Old Conferences
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Old Conferences
97.03.03 Multimedia in Science
97.03.03 Advancing New Lead Discovery
97.03.10 "Java/JavaScript for Science and Engineering Problems"
97.03.11 Chemical Information on the Internet and RSC CIG AGM
97.03.15 NATO MolModel & Dyn of Bio Mol with Metal Ions
97.03.17 6th UK MDL Users' Meeting
97.03.24 Supercomputing Techniques Workshop
97.03.24 Porous Materials: from Angstroms to Millimeters
97.04.02 Meeting annoucement in Catalysis Modelling
97.04.01 Parallel Computing Workshop
97.04.01 Undergraduate Fellowships at CCQC
97.04.02 Bioinformatics and Drug Discovery
97.04.11 Structural Biology Symposium 1997
97.04.12 NATO ASI on Protein Dynamics, Function and Design in April '97
97.04.10 Chemical Structure Association Internet Workshop
97.04.13 American Chemical Society - San Francisco
97.04.14 ACS seminar on Cerius2 software developer's kit
97.04.22 Virtual Molecules - the use of computers in drug design
97.04.23 NJ-ASIS meeting: Chemical Information
97.04.24 CTC Docking Workshop
97.04.28 Solid And Solution Phase Combinatorial Synthesis
97.04.30 Bioinformatics Conference
97.05.06 4th Indust. Appl. Scanned Probe Microscopy
97.05.13 ACS Course in Molecular Modeling
97.05.16 7th Asian Chemical Congress(6ACC)
97.05.16 26th Southeast Theoretical Chemistry Association (SETCA)
97.05.18 North American Catalysis Society Meeting
97.05.18 15th Meet. North American Catalysis Society
97.05.21 2nd Int. Symp. Algorithms in Macromolecular Modelling
97.05.23 5th Conference in Advanced Medicinal Chemistry
97.05.28 29th ACS Central Regional Meeting, Midland, Mich
97.05.30 Protein Engineering Symposium
97.06.01 - 97.08.01 CHEMCONF 97 (on the Web)
97.06.02 Virtual Workshop --Using Scientific Visualization offered by CTC
97.06.03 Virtual Course - Scientific Java and XML
97.06.03 to 25 Tripos Seminars: Pharma Res & Web
97.06.03 2nd Announcement for GAUSSIAN-94 WORKSHOP at NCSA
97.06.03 Gaussian Workshop at NCSA
97.06.07 FEBS-96
97.06.09 Emory Undergraduate Research Program
97.06.09 9th Internat. Congr. Quantum Chem ICQC 97
97.06.16 RSC Modelling Group Inaugural Meeting
97.06.17 Quantum Chemistry Symposium -- Open-Shell Calculations
97.06.18 Objects in Bioinformatics - Reusable Software
97.06.22 Midwestern Web Science Workshop
97.06.22 Teaching Chemical Information: Tips and Techniques
97.06.23 Data Management for Drug Discovery and Design
97.06.25 Wavefunction Comp Chem Workshops
97.06.25 Summer/Fall-97 Workshops on Computational Chemistry
97.06.25 Macromolecular Crystallography Workshop
97.06.27 Data Management for Drug Discovery and Design
97.06.28 ACS Central Regional Meeting - Midland MI
97.06.30 ECTOC-3: Final Reminder-Abstracts due by 25 April
97.06.30 DISCUSSION 106: Solid State Chemistry, UCL, London
97.06.30 ECTOC-3 on Organometallic Chemistry
97.07.01 Full-Potential LAPW calculations with WIEN97
97.07.08 and 97.07.09 Computers in Chemical Education Workshops
97.07.09 Intranets Explained - meeting announcement
97.07.10 Buckingham Conf (Opt/Elec/Magn. Properties of Molecules)
97.07.12 CSU Hayward, CA Wavefunction Educational Workshop
97.07.19 3rd Can Comp Chem Conf (3rd Announcement)
97.07.19 3rd Canadian Computational Chemistry Conference
97.07.20 PSC Sequence Analysis Workshop
97.07.20 1997 Gordon Conference on Catalysis
97.07.22 Symposium on Halon Replacements
97.07.23 American Crystallographics Association Meeting
97.07.23 Wavefunction Comp Chem Workshops
97.07.24 ESOR VI - European Symposium on Organic Reactivity
97.07.28 Parallel Processing on CRAY MPP Systems
97.07.28 Wavefunction Educational Workshop CalPoly, Pomona, CA
97.07.30 Wavefunction Educational Workshop Hendrix College, Conway AR
97.07.31 Wavefunction Educational Workshop U Richmond, VA
97.08.03 Intermolecular Interactions - Structural Chemistry Indaba II
97.08.17 36th IUPAC CONGRESS August 1997
97.08.19 ACS Course in Molecular Modeling
97.08.21 Chemometrics Conference CC'97 (Budapest)
97.09.00 CCL (de) Elektronen- und Vibrations"uberg"ange in Metallkomplexen - Theorie und optische Spektren
97.09.02 Modelling '97 Erlangen
97.09.02 Density Functional Theory -- Vienna
97.09.02 Computer Modelling of Biological Systems
97.09.06 Euroconference on Fullerenes 97
97.09.06 Int. School on Excited States and Transition Elements
97.09.07 ACS Las Vegas
97.09.08 Euro Sch. Microscopic Many-Body Theory & Appl
97.09.10 CCL:2nd Announcement - ICMSB97
97.09.10 Hydrogen Transfer: Experiment and Theory
97.09.10 2nd Int Conf Molec Struct Biology
97.09.11 Wavefunction Educational Workshop -- Seattle Un, WA
97.09.17 Wavefunction Comp Chem Workshops
97.09.17 Erlangen Conference 1997
97.09.21 Horizons in Hydrogen Bond Research
97.10.05 VIII Int. Symp. on Magnesium
97.10.10 2nd Announcement - ICMSB97
97.10.10 Hydrogen Transfer: Experiment and Theory
97.10.15 4th NASA Symposium Large Scale Anal & Design of HPC and Workstns
97.10.16 RSC CIG/CSA Autumn Meeting - Chemical structures and networking
97.10.18 Wavefunction Educational Workshop -- Wash U STL
97.11.01 ECCC-4 (Elec. Comp. Chem. Conf).
97.11.04 Corrosion and Materials Protection
97.11.05 Wavefunction Comp Chem Workshops
97.11.07 :Current Trends in Comp. Chemistry
97.11.11 New Trends in Atomic and Molecular Structure Teaching
97.11.15 final program for CANCUN 97 symposium on Comp chem education
97.12.xx Meeting on Combinatorial Chemistry (provisional)
97.12.15 Scientific & Technical Data Exchange & Integration
98.01.05 Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing
98.01.05 XII Int. Conf. Comp. in Chem. Res. and Educ.
98.01.05 2nd. School in Havana
98.03.29 ACS Dallas
98.07.12 XIVth Int Conf Phosphorus Chemistry
98.08.23 ACS Boston
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Old Conferences
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