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Message 6
From Thu Feb 20 20:22:00 EST 1997
From: <>
Date: 20 Feb 97 20:13:21 +0000
Subject: 97.10.15 4th NASA Symposium Large Scale Anal & Design of HPC and Workstns

Message-Id: <AF3260F1-E8BC2@>

Dear HPC Colleague,

We would appreciate if you would help us (NASA) with Symposium publicity
by posting this Call For Papers and including it in your E-mail or other
distribution lists to colleagues solving large-scale applications.  As
note, Gary Smaby and John Toole will speak on "The future of HPC".

Thanks and best wishes,

Olaf O. Storaasli  757-864-2927

         +++++++++++ CALL FOR PARTICIPATION  +++++++++++

4th NASA National Symposium on Large-Scale Analysis and Design
         on High-Performance Computers and Workstations
                              Oct. 15-17, 1997
                  Hospitality House (special $76 rate)
                          Williamsburg, Virginia

                    +++++++++++ SPONSOR ++++++++++++

NASA Langley Research Center in cooperation with DoE, DoD, Intel, IBM,
Boeing-Douglas, Caltech-JPL, ODU, Virginia Tech, MSC, EMRC, Algor, ANSYS,
CENTRIX, Northrup-Grumman, Lockheed-Martin, Ford, University of Michigan

The NASA Symposium offers a unique opportunity for interactions between and
analysts (structures, electromagnetics and other disciplines), and
developers of high- performance computers (HPC) and workstations. Gary
Smaby, the leading HPC expert
(often quoted in the Wall Street Journal), will participate as our banquet
John C. Toole, director of the National HPC Coordination Office in the
Executive Office
of the President and NASA and Key Industry leaders will deliver a Keynote

                        +++++++++++ TOPIC AREAS ++++++++++++

We welcome your participation and encourage you to E-mail (plain text or
postscript) 2-4 page abstracts and/or 1-page panel discussion proposals by
April 15 in the following areas:

Development and/or Application of Efficient Algorithms for:
- Direct, iterative, (non)linear, sequential/parallel equation solution 
- Numerical Solution Methods, Problem decomposition, Load balancing
- Static, Dynamic, Thermal, Composite Structural Analysis
- Electromagnetic, Acoustic and Flow Analysis
- Design-Optimization-Sensitivity (Aeroelastic/interdisiplinary)
- Efficient processor/memory use, Robustness, Portability & Scalability
- software/programming/networking tools for seamless computing
- Large-scale applications of all types (Structures, Electromagnetics ....)

to  Upon acceptance, authors will be asked to
full papers which will be reviewed and published electronically (NASA
Technical Report Server) as well as hardcover proceedings and in a special
issue of the International Journal on Advances in Engineering Software
Including Computing Systems in Engineering (Elsevier Applied Sciences). 
The Atanasoff (Cash) Prize  will be awarded to the best paper.

+++++++++++ PROGRAM COMMITTEE +++++++++++

Jerry Housner (
Olaf Storaasli (
Duc Nguyen (
Majdi Baddourah (
Mike Puso (
Tom Cully (
Kumar Kothawala (
Nagarajan (
Sam Schwartz (
Jiang Gong (
Raju Namburu (
Kumar Bhatia (
Ed Plaskacz(
Charles Rankin (
Ahmed Noor (
David Scott (
John Nelson ( 
Gene Poole (
Al Heirich (
Mark Jones (

+++++++++++ FURTHER INFORMATION +++++++++++



Modified: Sat Apr 19 04:51:49 1997 GMT
Page accessed 1385 times since Fri Oct 28 01:23:33 2005 GMT