on the afternoon of March 31st and
all day on April 1st, entitled "Diverse Perspectives of Chemical Diversity."
Topics will include:
  - chemistry-space metrics (including fingerprints)
  - metric validation
  - diversity-related algorithms
  - use of diversity software for library design, pro's and con's
  - use of diversity software for other diversity-related tasks,
    pro's and con's

In keeping with recent tradition, the symposium program will be a mix of
invited and contributed papers.  If you would like to present a 30-minute
talk at this symposium, please send me an abstract AS SOON AS POSSIBLE so
that I can assemble a balanced program.  I fear that, with only 3 half-day
sessions, the program will be very crowded and I urge you to send your
abstracts as soon as possible.

Although a rough, e-mailed abstract will suffice for program-planning
purposes, please note that (according to ACS rules, not mine!) you MUST
send me 4 paper copies of a 150-word (max) abstract on the official ACS 
Abstract Form prior to October 20, 1997 (even though the meeting is not
until March/April 1998).  

I look forward to hearing from you!

  -- Bob Pearlman

Robert S. Pearlman, Ph.D
Coulter R. Sublett Regents Chair in Pharmacy and
Director, Laboratory for Molecular Graphics 
  and Theoretical Modeling
College of Pharmacy
University of Texas
Austin, Texas 78712
512-471-3383 (voice)
512-471-7474 (FAX)



A Symposium Sponsored by the Petroleum Chemistry Division
of the American Chemical Society, 215th ACS National Meeting

March 29 - April 3, 1998


        The focus of the symposium will be  to provide an update on recent
advances in the fundamentals and applications of deep heteroatom removal,
including metals, sulfur, nitrogen and oxygen from resids, fuels, chemicals
and gases.  Approaches based on catalytic and non-catalytic heteroatom
removal, including separation and adsorption will be considered.

        If you are interested in contributing a paper to this symposium,
please submit an abstract (on ACS form) to one of the organizers by October
1, 1997.  The abstract forms can be obtained from the organizers or can be
downloaded from the ACS WEB site at

The full text of a short manuscript (4-6 pages) will be due by November 1,
1997 and will be published in the Preprints of the ACS Petroleum Chemistry


Prof. Umit S. Ozkan                                     Dr. Michel Daage
Dept. of Chemical Engineering                           Exxon R&D Lab.
Ohio State University                                   P.O. Box 2226
140 West 19th Avenue                                    Baton Rouge, LA 70821
Columbus, OH 43210
Email:                         Email:
Tel:    (614)-292-6623                          Tel:    (504)-359-8519
Fax:    (614)-292-3769                          Fax:    (504)-359-4404

Dr. George J. Antos                                     Dr. Henrik Tops=F8e
UOP                                                     Haldor Tops=F8e A/S
25 East Algonquin Road                                  Nym=F8llevej 55
P.O. Box 5017                                           DK-2800 Lyngby
Des Plaines, IL 60017-5017                              Denmark
Tel:    (847)-391-3612                          Tel:    45 45 27 20 00
Fax:    (847)-391-3737                          Fax:    45 45 27 29 99

Umit S. Ozkan, Professor
Dept. of Chemical Engineering
The Ohio State University
140 W. 19th Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43210
Phone: 614-292-6623
=46AX:    614-292-3769


Shape Selective Catalysis in Hydrocarbon Processing and Chemicals

American Chemical Society is organizing an international symposium on
"Shape Selective Catalysis in Hydrocarbon Processing and Chemicals
Synthesis".  It is being sponsored by ACS Division of Petroleum Chemistry,
and will be held at 215th ACS National Meeting  in Dallas, Texas, during
March 29-April 3, 1998.

