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From Fri Oct 11 02:35:00 EDT 1996
Date: Thu, 10 Oct 1996 18:24:59 +0500
From: (Faculty)
Message-Id: <>
Subject: 98.01.05 XII Int. Conf. Comp. in Chem. Res. and Educ.

               XII International Conference on Computers              
                 in  Chemical  Research  and Education                 
                             (XII ICCCRE)                             
                          SECOND ANNOUNCEMENT                          

It is our pleasure to invite you to the XII   International Conference 
on Computers in Chemical Research  and  Education  (ICCCRE)  which  is 
being organised at University of Pune, India  from  January  5  to  9, 
1998.  We are happy to inform you  that  we  have  received  excellent 
response from all over the world  and  many  eminent  scientists  have 
agreed to participate in the conference.  Some  of  the  speakers  who 
have already accepted our invitation are : 
Professor/Dr. A. L. Parrill-Baker, S.P. Bhattacharyya,  C.J.  Cramer, 
E.R. Davidson, M.J. Field, S.R. Gadre, F.A.  Gianturco,  K.  Hirao, 
S. Iwata, R.S. Lamba,  H.P. Luthi, P. Lykos, A.R. Moll,  M.  Marsili, 
C. Middlecamp,  K.  Raghavachari,  M.  Rami  Reddy,  A.P.   Rendell, 
S. Ramasesha,  H.F. Schaefer III, N.  Sathyamurthy,  J.J.P.  Stewart, 
W. Torop, I.K. Ugi, R. Viswanathan, N. Yathindra, S.E. Yoo, 
M.C. Zerner et al. The list is still expanding !      

The tentative program of the conference is given below.

Date        9.00-12.00            13.00-15.00           15.30-18.00
        Invited + Contributed    Poster Session    Invited + Contributed    
        Lectures                                   Lectures
Jan 5         T1                     P1                    T2

Jan 6         T2                     P2                    T3

Jan 7         T3                     P3                 Excursion

Jan 8         T4                     P4                    T5

Jan 9         T4                     P5                    T6   

The topics listed above are as follows.

T1 : Semi-Empirical, Ab initio and Density Functional Methods

T2 : Electronic journals, Publishing, Conferencing and Networks

T3 : Molecular modeling, Quantitative structure-Activity Relationship

T4 : Computers in Chemical Education

T5 : Artificial  intelligence,  Chemometrics, Neutral  networks  and 
     their chemical applications

T6 : New Algorithms and  Techniques  in  computational  chemistry  and 
     parallel computing

P1 : Topics covered under T1.

P2 : Topics under T3.

P3 : Topics discussed in T2 and T5.

P4 : Topics under T6.

P5 : Topics covered in T4.

On three days, there may be evening lectures from 19:30 to 20:30.
  Award Announcement :  

To commemorate the Golden Jubilee of India's Independence we are pleased
to announce TWO prizes, one each in the category of contributed lectures
and posters for the best presentation.


Information on Abstracts :

Abstracts for invited talks/contributory presentations/posters  should 
be submitted not later than July 31, 1997 to 

Dr. Shridhar R. Gadre
Department of Chemistry
University of Pune
Pune-411 007. (INDIA)
fax : 0091-212-351728
e-mail :

The printed area must be contained within a rectangle of  size  234  x 
156 mm (9.2" x 6.1").  Top 50 mm should be used  only  for  title  and 
Authors' name/s and address/es.  For title, a font size of 14 in  bold 
face is recommended.  The name and address may be done  in  font  size 
12.  Abstract should be preferably written  in  MS WORD or Mac WORD 
software (1.5 line spacing) using Times font  with a font size of 10.  
In case of unavailability of WORD the abstract may be written using 
any software.  The abstract should fit in one A4 size page.  
References denoted by  superscript  numbers  in  the  text  and 
should be listed at the  end  of  the  text  using  standard  Chemical 
Abstracts Source Service Index (CASSI) terminology, followed by  YEAR, 
VOLUME AND PAGE.   Please  note  that  abstracts  will  be  reproduced 
directly from the authors' originals and  hence  2  copies  should  be 
mailed without folding the paper.  A book of abstracts of all oral and 
poster contributions will be distributed at the meeting.

