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Message 21
From Thu Jul 25 03:19:00 EDT 1996
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 1996 09:19:05 +0200 (MET-DST)
From: MORGANTINI Pierre-Yves <>
Subject: 97.08.17 36th IUPAC CONGRESS August 1997

                             36th IUPAC CONGRESS
                 Organized by the New Swiss Chemical Society
                   Geneva, Switzerland, August 17-22, 1997
For more informations, please see our WWW pages at:
On behalf of the New Swiss Chemical Society and the Organizing Committee, we
cordially invite you to participate in the 36th IUPAC Congress to be held in
Geneva, Switzerland, during the week Sunday, 17th August-Friday, 22nd August
It  is a great honor for us to host this prestigious Congress which was held
only once before in Switzerland (Zurich, 1955). The Congress will provide  a
unique  opportunity  for academic and industrial chemists  from  around  the
world  to exchange ideas, expertise and experience on topics related to  the
theme Frontiers in Chemistry, New Perspectives for the 2000s. The aim of the
organizers  is to bring together distinguished experts not only  to  present
their  work but to discuss the major scientific and technological challenges
facing chemistry in the next millennium.
The  scientific program will consist of plenary lectures and  five  parallel
streams  of  contributed  lectures, each session beginning  with  a  keynote
lecture  given by an acknowledged expert in the relevant field. In addition,
ample time will be available for poster sessions.
Geneva situated on the edge of the biggest lake in Europe, surrounded  by  a
scenic  countryside, and close to the snow-capped Mont Blanc  range,  offers
many  opportunities  for  excursions and recreation  which  will  appeal  to
tourists of all ages.
We  extend  a  warm  invitation to all scientists  to  participate  in  this
Congress and we look forward to seeing you in Geneva in 1997 !
    Professor Jacques Weber
    Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the 36th IUPAC Congress
and Professor Alexander von Zelewsky
    President of the New Swiss Chemical Society
The  conference  program  will  include Plenary  Lectures,  Section  Keynote
Lectures, Invited and Contributed Oral Papers, and Poster Presentations.
The Scientific Committee has selected the following interdisciplinary themes
that will provide a framework for lectures and discussions:
* Advanced Materials
* Catalysis and Synthetic Methods
* Molecular Properties and Reactions Pathways
* Medicinal Chemistry and Combinatory Chemistry
* Supramolecular Chemistry and Biomolecular Recognition
* Advances in Computational Chemistry
* Chemistry and Society
These themes will be presented concurrently in five parallel sessions in the
traditional  fields of Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical  and
Technical  Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry and Nanosciences,  Chemistry  and
* Date
Sunday, August 17 to Friday, August 22, 1997
* Venue
Centre International de Conferences de Geneve, 15-17, rue de Varembe,
CH-1211 Geneve 20
* Language
The  official language of the conference will be English. No facilities  for
translation or interpretation will be available.
* Exhibition
An   exhibition  by  scientific  companies  will  be  held  in  the   Centre
International de Conferences de Geneve, Geneva.
* Accommodation and Social Events
A  choice of accommodation at various price categories will be available  in
Geneva  and  may  be  reserved  at  time of  registration.  A  program  form
accompanying  persons, together with pre-and post-conference tours  will  be
* Visa
IUPAC sponsorship implies that entry visas will be granted to all bona  fide
chemists,  provided  application is made  not  less  than  three  months  in
If  a  visa  is  not  granted  one  month  before  the  meeting,  the  IUPAC
Secretariat,  c/o  Bank  Court  Chambers 2, 3 Pound  Way,  Templars  Square,
Coweley,  Oxford  OX4  3YF,  UK, should be notified  without  delay  by  the
* Further information
Further information will be sent in the Second Circular which may beobtained
by writing to the conference secretariat:
  c/o AKM Congress Service
  P.O. Box 37
  CH-1218 Le Grand-Saconnex / GE, Switzerland
  Phone: ++41 22 / 761.16.61
  Fax:   ++41 22 / 761.16.62
* Executive Secretariat
     36th IUPAC'97
     Prof. Jacques Weber
     Section de Chimie
     Universite de Geneve - Sciences II
     30, quai E. Ansermet
     CH-1211 Geneve 4, Suisse
     Phone: ++41 22 / 702.65.30
     Fax:   ++41 22 / 702.65.18
* Administration Secretariat
     36th IUPAC'97
     c/o AKM Congress Service
     P.O. Box 37
     CH-1218 Le Grand-Saconnex
     Phone: ++41 22 / 761.16.61
     Fax:   ++41 22 / 761.16.62
* Mailing Second Circular
September 15, 1996
* Submission of abstracts
February 28, 1997
* Notification of acceptance
April 30, 1997
* Deadline early registration
May 15, 1997
For more informations, please see our WWW pages at:
*      Pierre-Yves Morgantini          * Phone     (41-22) 702 65 24 (direct) *
*       Assistant  Professor           *           (41-22) 702 61 11          *
*       University of Geneva           *                                      *
* Department of Physical Chemistry     * FAX       (41-22) 702 65 18          *
*     30, quai Ernest Ansermet         *                                      *
*   1211 GENEVA 4  (Switzerland)       * INTERNET     *


Modified: Sat Apr 19 04:51:56 1997 GMT
Page accessed 1644 times since Fri Oct 28 01:23:44 2005 GMT