You are cordially invited to contribute a paper related to the topic areas
of this symposium listed below:

Suggested Topics Include But Are Not Limited To:

Advances in Catalysis and Reaction Chemistry in Shape Selective Conversion
New Reactions, Catalysts, and Mechanisms for Selective Hydrocarbon Conversion
Advances in Shape Selective Catalysis for Synthesis of Organic Chemicals
Chemistry, Kinetics, Catalysis and Process for Selective Petroleum Processing
New and Improved Catalysts and Processes for Selective Hydrocarbon Conversion
Advances in Industrial Shape Selective Processes
Catalysts, Process, and Fundamental Aspects in Shape Selective Fuel Processing
Computer Simulation and Modeling Related to Diffusion, Reaction, and Process

The due date for abstract (with original on ACS abstract form) is October
13, 1997; and the due date for a preprint paper is November 14, 1997.  The
accepted preprint papers will be published in volume 43 of ACS Petroleum
Chemistry Division Preprints prior to the symposium.

Instructions on the abstract form and for the preprint paper are provided
below.  Please contact one of the organizers (whose name and address are
give below) for inquiries and submission of abstracts and preprint papers.

We look forward to your contribution and participation in this interesting



Juan M. Garces
Central Research Laboratory
Catalysis,  Building 1776
Dow Chemical Company
Midland, MI 48674, USA
	Tel:   517-636-2919
	Fax:   517-638-9716

Yoshihiro Sugi
Department of Chemistry
Faculty of Engineering
Gifu University
Gifu 501-11, Japan
	Tel:  (81) 58-293-2597
	Fax:  (81) 58-293-2597

Chunshan Song
Fuel Science Program  & Lab for Hydrocarbon Process Chem
Pennsylvania State University
209 Academic Projects Building
University Park, PA 16802, USA
	Tel:   814-863-4466
	Fax:  814-865-3075


How to Get an Abstract Form ?

ACS requires all the authors to submit an abstract on original ACS abstract
form to the organizers of ACS symposia. The Abstract form includes detailed
instructions for supplying camera-ready copy. It also includes tear-off
post cards, which the program chair uses to mail a confirmation of your

The original ACS abstract form can be obtained by any one of the following
ways.  The outcome using either method should be camera-ready copy for use
when printing an abstract book by ACS for each meeting.

1. The authors can use the ACS abstract form down-loaded from ACS meetings
web page from ACS meetings web page as folows:

2. Contact ACS Meetings Department by e-mail to request the original ACS
abstract form
(the hardcopy version) at the following address:

3. Call the ACS Meetings Department to request the original ACS abstract form
(the conventional hardcopy version) at the No:  1-800-227-5558 (press 9,
then 4)

4.  Contact the organizers to request an abstract form [During Sept
16-October 10, 1997, C. Song will be out of his office; please contact Ms.
Jackie Kunes at Penn State to request abstract form:  209 Academic Projects
Building, Penn State Univ., Univ. Park, PA 16802;  e-mail:
(Jackie Kunes);  tel:  814-865-0794;  fax:  814-865-3075 ].

- -  - -  - -  - - - -  - -  - -  - - - -  - -  - -  - - - -  - -  - -  - -
- -  - -  - -  - - - -  - -  - -  - -


ACS Division of Petroleum Chemistry publishes PREPRINTS volumes and
distributes them prior to National ACS Meetings to facilitate discussion of
papers. To insure high quality, papers are reviewed before publication.
The Session Chairman reviews the papers before accepting them for the
program.  The accepted papers are then submitted to the Managing Editor for
final review for conformance to PREPRINTS style and quality.  The final
edited copy is then prepared for publication by electronic typesetting.
All papers submitted must have three hard copies with one set of photo
quality figure, plus one electronic copy on diskette.  Disk format type
(IBM, Macintosh) as well as word processing format type (Word Perfect,
etc.), should appear on disk label as well as title of manuscript.  Disk
text should not contain any special function tags, i.e., tabs, bolding,
etc.  Authors who do not submit electronic text with their papers will be
assessed $12.50 per printed page to cover manual retyping.


