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Message 19
From Mon Jan 27 08:36:00 EST 1997
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 1997 14:33:53 +0100 (MET)
From: "Modelling '97" <>
Subject: 97.09.02 Modelling '97 Erlangen

Model(l)ing '97

Model(l)ing '97 is the annual international meeting of the MGMS, which is
being organised in cooperation with WATOC for the first time. The meeting
will take place from Tuesday, September 2nd to Friday September 5th 1997
at the Institut fuer Organische Chemie and the Computer-Chemie-Centrum of
the Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg in Erlangen, Germany.  All lectures
except for those on Wednesday, September 3rd are by invitation.
Wednesday's sessions have been reserved for submitted lectures by young
scientists (postdocs or non-tenured academic staff), who are invited to
submit their contributions as outlined below. Two parallel sessions will
emphasise biological/ pharmaceutical methods and applications (Session A) 
and calculational methodology and non-biological applications (Session B).

Conference fees  are as follows:

                           MGMS or WATOC members     non-members

Normal particpant:
    before 1.6.97		DM 400.-                DM 500.-
    after 1.6.97                DM 550.-                DM 650.-

Student participants:
    before 1.6.97               DM 200.-                DM 250.-
    after 1.6.97                DM 275.-                DM 325.-

Program and registration details are available from:

         Dr. T. Clark
         Model(l)ing '97
         Naegelsbachstraae 25
         D-91052 Erlangen

         FAX:    +49-(0)9131-856565


The Molceular Graphics and Modelling Society (MGMS) is pleased to announce
that it will be awarding a total of eight bursaries for young scientists
for the Model(l)ing '97 conference in Erlangen, Germany, from 2-5 Sept. 

For details of the conference see:

Bursaries will be awarded to graduate students or postdocs who give a
lecture or present a poster at the conference. Note that the deadline for
lecture submissions (originally May 1st) has been extended to June 1st to
allow applications for bursaries. The deadline for poster submissions from
bursary-applicants is also June 1st, not July 1st as for other posters. 

The bursaries will include conference regstration, accomodation in an
economy room and a contribution towards travel expenses. Applications
should be via the electronic registration facility availble through the
above URL and should be accompanied by a recommendation from the
supervisor emeiled to

Decisions as to the winners of the bursaries will be announced on June

Model(l)ing '97 
Computer Chemie Centrum -  Institut f. Organische Chemie I
Naegelsbachstrasse 25   -  D-91052 Erlangen
Deutschland / Germany

Tel: 0049-9131 - 85 6581  Fax: 0049-9131 - 85 6565


Modified: Tue May 6 13:07:07 1997 GMT
Page accessed 1520 times since Mon Oct 24 21:52:32 2005 GMT