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Message 9
From Wed Dec 18 08:19:00 EST 1996
From: "Andreas Parusel" <>
Message-Id: <>
Date: Wed, 18 Dec 1996 13:45:17 +0100
Subject: 97.09.21 Horizons in Hydrogen Bond Research

Further informations can be recieved via:

XIIth Conference-Workshop

                   Horizons in Hydrogen
                         Bond Research

Sporthotel Nieder=F6blarn
                            Styria, Austria
                      September 21 - 26, 1997

General Information

You are cordially invited to take part in the XIIth Conference-Workshop
"Horizons in Hydrogen
Bond Research" to be held at the Sporthotel Nieder=F6blarn, located in th=
e alpine
region of the
Niedere Tauern in Styria, Austria, from September 21 - 26, 1997.

Scope and Program

The scientific program will reflect current hydrogen bond research with
particular emphasis on
dynamics studies as well as on biological systems and advanced materials.=
scientific program
will include oral and poster contributions and invited lectures, highligh=
selected topics,
among others:

     Theoretical aspects of hydrogen bonding
     Hydrogen bond research by modern spectroscopy
     Gas phase spectroscopy on hydrogen-bonded dimers and clusters
     Dynamics in vibronically and electronically excited states
     Hydrogen bonding in biological systems, advanced materials, and mole=

Conference Site and Accomodation

The workshop will be held at the Sporthotel in Nieder=F6blarn in Styria, =
The village is
situated in the charming valley of the Enns inbetween the Niedere Tauern =
in the
south and the
Dachstein area in the north. It is easily reached by train from Salzburg,=
and Vienna.

The Sporthotel is a state-owned resort and provides lodging and full boar=
d and
all the necessary
conference facilities.

Pre-Registration and Second Circular

The registration fee is 3800.-- ATS and covers lodging and full board fro=
Sunday, Sept. 21,
evening to Friday, Sept. 26, lunch. To obtain the second circular,
pre-registration should be sent
not later than February 28, 1997 to:

Dr. Gottfried K=F6hler
Institut f=FCr Theoretische Chemie und Strahlenchemie
University of Vienna
Althanstra=DFe 14
A-1090 Vienna, Austria

Tel.: 0043-1-31336 1574 or 1580

Pre-registration can also be done by FAX: 0043-1-31336 790

Online pre-registration at the WWW is available here.

International Advisory Board

        A.J. Barnes             A. Potier
        S. Bratos               H. Ratajczak
        G.S. Denisov            C. Sandorfy
        D. Hadzi                L. Sobczyk
        L. Kimtys               N.D. Sokolov
        J. Kroon                S. Vinogradov
        W.A.P. Luck             M. Wiewiorowski
        Y. Marechal             Th. Zeegers-Huyskens
        I. Olovson              G. Zundel
        W.B. Person

Organizing Committee

        P. Schuster             G. Grabner
                                A. Karpfen
                                G. Koehler
                                W. Mikenda
                                W. Robien
                                P. Wolschann

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  Andreas Parusel                                                   

  Department of Theoretical Chemistry and Radiation Chemistry     

  Althanstr. 14                   A-1090 Vienna                       =3D=

  Tel +43 1 31336 1572            Fax  +43 1 31336 790                =3D=


Modified: Sat Apr 19 04:51:51 1997 GMT
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