The registration fees for the participants from abroad are :

US$ 300  for  non-students  and  US$ 150  for  students.    The 
registration fees should be paid  before  July  31,  1997.   The  late 
registration fees  are  US$ 400  (non  students)   and  US$ 200 
(students) only upto September 30, 1997. Equivalent amount in British
pounds, Deutsche  marks or Japanese yens or of course, Indian Rupees is also
acceptable.  The fees are non-refundable.

The registration fees should be paid by demand-draft /banker's draft
in  the  name  of "The Registrar, University of Pune" payable at the 
State Bank of India, Pune.   Payment is also acceptable by visa and master 
card.  Please contact us  for  fuller  details  before  effecting  the 
The current exchange rate is approximately Rs.36 per US$.

Travel :

The participants are requested to book their flight arriving at Mumbai 
(Bombay) International airport.  There are  some  domestic  connecting 
flights from Mumbai to Pune.  You should try to  get  such  connecting 
flight (if available) to  reach  Pune.   Upon  your  arrival  at  Pune 
(domestic) airport, arrangements will be made to carry you  upto  your 
Hotel/conference site.  For the participants who do not have connecting 
flights from Mumbai to Pune, special  arrangements  may  be  made  to 
provide ground transportation  upto  Pune.   Our  volunteers  will  be 
available on  the  airport to receive you if you send us your  arrival 
schedule  in  advance  (at least 30 days before the conference).

For further information on Pune University  and  Pune  city,  you  may 
visit the web site
For travel information around Pune you may visit

For travel with in Maharashtra State visit web sites

Weather in Pune

The maximum and minimum temperatures in Pune  in  January  are  around 
27 and 7 degrees Celsius respectively.  Normally there are no  rains 
around  this time and relative humidity is normally less than 40%.

Hotels :

The accommodation is arranged in various hotels in Pune.   Your  room 
may be booked in any of the following hotels.  Please tell us your two 
preferences and we shall be happy to do the room booking for you.  All 
hotels accept credit cards( at least VISA and MASTER CARD ).

1.   Hotel  Span  Executive ; Revenue Colony, Shivaji Nagar, 
                                   Pune-411005, India.
     (Facilities : Luxury rooms, hot and cold water with showers,
     channel  music,  television,  round  the  clock   service,   pure 
     vegetarian breakfast)
     Rates : about Rs.400/- or US$12 per person per day(with double

2.   Hotel Pride Executive ; 5, University Road, Shivajinagar,
                                   Pune-411005, India.
     This hotel belongs to a higher class.
     (Facilities : Excellent quality luxury rooms, hot and cold  water 
     with   showers,  channel  music,  television,  round  the  clock 
     service, breakfast, fruit basket, swimming  pool) 
     Rates  :  about Rs.2000/- or US$60 per person per day
     (with double occupancy).

3.   Hotel Sahara ; Senapati Bapat Road, Pune-411 007, India.
     (Facilities : Luxury rooms, hot and cold water with showers, free 
     shoe polishing, laundry service, channel music, television, round 
     the clock service, pure vegetarian breakfast).
     Rates : about Rs.350/- or US$11 per person per day  (on  double 
     occupancy basis).

4.   Hotel Ranjit, 870/7 Bhandarkar Institute Road,  Deccan  Gymkhana, 
     Pune-411 004.  
     (Facilities : Round the clock service, laundry service, cold  and 
     hot water, doctor on call,  breakfast,  car  rental,  two-channel 
     Rates : Rs.400/- or US$12 per person per day (with double occupancy).

Sponsors for the Conference :

     University of Pune
     Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi

Co-sponsors :

     National Chemical Laboratory (NCL), Pune
     Centre for Development of Advanced Computing(C-DAC), Pune
                        HOPE TO SEE YOU IN PUNE
                          IN JANUARY 1998 !



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