1.	Spacing -- Papers must be double spaced to facilitate editing.

2.	Length -- Up to 5 printed pages.  A double-spaced 8.5 x 11 inch
page with 12  characters per lineal inch in the manuscript will be about
0.5 pages in PREPRINTS.  A page charge of $50.00 is made for each printed
page in  excess of five (5) including figures and tables.

3.	Original art -- figures, formulae photographs and tables -- must be
included.  The text is typeset to insure uniformity, but figures,
equations, formulae, photographs and long tables are replicated from your
copy.  This material will be electronically reduced to an appropriate size
if clarity allows.  Good crisp copy, with efficient layout, will improve
the appearance of your paper and minimize the space required.

4.	Heading -- A standard heading (example below) is used on all papers.

                                                     Title of Symposium
                                                 Date and Place of Meeting
                                                       Title of Paper
                                      Author(s), Association(s), Addresse(s)
                    Author's Phone Number (for Editor's questions.  Will
not be published)

5.	Key Words -- List three to five key words for indexing purposes.
6.	Literature Cited -- References are shown by a number in parenthesis
[i.e.,3)] following the point of reference.  These references may be listed
either alphabetically or in the order of occurrence in the LITERATURE CITED
section.  References must be complete and should conform to PREPRINTS style
as shown below:

Hutchings, G.J., Heneghan, C.S., Hudson, I.D., ACS Symposium Series, 638,
58 (1996).
Alivisatos, P., Science, 271, 933 (1996)

7.	Equations are designated in the text as Equation 1, etc.  The
equation itself is identified at the right-hand side with a number in half
parenthesis [i.e., 1)].

8. 	Conciseness -- Do not use tables and figures to present the same
data.  Use references for previously described equipment or processes.

9.	Deadlines -- Strict adherence to the deadlines provided by the
Symposium Organizer will facilitate timely publication and greatly increase
the chance of acceptance.


Chunshan Song, Ph.D.
Associate Professor & Associate Director  for Catalysis
Fuel Science Program & Lab for Hydrocarbon Proc Chem
Pennsylvania State University
209 Academic Projects Bldg
Univ Park, PA 16802-2303, USA

Tel:  814-863-4466  / Fax:  814-865-3075  / E-Mail:
Faculty web page: 
LHPC web page:   


QSAR and Related Phenomenon symposium

        Dear Computational Chemistry Enthusiasts:

This message is to remind you that there are a lot of time slots still
available in the QSAR and Related Phenomenon symposium which is taking
place during the 1998 Dallas Spring ACS meeting.  We are hoping to have
all facets of this interesting discipline represented at the symposium
ranging from new statisical approaches to new descriptor technology.
If you are interested in presenting a paper during this symposium, please
send your standard ACS abstract forms to me ASAP.  The deadline for receipt
of abstracts is October 20th, 1997.

        Please send abstracts to:

        Prof. Curt M. Breneman
        319A Cogswell Laboratory
        Department of Chemistry
        Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
        110 8th St, Troy, NY 12180


> From owner-chminf-l@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU  Sat Feb 28 12:47:24 1998
Date:         Sat, 28 Feb 1998 11:47:02 -0600
Reply-To: Andrea TwissBrooks 
From: Andrea Twiss-Brooks 
Subject:      ACS/Division of Chemical Information information
Status: RO
Content-Length: 685

As you make you plans for attending the American Chemical Society meeting
in Dallas, please include a visit to the Division of Chemical Information
web site (
Information available includes:

--Abstracts for technical session papers sponsored by CINF
--Schedule of committee meetings
--Information about social events, including the welcoming reception

You can also find advance information about CINF activities at the 216th
National Meeting to be held in Boston, August 1998, including the
Tri-Society Symposium, calls for papers, the Skolnik Award, and more.

Andrea Twiss-Brooks
Division of Chemical Information Webmaster


Modified: Fri Mar 13 17:05:33 1998 GMT
Page accessed 1829 times since Fri Oct 28 01:23:13 2005 GMT