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Message 11
From Thu Jun 27 07:04:00 EDT 1996
From: "Hellfried Schreiber" <>
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 1996 12:10:28 -0600
X-Mailer: Z-Mail (3.2.0 26oct94 MediaMail)
Subject: 97.09.10 2nd Int Conf Molec Struct Biology

                         FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT

   S E C O N D  I N T E R N A T I O N A L  C O N F E R E N C E  O N

          M O L E C U L A R  S T R U C T U R A L  B I O L O Y

                        >>  I C M S B  97 <<

                       10.-14. SEPTEMBER 1997

                          VIENNA, AUSTRIA

The first ICMSB, organised by the Biophysical Chemistry subgroup of the
Austrian Chemical Society (GOeCH), was held in Vienna in September 1995,
and brought together a truly international group of scientists, from the
fields of X-ray crystallography, NMR, molecular biology, structure
prediction and computer modeling.
The ICMSB97 will again bring together leading scientists from the wide
range of topics that molecular structural biology encompasses, providing
a stimulating forum for interaction and discussion between the different

The conference will take place in the beautiful central european city of
Vienna.The unique blend of culture, history, and natural surroundings
makes Vienna a very attractive conference location. The conference will
take place from the evening of Wednesday 10. September to the afternoon
of Sunday 14. Following the honorary lecture, which will be given by
Dr. Max Perutz, on Wednesday evening, the next four days will include
plenary lectures given by outstanding scientists from all over the world,
plus short communications which will be selected from abstract submissions,
and poster sessions. In addition, an entertainment and social programme
will provide the participants with a taste of the cultural side of Vienna.

Preliminary Programme:

Session:                       Invited Speakers (preliminary):

Structure and Prediction       S. Benner, H. Michel, D. Moras, G. Rose,
                               B. Rost, M. Sippl

Macromolecular Interactions    A. Frankel, O. Jardetzky, R. Rigler

Catalysis and Drug Design      R. Lerner, A. Wlodawer

Folding                        R. Baldwin, K. Dill, F. Hartl, M. Karplus,
                               P. Schuster


Participation Fees
                          Early Fee                  Late Fee
                    (before May 31. 1997)       (after May 31. 1997)

Regular....................5.000,- ATS...............5.600,- ATS
GOeCH Member...............4.000,- ATS...............4.500,- ATS
Student....................2.500,- ATS...............3.000,- ATS
Accompanying person........1.000,- ATS...............1.500,- ATS

The fee for regular participants, GOeCH members, and students, includes
the full scientific programme, the Conference Proceedings (which will be
published with an ISBN number), lunch from Thursday to Sunday, coffee
breaks, and the entertainment programme. Accompanying persons attend only
the entertainment programme.


Early Registration/Abstract Submission      May 31. 1997

Please complete and return the attached Pre-Registration Form in order to
receive the Second Announcement for ICMSB97, which contains the full scientific
and social programmes, and all details necessary for attending the conference,
including the procedure for submission of abstracts, and accommodation forms.

Conference Secretariat:       Biophysical Chemistry Subgroup
                              Dr. Andreas Kungl
                              Gesellschaft Oesterreichischer Chemiker
                              Nibelungengasse 11, A-1010 Wien, Austria
                              Tel. (+43) 1 587 42 49    Fax. (+43) 1 587 89 66



Surname.............................First Name.................................







Please circle the appropriate category:      Regular / GOeCH Member / Student

Do you intend to bring (an)
accompanying person(s):                      Yes / No



|                                                                             |
|                           Hellfried Schreiber, Ph.D.                        |
|                                                                             |
|                                       |                                     |
|  Institute for Theoretical Chemistry  |                                     |
|  Theoretical Biochemistry Group       |   Mail:        |
|  Waehrigerstrasse 17                  |   Voice: +43 1 40480 - 618          |
|  A-1090 Wien, Austria, Europe         |   FAX:   +43 1 4028525              |
|                                       |                                     |


Modified: Sat Apr 19 04:51:51 1997 GMT
Page accessed 1354 times since Mon Oct 24 21:52:45 2005 GMT