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Message 10
From Wed Dec 18 20:09:00 EST 1996
From: Walter Bauer <>
Message-Id: <>
Subject: CCL:Erlangen Conference 1997

Date: Wed, 18 Dec 1996 18:00:07 +0100 (MET)

                      University of Erlangen-Nuremberg

                       Institute of Organic Chemistry


          Conference information is available on our WWW mirror sites:    (Germany)                (US)


              Second International Conference on the Chemistry
                   of the Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals

                           September 17 - 20, 1997
                              Erlangen, Germany



Paul von Rague Schleyer and Walter Bauer,
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany


Institute of Organic Chemistry,
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg,
Henkestrasse 42,
D-91054 Erlangen, Germany.
Erlangen is located in Northern Bavaria, ca. 170 km north of Munich, ca. 180
km east of Frankfurt, and 15 km north of Nuremberg.

                               Local Committee

   * Walter Bauer, Chairman
   * Tim Clark
   * Rudi van Eldik
   * Frank Hampel
   * Andreas Hirsch
   * Nico J. R. van Eikema Hommes

                               Advisory Board

   * Hans Bock
   * David B. Collum
   * Reinhard W. Hoffmann
   * Hans Reich
   * Ron Snaith
   * Dietmar Stalke
   * Paul G. Williard

                              Plenary Lecturers

   * Gernot Boche
   * Hans Bock
   * Dieter Seebach
   * Ron Snaith

                              Invited Speakers

   * Friedrich Bickelhaupt
   * Lambert Brandsma
   * William Clegg
   * David B. Collum
   * Ojvind Davidsson
   * Ulf Edlund
   * Harald Guenther
   * Reinhard W. Hoffmann
   * Nico J. R. van Eikema Hommes
   * Dieter Hoppe
   * Gerhard W. Klumpp
   * Adalbert Maercker
   * Colin Marsden
   * Hans Reich
   * Dietmar Stalke
   * Andrew Streitwieser
   * Paul G. Williard
   * Dominic S. Wright


                             General Information

The Second International Conference on the Chemistry of the Alkali and
Alkaline Earth Metals succeeds the First Conference held in Cambridge,
England, in September 1994. The Conference will be organized by Paul von
Ragui Schleyer and Walter Bauer (both Erlangen). Two events will contribute
to the scope of the Conference: the 100th birthday of Georg Wittig and the
impending retirement of Paul Schleyer from Erlangen. The Conference will be
limited to a total of ca. 180 persons.

                        Scope and Scientific Program

The Conference, consisting of plenary and invited lectures, will focus on
experimental and theoretical results of all aspects of the chemistry of
alkali and alkaline earth metals. Posters will be exhibited in the
Institute's near-by Computer Chemistry Center.

                   Conference Facilities and Social Events

The Conference will begin with a welcome mixer at the Foyer of the Institute
of Organic Chemistry on Wednesday evening, September 17. Lectures will be
given in the main lecture hall of the Institute. The conference dinner on
Friday will be held in the Computer Chemistry Center, an 8 min. walk from
the Institute. The Conference will end on Saturday evening, September 20,
Click here to look up the conference locations on a city map (940k, .gif).


Hotel reservations can be made via the Erlangen tourist office. Forms will
be supplied in the second circular to those who have pre-registered. The
prices per night for a single bed room range between DM 70.- to 120.- for
economy and DM 130.- to 200.- for luxury hotels. Many hotels in Erlangen are
within walking distance of the Institute and the Computer Chemistry Center.


Travel by air: Erlangen may be reached easily via the nearby Nuremberg
airport (ca. 15 km). Taxis to Erlangen cost ca. DM 50 = US $ 34. Cars may be
rented at Nuremberg airport for those who plan sightseeing.

Travel by train: There is train service from Frankfurt airport to Erlangen
via Nuremberg. German "Intercity" lines lead to Erlangen and to Nuremberg
where connections to Erlangen depart every 20 - 30 min. Detailed schedules
will be provided to those who pre-register.

Travel by car: Participants may reach Erlangen easily via the Autobahn A73.
This connects to the A9 from Berlin, the A9 from Munich, or the A3 from
Frankfurt. Detailed information will be provided to those who pre-register.

                             Tourist Information

Erlangen has ca. 100,000 inhabitants and is near the beautiful "Frankonian
Switzerland" ("Fraenkische Schweiz") landscape. Lovely medieval towns like
Bamberg, Bayreuth, Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Wuerzburg, and Regensburg are
close by. The famous Munich "Oktoberfest" will start on September 20, 1997.

                             Climate and Weather

The climate in Erlangen is fairly mild in mid September. The average
temperatures are ca. 15 oC, ranging from 10 to 22 oC during the day. Rainy
days are not unusual during Fall in Germany. 

                        Exhibitions and Sponsorships

Scientific books, software, computers, and labware will be exhibited during
the Conference. Sponsors are cordially invited to participate.


The Conference language will be English.


                          Pre-registration via WWW

You may pre-register via WWW by filling out the pre-registration form
which is available on:

Pre-registration deadline will be March 31, 1997. The 2nd and final circular
and the main registration form will be mailed automatically to those who
have pre-registered.


                              Participants List

A list of pre-registered participants may be looked up under:


                               Lecture Titles

The titles of the lectures may be looked up under:


                                Poster Titles

Titles of scheduled posters may be looked up under:


                           Conference Secretariat

Priv.-Doz. Dr. Walter Bauer
Dr. Frank Hampel
Institute of Organic Chemistry
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Henkestrasse 42
D-91054 Erlangen

   * +49 9131 85 29 -87 or -91 (Bauer)
   * +49 9131 85 29 -52 or -88 (Hampel)

FAX +49 9131 85 9132

     (Germany mirror site)
     (US mirror site)


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